Total of Two Games Played as Huntress with One Loss...

...and this is how I'm being matchmade. Not even P2 on Huntress yet.


  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 613

    Yep. This. And, anecdotally, most of them go down relatively quickly and a lot suicide on first hook (happens both when I play killer and survivor).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,843
    edited February 2023

    It wasn't that time played has no correlation to skill whatsoever, but that prestige level is not indicative of time played or skill level.

    And for the record, the MMR system currently in dbd is terrible, for lack of a better word, but it takes ~10 games to find an okay-ish place for you within the system. Your ranking is incredibly volitile before that and subsequently one single victory will send you rocketing up in rating even if you're brand new.

    Also you're rank 1, clearly you've been playing at least a little bit on some other killers. You'll be fine.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing.

    When you play a new killer, you get matchmade at (apparently) just below the MMR of your highest MMR killer.

    Don't ask me why.

    That said:

    That's...literally not what they said.

    Nobody said 'hours played'. They said 'prestige'.

    I used to, for example, stick a whole bunch of killer BP into my Cheryl before I even started playing survivor.

    Time played = experience. Prestige doesn't mean much, as this could easily be a killer main.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I also notice you're iridescent one. Mmr is a bit mysterious but I'd assume since you can get that rank that you're a pretty good killer player. And I think killer mmr is supposed to be tied to a certain limit around your highest mmr character. Which sucks. Makes learning new killers incredibly tough. I can't play huntress or blight to save my life. Deathslinger and twins are weak af but I still see games like this because with demo I have a very good record.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 613

    To add on to what GoodBoyKaru and Starlost said - think of it this way - let’s say the higher prestige survivors had dailies for other survivors and those survivors had only been prestiged to p1, you wouldn’t even bat an eye at the lobby. The outcome of that match would have been the same regardless - maybe you would have won, maybe they would be really good. It’s essentially just the system placing you regardless in your first x amount of matches.

    anecdotally, I’m just a pretty average survivor. I dump a lot of go into my survivor main though and I get lobby dodged a bit, and I think it’s because of my prestige.

    imo prestige just needs to be hidden, until after the match at least.

    I get the frustration, I really do, learning huntress was a long and somewhat rough experience for me because there’s a lot of things with her base kit that takes a huge amount of time and practice (aimin, arcing, etc).

  • kjolnir
    kjolnir Member Posts: 47

    Think of it this way: A plumber with 20 years experience is almost certainly going to be more skilled at plumbing than a plumber who just graduated from trade school and got their license.

    What you're arguing flies in the face of common sense and nobody makes this argument outside of video games. Because it's utterly foolish and everyone knows it. The correlation isn't 1:1, nobody's arguing that, but to argue an utter lack of correlation between time played and player skill is nonsense.

    I'm not even trying to "learn Huntress," I'm just taking her to P3 and maybe never touching her again. That's got nothing to do with what's going on here.

    It's patently absurd on its face that this is the way matchmaking works. Everyone knows MMR doesn't work, and MMR should't even carry between Killers the way it currently does. Several of them play so differently from each other that the baseline player skill set might not even matter from one to the next.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Your starting mmr for a new killer is not the default baseline, but a function of your mmr on killers you do play. The soft cap and matchmaking range do the rest.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    Unfortunately it’s because we realistically don’t have separate killer mmr’s even though that’s how it was originally hyped up when we were told it was coming. Even on a killer you’ve never played you’ll still get thrown barely below your mains mmr. It’s so close that it’s essentially your mains mmr, especially feels like that way when you’ve barely played that killer. Wish we had actual separate mmr for killers, especially since that how was the whole reason we were prevented from switching killers in lobby anymore. Pretty sure most players felt duped on this one. I think it was talked about in one of the livestreams.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,672

    I mean... Plenty of killer skills are transferrable between killers. You're not a complete newbie, just because you've barely ever played Huntress. And it's not like she's one of the harder killers, either. She's got a high skill ceiling, sure, but her skill floor is pretty reasonable. More so, IMO, than for example, either PH, or Trickster, or Deathslinger.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,405

    We do have separate mmr scores for each killer. But yes the starting score is based on the average mmr of your other played killers. I know what you mean here, you want a killer never played to start at the baseline. Unfortunately that has negative consequences for new players during new chapters. Plus it was tried during early MMR tests which didn't turn out well.

    One thing to note, while your MMR is based of other killers at the start. Your score drastically changes based on you first few matches. So while you can start at the top, a few losses would plunge you to mid faster than normal.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,843

    Where in this thread has anyone denied the correlation between time played and in-game skill?

    The only thing being denied is the correlation between prestige level and skill level, or prestige level and time played.

    I have over 3.6k hours, but do not have a character prestige above 14. My friend has under 2k and has a prestige 60 Nea. Is he more skilled and suddenly has an additional 2.3k hours simply because his Nea is a higher prestige level than mine? Would his skill level and time played suddenly drop if he switched to Mikaela, who's only P1?

    Prestige level doesn't equal time played or skill level. It's the time played and skill level that correlates. Nobody is arguing against that here.

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    Exactly this. I'm focusing on unlocking all perks on all killers and survivors atm and once I'm done I'll be aiming to prestige my Haddie to 100. I'll play different survivors based on bp offerings, challenges, dailies, just to play someone different and give Haddie's dwindling item supply a break, etc.

    I understand for OP it might be overwhelming to see a bunch of high prestiges in your lobby but it's not at all an indication of skill or time spent overall. Just use your first handful of games on Huntress to focus on learning her instead of aiming for kills to allow your MMR to adjust on her.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    That’s why I said realistically, not at all. I know it takes those things into account but realistically it’s not separate mmr’s. I do not want them starting at zero. Maybe 25-50% of normal would be better and I would call that “actual” separate mmr’s. It’s currently giving you a very high blend of your killers at base.

    To say prestige like that does indicate skill or time spent “at all” is just objectively untrue. You can say it’s not a good indicator of skill but it does indicate a lot of time and time does have “some” correlation with skill.

    This is just like saying mmr doesn’t indicate skill. It may not be very good at indicating skill, but it does indicate “some” level of skill. “At all” or “nothing” is quite finite words.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109

    matchmaking is only one element of the nonsense in this game. you also have extremely lopsided maps, extremely op RNG related to vaults and pallet spawns. in this game if you win too much it will force you to play on your worst performing map.

    and then of course imagine spending most of your time on nurse or blight and playing against nonstop sweat teams and then switching to play a pig or myers or some other flawed killer, well the mmr isn't smart enough to realize this and keeps matching you against the sweaty teams you were playing against on nurse.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Prestiges =/= skill. I've seen so many mediocre P100 players.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,405

    People grow at different rates and few just play casually over 6 years.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    That’s true, I don’t think that invalidates anything I’ve said though.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I’ve played against that P90 before. They’re not that good. You’ll be fine.