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Can we please get Grim Embrace/BBQ-like perks meta for once?

Especially as a means of addressing tunnelling issue this game has, because clearly giving SURVIVORS different tools that PUNISH killers for playing not how you (BHVR) want them instead of giving KILLERS different tools that REWARD killers for playing how you want them hasn't been so helpful so far.

Not only that, BHVR has kinda proven that adding and stacking mechanics that punish killers for "unfun" strategies end up rewarding bad choices made by survivors, as these strategies often thrive not when killers do them out of spite, but when they utilize them to punish survivors for bad plays f/e basekit unbreakable has severely decreased the risk of grouping up and going down together, because killer can no longer hold you on the ground for long.

Would've been really nice if most if not all general S tier perks would be built in a way, that they reward switching targets or straight up hooking every survivor once to gain value.

So killers would have a choice of chasing less efficient playstyle, but get greater perk value out of it, or still play tunnelvision and not have oppressive perks to support them in that. Kinda similar logic with basic attack perks that reward killers for M1 hits and which are generally a better pick for weaker killers, rather than strong killers.

Not saying this would fix tunnelling issue entirely, but I've yet to see any valid reason for play to win players NOT to tunnel survivors, especially when they are making aggressive hook saves / can't hide properly after being unhooked.

Current meta also doesn't help to incentivize switching targets because it simply doesn't interact with that side of killer playstyles. And perks that do reward not tunnelling are simply painfully weak to justify additionally liming myself. I would run Grim Embrace, for instance, if it didn't proc only once per match to get survivors off gens for 35 seconds. Maybe if it worked twice and gave me like a minute or at least 40-50 seconds, I'd consider it.


    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    i don't feel that's gonna solve anything just like bbq was never a solution to tunneling and camping. killers played how they wanted and still managed to get their stacks.

    tunneling will never stop until gens as a concept get a change the Survivor side needs something refreshing to work with

    less time on gens and more focus on chases perhaps? or other objectives.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    I would love to see some perks that incentivize the killer to play nice be stronger. Right now, playing nice is basically synonymous with throwing the game. Instead of nerfing killers or punishing them for playing mean there should be rewards for nicer play styles. However, there are absolutely none. Butt dances in the exit game and messages about how the killer was an "ez bot noob" surprisingly don't seem to work either.

    BBQ is a subpar aura perk and Grim Embrace is bad for obvious reasons as well. Instead we have Pain Res which works perfectly fine when tunneling and camping and other alternatives that help camp a 3 gen but not much more.

  • False_Hydra
    False_Hydra Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2023

    it was never a solution because it didn't do much in that regard, yet it still helped the issue a lot because it encouraged people to play differently. It is merely a help to relieve the issue. You sound like you'd only settle for that only if it completely resolved the issue and that mindset is just ridiculous.

    if you didn't understand that earlier, people who PURPOSELY want to tunnel, will tunnel even if they get matchmaking ban every time they do so, it's simply because how they want to play. Doesn't mean everybody is like that, nor that trying to solve the issue is useless thanks to people like that.

    People will always tunnel survivors as pig or facecamp them as bubba, yet there are still dozens of other killers and millions of other players who play like that simply because it's often an only valid option.