Dead Hard but altruistic (featuring one other use)

So people don't like DH because it extends chases and acts as a game of chicken. Along with that, it's used SO often that even if you don't have it, killers will assume you do and act goofy because of it. I'm here to bring an idea to the table that will rework its purpose entirely. Instead of the chase extension it gives, it will be centered around protecting your friends and getting back at the killer for messing with them (as the real David would).

Dead Hard can now be used while either Healthy or Injured. Press the active ability button while running to get into a bashing position for the next second. If you collide with a killer, you'll stun them for 3 seconds at the cost of a health state and be given the exhausted status for 60-40 seconds depending on what tier. If you collide with a breakable wall, you will break through it and gain the exhausted status as before. A neat little feature that no one would really expect is you can use Dead Hard to push other survivors aside, acting as an anti sandbag function when it gets down to the wire. If used in this instance, the exhaustion status will instead be 20/15/10 seconds. Make sure that you time it right if you know your "teammate" is going to try and ruin it for you otherwise you will be given the 40 second penalty.

The last one wasn't originally intended but I want to hear feedback on how it can be improved without fundamentally changing what is there.


  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Dear Lord I can already see the head on into 3* dead hard stun montages.

    All seriousness I feel like it would make DH even stronger, unless it only worked within x meters of another survivor. In the current world of chasing a survivor and they dead hard to a pallet or the like they'll now just spin and 180 dead hard stun me point blank for 3 seconds and walk off?

    The timing would be extremely odd and look kinda janky when you factor in latency as well, did my lunge hit you first or did your dead hard dash hit me first?

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Lmao so an on command stun?😂 nahhh chief. This ain’t it. This would get abused so quick.

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313
    edited February 2023

    We already have to deal with latency of current dead hard. They also walk off with less health than they had or none at all. It's meant to be used to help your teammates. Not yourself.

    At the cost of YOUR health and exhaustion. Would adding hemorrhage make it fair? Besides, it already gets abused right now as a chase extension among other things and people still winge about it. You won't have to worry about it being used for a sole chase anymore.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,250

    Regardless of anything else, there should never be a tool that allows survivors to break walls, not even as a perk.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I picture a 4 man SWF, fat medkits, COH, their stunning DH… nah bro.

    It’s not abused as a chase extender lmao. Survivors fail their DH against me 9/10 times. Idk why y’all complain about it so much. It’s beyond easy to tell if they have it, and even easier to counter it.

  • I just want fun offense perks to spice things up. It's why I love it when people use head on.