Some uses for new Eruption.

Riski Member Posts: 208

The proposed eruption nerf is harsh there is no saying otherwise, it lost lot of potential as a gen defence perk and will struggle on your average killer. Despite this the new effect is interesting. 10 seconds of aura reading is very strong, as an alternative to a perk like Infectious Fright or Floods of Rage it defiantly has the ability to compete. Gen kicking has other options with Call of Brine and No Where to Hide so to say this perk will be unusable is a bit unfair as it has its synergies, but who will use it?

  1. Oni: The most obvious example, anyone who has ever used bitter murmur or Floods of Rage on Oni knows his potential with aura reading. Halfway across the map and need to activate power first, even the 5 seconds from Bitter Murmur can quickly translate to a down so getting 10 whole seconds is amazing. Infectious is already good on Oni but remember this perk has added synergy with No Where to Hide, CoB and Lethal which are all very strong perks on Oni too so I don't think one is strictly better than the other but it will be a good option on this killer. I could see you running eruption without other gen kicking perks on this killer in particular just due to how you use aura reading. Other high mobility killers like Blight or Billy could use this in a similar way or other killers with time sensitive powers like plague, although Oni stands out here as the best to use this.
  2. Ghost Face: Once you realise stalking someone to 99% is basically a ranged injure they can't heal, this combo seems so much better. Similarly to Oni perks like No Where to Hide and lethal are already good on this killer although I will say GF will be more reliant on these synergies than Oni. This last part of this isn't to do with the perk but GF, the fact that survivors on the ground reveal you can make this awkward and needing your power up after doing someone isn't something you always have control over. I can still see this being good however when used with Ghost Face Caught on Tape addon to recharge your power on down or perhaps even a use for Chewed Pen (a bit hopeful however). Huntress I'll quickly note as a similar example and although she'll like the aura reading even more she doesn't like having to slow down to kick gens as a 4.4 killer.
  3. Nurse Pyramid Head: Yea all perks a good on nurse but Pyramid is good for the same reason. These killers do want to be somewhat close to make use of the aura reading, nurse more so after the removal of range, but 10 seconds is long enough that you don't need to be too close and most situations after kicking a gen you won't be on the opposite side of the map afterwards. Aura reading on these killers combos greatly with their ability to ignore walls on their attack methods leading to a one sided interactions where the killer is heavily favoured. Nurse has a lot of good perk synergies but as with the previous bits No Where to Hide and Lethal which are good combos with eruption are also good on nurse. Pyramid doesn't love kicking gens but it isn't bad and he doesn't really have much else to do with his perks so you might as well.

I understand the backlash toward these change, seemingly redesigning the perk, however I feel like the perk keeps its identity as a trap and with the right killers you can make that trap feel punishing still. Perhaps 10% current regression is too harsh when compared to a flat 10%, although I don't think current regression is a complete death sentence for perks, and the cooldown could be removed if it's having a less oppressive affect but the new aura reading should lead to some fun and interesting new builds. I would like to hear if anyone else has any ideas as what they want to do with this, any killers I missed or fun interactions that could be done.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    It'll be good for any Killer that uses Aura Reading

    But then again it all kinda depends on the Survivors one plays against

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited February 2023

    It also still retains a potential benefit I realized when watching a video on Killer builds: it encourages M2 killers to down with their power more. It could be useful as a "training perk" in that sense. Since you can benefit by your M2 downs more than Jolt (which requires M1s) or Pain Resonance (which requires a down and a hook).

    It can also pair well with Infectious Fright since upon downing someone you're given information on and immediate threats (anyone nearby who might flashlight save or anyone on a gen you know may be near completion)

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I will 2nd this use... I rarely use it before and I never use it now it's completely useless as a perk. In fact, what is this eruption you speak of? I never heard of it lol

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    It'll mostly benefit ranged/high mobility killers the most.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    I do imagine some omega-slug Oni or Plague build from a youtuber to come out that uses that combo, will be silly.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Nurse and Blight 😄

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I mean there is countless better aura perks instead of this unrealiable trash of an information perk.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Perks trash now.

    Now while the survivors you verse and killer you play will definitely impact how good/bad it is, the perk itself isnt good and isnt actually gonna impact games. If you're competitive though this perks dead, similar to pop, ruin which I haven't seen since and I would never ever pick them.

    So, the aura reading. Interesting idea as it's like infectious fright however this stuff is only good on very few killers to begin with and even then its still niche and dependant on the survivors you verse. Sure might be a great addition to nurse, blight but that's just because those killers are strong and not perk dependant so is a perk actually good if it only works on a killer who dont need it and/or would be better running other perks?

    The regression, at max potential this can regress a gen about 8.99 seconds, while it's true this can affect multiple gens the time wasted to kick multiple gens and then the free distance you give players every time you kick a gen. It would probably put you in negative numbers and actually harm you unless you're able to kick every gen mega fast then down someone instantly but even at that point youd be better of just downing straight away.

    Itll be a great perk against teams that dont do gens much and try to hide, it's not a perk that will be consistent especially providing consistent value.

    I never used the perk myself, while I'm more of a survivor main I still do the odd killer game and I'd rather other perks over this one anyway just because my killers have set builds that work and I'm not gonna change every build to a gen kick one. But if I could escape more than die with the old version and get on fine with other perks as killer the new version certainly wont make it close.

    Will be another dead perk I never see, like many other perks and other items,addons and the odd killers.

    Maybe BHVR will just gut every perk so they're all terrible and this one seems good but thatd be a sad day imo

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    I think these are quite the stretch but I appreciate you trying to find some light in the darkness.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    For the few that believe that this Perk will still be useful on some killers remember what happened to Thanatophobia or PGTW or Ruin.

    If you want aura reading there are much better options especially for slugger builds.

  • KMainEZ
    KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

    High mobility may get some use from it - though it has been said there are indeed better/more reliable aura perks already for MOST circumstances. Ranged killers simply don't have the time to capitalise on the benefits of this unless theyre happy with just pulling off snipes but not winning. This perk is garbage now imo, i rarely used it before - only on super weak m1 killers or very memey gen kick builds and agree it was OP before. Watch there be maybe 2-3 weeks of people making videos on "how eruption is actually great post nerf" until the clickbait wears off and it fades into obscurity with the other 80+ perks nobody uses

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Surprisingly, this buffs the Sadako Condemned Slug strategy since she will know where to go next and can teleport with her tva

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    But Ruin and Pop aren't unusable either? Ruin is a completely fine choice on a killer like legion, plague or cenobite who all have ways to force people off gens and pop isn't notable on many killers but makes for a nice pairing with pain res or tinkerer which are both good options. I'd say the reason they don't see use is because they're not generic any more, you have to consider the rest of your build and killer before just slapping them on willy nilly like. Just because a perk is more niche than it use to be or doesn't have the 25%+ use rate it use to have doesn't mean it's dead, most perk that are good on certain killers specifically like blood favour or I'm all ears have low use rates because most players will just run what's generically good on every killer instead even if they're worth the same on the killers they're good on.

    Thana I'll give you as it's a bit awkward even on legion and plague, who are the best candidates for it, but to say every perk they ever nerfed became unusable is just plain wrong.

    I don't think it'll be great but I do think it'll be good on the right killers. I do agree with most ranged killers finding it awkward but ghost face, who can set up damage at range, doesn't mind kicking gens as he isn't 4.4.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    Hadn't considered that. Not sure how well condemn strategies would be able to use gen kicking as I never learnt them, although I do like Sadako, but would be interesting. My biggest issue with that idea is condemn strategies tend to force people off gens to pickup slugs but perhaps this times it self well with the first slug while people are still on gens.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    It either promotes slugging which survivor already hate or will be absolutely useless besides miniscule gen regress that isn't worth the time invested to set up most of the time.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Just stop.We already had debates about it all the day they announced the nerf. Even as an aura perk it's weak. The current aura build that everybody is running is simply superior.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah the contrast with what it was makes it look worse then it is but even looking at it without comparing it's not great

    Anti synergy with the next best gen defence perk PR already is a very heavy blow to how usefull this will be.

    Rise in popularity of distortion also doesn't help, although it does eat up 2 stacks which is nice.

    We'll have to wait and see, I will probably run it sometimes in a more slug oriented build