M1 to avoid pallet stun on pickup

I've seen a few videos on youtube & twitch where the killer picks up a survivor at a pallet, is about to get pallet stunned, but the killer M1 (attacks) and somehow they avoid the pallet stun.
I'm really unsure what is happening there, and what role if any the M1 does in avoiding the stun.
I have a few explanation:
- M1 while carrying a survivor somehow grants invulnerability against stunning
- M1 lets the killer move quickly away from the pallet, quicker than plain movement.
- M1 doesn't help any, the survivor just dropped the pallet too early
Which explanation is the correct one?
I believe its #2 but you need to be jussssst on the edge of the pallet when you pick the survivor up.
You basically get as far away from the pallet as you can while still getting the "Pick up" prompt.
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On a related sidenote: killers have next to no tools to screw with survivors perception, while they have a whole toolkit of spins, 360s, fake window vaults, dumb techs etc.
I would love for killers to have a true fake pickup, like hold shift while picking a survivor up to start the pickup animation and then auto drop the survivor before you hoist them up.
With killers like Demo or Hag you can sometimes ferret inexperienced survivors out by using your power instead of starting the pickup, but I would really love for killers to have some native options to play around and try to mindgame survivors instead of just being big, dumb brutes that can only tank control.
A fake palette kick/interruptable kick could be another fake arsenal that wouldn't be too strong, but help spice things up a bit.
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When a survivor is hit they lose colision with the killer. If a survivor runs up or behind the killer for the pallet save. The killer can hit the survivor to move freely outside the pallet's hitbox. The killer has to be barely in the pallet to begin with.
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notice how sometimes when you swing at a pallet with an m1 the animation for the swing plays out THEN you get stunned? Basically that.
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How about this: killer picks up survivor, puts over shoulder, THEN…..
uses their free hand to keep the pallet in place as they walk away! 🤣
Like… killer has a free hand. Can’t even put it up over it’s eyes to prevent flashlight blinds, needs a perk.
Give killers some alternative keybind or controller button to do things with their free hand besides just attack.