Chapter Concept: Mansion of Many Jumpscares

Now this concept is a really weird one and is one of the more funny ones I have thought of. This killer is from a game known as Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, and it's a comedy game. But good lord can it be down right terrifying at times and it does it perfectly. I looked through all of the monsters and found one that was truly horrifying and had an interesting mechanic idea. Now, introducing Specimen 8, or better known as Deer Lord!!!
A little girl named Spooky was always a fun child. Everyone called her cute and she hated it. This is how she grew her little hobby of scaring people. She loved it and soon mastered it's craft. One Halloween night, she dressed up as a red Grim Reaper and had fireworks in her candy basket to scare anyone who passed by. But, she accidentally scared the wrong person who so happened to be a veteran with PTSD. She was tragically shot on Halloween, her favorite day of all. She died doing what she loved most.
But, the family of poor Spooky didn't give up. They believed there was a way to bring her back and invented a device that could bring her soul from the dead. They only wanted to see her one last time and then to turn off the machine and let her finally rest. Presumably, the mechanism worked, allowing Spooky to walk the Earth once more. These destroyed parents were happy again.
However, the machine never turned off. The parents went missing and Spooky was left alone, in a cold world. This wouldn't stop her, as she would later create a mansion so she could scare everyone and prove to the world that ghosts weren't cute. She founded GL Labs, who were assigned with collecting the worst creatures on the planet which were dubbed specimens. She would then release them into the mansion, so she could kill any unlucky wanderers who stumbled in. She would then create an army of ghosts to scare the world into submission.
Specimen 8 was a tricky one however, discovered by GL Labs on accident. It appeared in a containment cell after new creatures were brought it, which were assumed to just be incredibly hostile deer. This new creature was used in the mansion as another one of the demons to kill mansion explorers. Incredibly effective against violent subjects, this deer creature was left to wonder the mansion. When Spooky was done with her soul collection, she went out to scare the world with an army on her side. Specimen 8, however, did not go as a different voice called upon it. New children would submit to this oncoming wrath.
KILLER: The Deer
MOVEMENT: 150% hunting 110% consuming 92% carrying
TERROR RADIUS: 38 meters hunting 20 meters consuming
WEAPON: Rib Bone.
POWER: "Your Consenting Mind"
-Your children draw power from you and intern they give you information. There are 10 violent deer on the map which you can see as auras. They have their own AI, which will eat some grass, walk around slowly, etc. However, these aren't normal deer as Survivors in their range (running 8 meters away from them/ walking 6 meters away from them/ crouching 4 meters away from them) will cause them to scream, revealing a row of sharp teeth. They will then run at the player at 90% speed. You will be alerted by the aura of that violent deer turning red as well as a notification and scream. The deer can lose chase with going out of a 15 meter range will cause them to stop. If the violent deer catches the Survivor that violent deer will teleport to another location on the map. The Survivor's aura will be revealed to you for 3 seconds and their screen will have static on their screen which will fade for a period of 5 seconds. Your terror radius is replaced by violin music similar like the video below. You have two modes of movement, hunting and consuming. This can be changed by holding right click similar to wraith but with the movement speed and time of cleaning off a weapon. In hunting mode, you will move incredibly fast at 150% speed but with an above average 38 meter terror radius. You cannot attack survivors in this mods however, and when pulling Survivors off of objects (pallets, windows, gens, totems, hooks) you will take longer doing so and will be switched into consuming mode. In consuming mode, you will move at a slower 110% speed with a below average 20 meter terror radius. You can now attack survivors with your rib bones.
PERK 1: "Very Spooky"
-You are naturally the scariest kid in the block. While in your terror radius, Survivors will be filled with fear and will breath and grunt twice as loudly. Ever 5/4.5/4 seconds within your terror radius, a Survivor has a 30%/40%/50% to gasp, giving a notification to the killer.
PERK 2: "Obsession: Here Comes Trouble"
-You are obsessed with one survivor. When the Obsession messes up on a skill check, their aura will be revealed to you for 2/2.5/3 seconds. They will receive an auditory warning similar to the slapping sound in the song below. Has a 7/5/3 second cool down.
PERK 3: "Amputated Marshmallow"
-You have a connection to specimen 9 that allows you to use it's powers. If a survivor stands still for 40/35/30 seconds they they will become exposed for 3/5/7 seconds and you will see their aura. They will receive an auditory warning like the video below. If you stand still for 5/4.5/4seconds, you will see the aura of survivors in a 10/15/20 meter range of you. This has a 40/35/30 second cool down.
MORI: You walk up to the survivor and pick then up telepathically. Your ribs become a cage of sorts closing around the Survivor and trapping them. The ribs then go back into your torso as you consume the Survivor. After they are dead, the faces in your robs begin to mix around like liquid and scream. You then begin chase again.
Marcus Thomson always loved history. He was an enthusiast in a sort of way. However, this was his main way of getting away from his family who were very abusive, and his love of history helped him combat this. Most of his friends helped him with projects, even though he didn't need the help, and they all got along well.
However, he was extra enthralled by this one abandoned mansion in his town. Apparently, it had a troubling past and was rumored to be haunted. For him, he loved the idea and decided to take a look for himself. Wondering into the mansion, Marcus would begin his exploration in the name of history. But, he would soon come to realize that this may have been a bad idea and possibly his demise.
Once inside, an adorable child ghost greeted him and told him that the only way to escape was to go through 1000 rooms. Easy, almost as simple as a haunted house made for kids. Met with popups and cartoon walls, he felt as if this was some kind of joke played on him. Soon, he would realize that what the towns folk had said had been true. He wasn't alone. He stumbled across some of the most terrifying creatures he had ever seen from a wooded puppet, to a wall of faces, and even another mansion inside of the mansion. And lets not forget about the fast food restaurant with a meat demon living inside or the Deer Lord.
When he finally made it through, he would go and escape. He told the world of the horrors he had seen. But no one believed him, and sometimes he even doubted himself. He would live his life, somehow, not knowing that a new horror even more horrific than the last would soon swoop him away once more.
SURVIVOR: Marcus Thomson
PERK 1: "Breakfast Was Too Late
-It seems that later, things started to look up from were they had before. When 5/4/3 generators have been completed, the perk will activate and chest opening speed will be increased by 50%/75%/100%. Generator repairing speed will also increase by 0%/10%/20%. Items from chests will also be 100%/125%/150% as effective.
PERK 2: "Getting There"
-Your strong perseverance helps you keep going even when times are tough, as if you could walk through 1000 rooms and still be standing. When 1/2/3 Survivors die from a hook/ Mori/ bleeding out(/ or disconnecting), Getting There will activate and you will have a 5%/10%/15% to get hit by the killer and not go down a health state. When in the Injured state your movement speed is now 101%/102%/103%. You will also gain an increased 0%/30%/60% amount of blood points for opening the exit gate as well as escaping. While the last generator is powered and you are not within the killer’s terror radius, the song below will begin to play until you escape of get hooked/ die.
PERK 3: "T-Rex Can't Wear Mittens"
-Somehow this perk doesn't seem to fit in the game, but you shrug it off anyways. Items on the ground and chests within 10/20/30 meters of you will show you their aura. You have a hard time holding onto these items however due to the lack of mittens to help with grip and therefore whenever hit by the killer have a 50%/30%/10% chance to drop the item.
REALM: "The Forest In The Mansion"
The Mansion is one of the town's favorite buildings. Not because of it's design or features, but the fact that they believe it to be haunted. Anyone who dares to go inside never makes it out. The town believes someone lives inside of it, killing unsuspecting victims. They, however, are all wrong as it's actually the doings of a mischievous, child phantom.
Spooky has lived her life to the maximum, scaring people. But soon, the thing she loved most was her own defeat as she was shot to death. Now, she made her mansion larger than life on the inside, to lure unsuspecting travelers and kill them. This is all part of a master plan to create an army of ghosts to scare the world so they won't believe ghosts are cute or adorable. Millions of souls have died here to all numbers of horrid monstrosities. This, intern, is one of the worlds greatest massacres of all time. One of the many "attractions" here is a whole forest in the mansion, home to ferocious deer. They have killed countless individuals, but none are as deadly as the one they brought with them. No one knows for sure what it is other than GL Labs, but anyone other than them who find out never make it out alive.
Maps: The Deer's Woods/ The Lord's Lair/ Log Formations/ Wooden Cabin/ Wooden Outhouse.
-The Deer's Woods
-Wooded Cabin
-The Lord's Lair
This was incredibly fun to make because it isn't all that serious. All of the perks were fun to make as they function similar to the specimens the songs come after. Thanks so much and please speak up about this. I haven't gotten enough feedback and feel as people brush off these posts. I would really like to know what you guys think and if there is anything to make better. Once again, thank you so much and be prepared for more. Another side note is that some of my chapter concepts will be tinkered with to add Survivors and maps while some will not. Thanks, and see you guys soon.
Map and Character added, This was so fun to make and I'll try to get Marcus Thomson's picture up soon.
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Added some new songs for your listening pleasure.0
Could someone please discuss this. I really want feed back so I know if I know what I’m doing or not.0
Seriously, could I please get some feed back. I feel like I am constantly being left in the dust of other people’s posts every time.0
The reason why no one has commented yet is because the photos are too disturbing for Dead by Daylight. This extends to all the other specimens (except specimen 1). If any of the specimens are added, I bet almost everyone would be to scared to play this game. Even I myself can't bear to look at the deer lord. Just keep those disturbing creatures in that game, never bring them to other games.0
What?? I mean they aren't that scary. I mean deer lord dead by daylight needs to be scary for good sake. Thanks for the feedback though. It would be a neat change of pace and instead of having a barreling tank coming at you it is just nightmare fuel.
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I see your effort in making this page but the deer wouldn't even fit into the lore in any way. It isn't and wasn't a person, it can't even be controlled by anything, it is a predator which the entity wouldn't take as the entity takes people who have killed ( not randomly created killer monsters), and it can't be stunned by pallets as it can't be hurt in any way (even Shape, Cannibal, Nightmare, and Pig show signs of pain in their franchises).1
Yeah I see your point. Just a thought.0
Repost (even though this doesn't really fit)
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I feel like this is good for the game as it will spark people's attention as this killer is no different than others. The Oni is a demon that the entity chose, and The Demogorgon is a creature from another dimension, which shows that the entity can choose what it can. The Deer would be perfect but I would probably rework the perks as they sound similar to other killer's perks. This will probably take long because it may be a hassle to get the creators of Spooky's House of Jumpscares, attention to let them add it. Also Dead by Daylight is trying it's best to be horrifying.