Hows your day?

Just reverse pallet stunned saved the killer, saving the person he was carrying and turning a 3k into a 1k. I don't think I've ever felt better than this. Props to you too clown for taking it so well in the endgame chat.
One of those moments where you just have a delayed celebration because you're focusing so hard that what you just did doesn't even sink in till a minute later.
Just made a whesker rage quit cause I was looping him hard while fully infected as well.
I'm on a streak today
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Well good for you... I haven't played the game in a year... so I don't have any new experiences to speak of
But I do have a lot of head pops playing the Pig... that I wasn't trying to get
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Wow, so you made a human (cause you know killers are played by actual people) so angry, they dc’d. And you find that pleasing? Hmm.
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Its not Op's fault that Wesker got angry and DC because they simply played well? They were just bragging the winning, not toxic.
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OP is just your average toxic kid who gets pleasure out of ruining other people's nights.
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I didn't be toxic, I just managed to legitimately loop him to the point of a ragequit. Blame MMR if you want