When will killers get buffs?

I'm talking about actual killer buffs and not perk buffs, while perk buffs would be nice to increase the range of usefulness and meta perks I see I dont see that happening with the current way BHVR has gutted killer perks that hit the meta stage.
The main reason I'm asking this is due to the game becoming more stale over time, with perks getting gutted I see less and less range used and theres been many killer nerfs which has resulted in hardly seeing those killers as well.
With all this happening I see a small range of killers and a small range of perks, while the change I'm MMR (ages ago) made it so it wasnt just nurse/blight but I'm still seeing so few of the roster.
Whether it's a small change with addon updates or a bigger change I'd like to see some love given to certain killers so I can actually verse them making matches less repetitive.
I rarely see: wraith, doc, billy, slinger, hag, twins, trickster, clown, pig, onryo, freddy, Ghostface.. theres probably more but without checking the roster i couldn't say and that's how rare these killers are getting. While some are more rare than others you get the points.
Small suggested changes just to help or just make the killers feel better to play.
Wraith - make his lunge a little bigger after uncloack. He has no ability at most tiles, and hit n run is way harder with the new HUD.
Doc - range addon base, could do discipline base instead but I dont see them doing the purple addon base. Just to help his power feel less addon dependant.
Billy - I dont really know at this point, very small % faster charge time? Even curve billy isnt a threat to good loopers but over do it and billy is too much
Slinger - either change the terror radius or add back quick scoping. He was over nerfed and for a 110% killer who cant down over alot of loops especially when the pallets down he needs something. Personally I like the quick scope, that was more fun for killers and would bump his pick rate (plus mmr is a thing so casuals will verse casual aiming)
Hag - no idea, dont think shes good beyond camping hooks but how not sure how to buff that wouldn't over do it.
Twins - firstly dont nerf them because some 0.1% player is good with them, we dont balance for the top remember... maybe give Charlotte a speed boost of hitting with victor, this makes getting to down players easier. Remove the victor cant do anything for ages after a hit you over did it and feels clunky for killers.
Trickster - make it console friendly. Remove the recoil and sway, its twice as hard for a controller if not more so. Your limiting who plays him and as someone who always went for heavy weapons with high recoil in shooters and is always towards the top of the ranks etc. I cant stand the trickery recoil.
Clown - make his bottles separate ammo, reloading reload both.
Pig - faster crouch, slight ms increase when charging the power so you loose less distance.
Onryo - old newspaper basekit, tvs turn on faster at the start and turn back on faster after being used.
Freddy - remove the immunity to dream world, this is stupid a survivor can completely nullify for X duration and the killer cant do anything about it and is left the weakest state out of every killer in game. Change the addons again, make it so they arent all "in dream only"
All stealth killers - immune to the new HUD chase, kinda stupid a stealth killer is now weaker because everyone can see who's being chased
I would give it time. The Devs want to see how the dust settles after the Hud changes and the next perk upset....after all that then MAYBE Killers will get some love....and I hope they start with the poor Killers that have left in the cold lol
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Just make Docs King and Queen basekit and make new iris that will fix him.....jokes aside Hag needs some love maybe a slight speed increase, it's been a few months so I forgot all her addons.
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Literally haven't played Hag since CoH.
Some killers have just been wrecked by the new meta.
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I only play her if I have a good supply of Severed Ear and Shackles....that's when the jump scare Queen retakes her throne.
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tbh i don't think the game's staleness can be fixed with balance. i want new killer mechanics and survivor mechanics.
gens, hooks, totems, gates, hatches, chests, items, moris, and basements... it's still the same game since year 2. would like more stuff to do.
more ways to play.
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I play a lot billy. Billy would be much more usable if the overheat mechanic was gone. That one difference would make him so much better without being oppressive. Importantly it would just make him more enjoyable.
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Same. They added more garbage to the maps too, so straight lines aren’t as easy to come by.
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You forgot Myers. His base kit has been dying a slow death with each killer they release.
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It might be soon it might be later... I guess it'll depend on the data they collect
But it'll be scary to see what they come up with
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I'm gonna have to disagree there, while DBD technically has 1 game mode with 2 roles the vast number of killers, addons and maps can and should provide plenty of entertainment but the issue is you dont see half the killers and perks because they're bad.
More game modes will just split the playerbase more, increase lobby times and like cause more imbalances as they try to balance for all the game modes. DBD isnt a shooter so you shouldn't really expect lots of game modes and should treat the killer,addons and maps as such which is all balanced and made useable the game wouldn't be so stale imo.
Afterall many games was very successful with very few games modes, DBD has the potential to do far more with what they already currently have in game but are lacking due to poor understanding and heading
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i never said more game modes. i agree with your statement that it would split the playerbase. no clue where you got that i did, but you sure did take it and run with it.
i want more mechanics. not game modes.
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The talk has always been, buff solos up to swf levels and then buff killers. Well, now solo has alot more info and its made swf even stronger.
I hope the devs are just waiting for data to come in after the change and they will buff killers accordingly.
I feel they want to favor the survivors as it makes them more money. At this point it's a wait and see. Killer atm is rough. The game is too random to think you can win everytime. I just think some killers suffer more than others.
Remember, win and lose with dignity
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maybe in patch 9.1.0
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4 of each bottle on clown is a bit too much imo. A good compromise would be 4 tonics and 1 antidote but the antidote works of a passive recharge every 10 seconds while his tonic’s reload like normal
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Not until survivor queues are 10+ minutes
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If my games are anything to go by, the recent HUD change didn't do much. Except now I know I'm the only one working on a gen for over 30 seconds while someone else is being chased.
I've always said the HUD changes won't do much for solos because you can't give bad survivors more information and expect them to stop being bad. It only helps if the survivors are good, but lack information, which was never the case for the overwhelming majority of players.
This change didn't close the gap between solos and SWF; it widened it.
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Eh, if it didn't change weak players while making a difference for good solo survivors (which DO exists no matter people say), the gap is shorter.
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We've been waiting how many years since the Billy nerf and yet to see any improvement - I wouldn't hold your breath.
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survivors got quite a lot of nerfs and cuts to most of their meta perks not long ago so i think is not the time to also buff killers more.
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Maybe they'll give killers a 0.02% faster pallet breaking speed in the final update in the games lifespan
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killer that will get buffs? really?
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For any of that killer player would need to quit en masse to make their argument FELT but most that play are way too addicted to this game do that and will simply swallow the state of the game bar the few that voice their opinion on theses forums.
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The talk has always been about giving survivors quality of life improvements and accessibility improvements…. and then adjusting the kill rate back to where BHVR wants it to be.
The talk should have included killers getting quality of life improvements and accessibility improvements, but that has never happened. So be prepared for terrible buffs, like 2% longer lunge distance, that move the kill rate, but don’t help the killer experience at all.
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My mistake, even more mechanics would screw the game over though for both sides imo.
Killer isnt gonna have the spare time to go off and do X in a trail and then survivor doing more objectives other than gens will increase the games where people arent on gen (most survivor games I lose is due to a DC or people not on gens and this would encourage that)
At most you can put in an effect that triggers at X for both sides and pauses both objectives but at that point if killers cant hook and survivor cant do gens what's the point?
Theres no way to add base mechanics without ruining the experience for certain players especially with killers who already have extra mechanics like pinhead and the last thing you want is to nerf killers like that further
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The survivors buffs haven't helped me, all it did was highlight games I'm gonna lose earlier on because no one is on gens lol
Only change thatd benefit me is to see my teams perks in the lobby just so I can dodge selfcare users because they clearly aren't on my level and I'm tired of dying on 1st/2nd hook due to selfcare, luckily I barely ever see it and only when matchmaking messes up
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Did they though? Only nerf was DS, DH was more of a change not a nerf as it's still most used and is something still on all my builds.
I personally went from DS,DH,WGLF,BT/windows to OTR,DH,Resilience & windows.
I basically got BT free and just swapped DS for OTR as it's better but I could use DS with OTR and DH to reset the mending after OTR with DS to have DH usable so I get 3x second chases off hook
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nah. hexes are an example of mechanics that were added. so i think it can work
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I really don't think we need to push the 80% killrate even higher.
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That's perks though, that's the same as killer powers category. Like sure they can add more perk/killer ones but none that are base for all killer if you catch my drift
That's called making up stats, if you are losing that amount you may need to look at your or your teams gameplay to evaluate why that is happening so often.
It also depends on your skill level etc. But the matchmaking is bad in general which dont help at all and often people will be miss matched but that dont mean the games is way in the killers favour, alot need QOL changes to be fun and rewarding to play beyond a level of people being massively inefficient