Can you guys help me with a bug?

Nahipro57 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Hi! I'm a Nintendo Swicht player, and for some reason, the survival's tutorial is bugged. Whenever I get to the part when you fall into the trap and you're supposed te get out of it, it doesn't and the killer bugs and when he gets me the camera gets frozen and the other survivor throws the pallet, she scapes, but I can't move, just bend down, and I don't know what to do.

How can I do it?

Thanks for your attention.

Best Answer

  • Cleverotter
    Cleverotter Member Posts: 128
    Answer ✓

    Buddy wrong subforum. This is a known issue, though my friend said if you close dbd while doing a tutorial, it will act as if you finished it.


  • Nahipro57
    Nahipro57 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Sorry, I didn't know, but thanks btw.

    Hope you have a good day