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Camping and Tunnelling

YuisBootLicker Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 8

This BT hit survivors get does absolutely nothing. I constantly game after game still get tunneled out of games, and then camped. I suggest a decisive strike or an some sort of additional deterrent to this absurdity. Its ruining the game, and its beyond fun.


  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    The BT is like a normal hit. No idea where you are coming from. If you are getting tunneled this frequently how about running an Anti-Tunnel build. DS, DH and Off the Record. You eat the first hit get downed the killer eats DS and you still have DH. That should buy you enough time and if you are getting tunneled every game you probably are not really sitting on gens too much.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Are you getting downed in the spot your feet hit when you cme off the hook?

    I will answer for you no you are not, therefore BT is doing its job.

  • healsoflove718
    healsoflove718 Member Posts: 81

    I agree, I still experience and see others get tunneled on purpose so that the killer has the upper hand at the beginning of the match.

    It's ridiculous in solo queue how they'll camp a hook or tunnel someone out to make it 3vs1 and gens are def not going to get done in solo queue.

    Andddddddd, the killer is the only one who gets rewarded for that game style of play. Developers need to punish campers/tunnelers someway/somehow, especially for the first 3 mins of a match. I can understand a tunnel/camp during the end-game but at the start of the game? It's beyond NOT FUN.

    I play less dbd because of it, it's not fun at all.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Think you can fit some more "solo bad" into this post? An individual killer player is going to do what they're going to do. How could they conceivably know whether you're grouped? It just has no bearing on the discussion.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122

    Can’t get camped/tunneled if you don’t get hooked in the first place.

    Play as if each chase is your last regardless of hookstates and you might get better results.

  • Count_Dooki
    Count_Dooki Member Posts: 60

    I personally believe that if the killer wants you out of the game badly enough it doesn’t matter how many BT’s, Decisive Strikes, or anything else that you throw at them. There are just some killers out there that are willing to sacrifice the victory to get that one kill.