What inflicts the most debuffs?

What killer, perks and addons inflicts the most amount of debuffs that you can possibly acquire?
Off the top of my head, Legion. Demi did a video about stacking the most amount of debuffs on them as possible. I think he got up to 7 or 8
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Mmm I'd probably say Clown with his status add-ons (Blindness and Mangled) So that's three with the base kit bottle Hindered.
Then use Blood Echoes perk (Hemorrhage and Exhausted). Then any exposed perk.
6 Status I believe?
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You could do these addons, along with Blood Echo (Hemorrhage and Exhausted), Plaything (Cursed and Oblivious), Eruption (Incapacitated) and Starstruck (Exposed).
You could go further and have the survivor bring a perk that inflicts Broken. Now you’ve applied every negative status effect except for Madness, and there’s no way for Madness and Hindered to co-exist because Doctor doesn’t have a Hindered addon so you can’t get all of them.
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I think Wesker can get up there too.
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I belive legion can with
mangled and hemmorage addon
deep wound
exuastion and blindness with fearmonger
oblivious from plaything
Incapacitated with eruption
Exposed from a variety of perks
Thats 8 effects with 4 perks 2 addons and the power
Post edited by DredgeyEdgey on0 -
Legion doesn't have a Hindered addon.
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Thank you correction hemmorage effect
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Anyway, to count Wesker's lot:
Hindered (max infection); Blinded (Maiden medallion max infection); Exposed (Iri Uroboros Vial max infection); Haemorrhage and Mangled (Sloppy Butcher); Oblivious (Plaything); Incapacitated (Eruption); and Broken (Terminus). Add deep wound for actually hitting a survivor with endurance too.
So, that's 8, 9 if we count the 'everyone can trigger that' one. Changing out Eruption for Fearmonger (Exhaustion and Blindness) also lets you do it with one less addon. And, strictly speaking, you could argue the infection itself is a debuff (max infection lets his power instagrab).
Edit: Forgot plaything also triggers cursed.
Post edited by RainehDaze on0 -
the answer is 10.
this was a sarcastic post.
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T-Virus: Contaminated
Tentacle Strike: Hindered
Iri Badge: Exposed
NE-a Parasite: Oblivious
Third Seal: Cursed and Blindness
Sloppy: Mangled and Hemorrhage
Eruption: Incapacitated
Terminus: Broken
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Hmmm, but you can't do that simultaneously. Badge only triggers on cleansing, which removes contaminated and hindered will have worn off by then.
So, I think it's Wesker (also 10): Infected, Blinded, Hindered, Exposed, Haemorrhage, Mangled, Oblivious, Cursed, Incapacitated, and Broken. 11 if you hit a Survivor with Endurance and trigger Deep Wound.
Which requires the somewhat bizarre scenario of someone hitting max infection while already injured from an M1 after the last gen has completed and right after an eruption proc, but it's theoretically possible. A little less fiddly if Eruption is swapped for Fearmonger (Exhausted applied to the Survivor rather than waiting for them to use it) and will still hold after the next patch. And leaves an addon free.
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dredge can hit 10 or 11 if you count his nightfall as a debuff.
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Nightfall isn't a debuff, it makes Dredge Undetectable. Also changes the view distance, but it's not an effect applied to anyone. Since it also applies to Dredge, I don't think it's a debuff per se. xD
So, there's the add on that gives mangled, haemorrhage, and blindness. Then either exposed or exhausted. That's four off the power.
But can you get six more off perks once you have mangled and haemorrhage at the same time? Sloppy or Blood Echo give two effects but you already have at least one of them. Ditto for Fearmonger. Plaything does Cursed and Oblivious. Hindered isn't accessible by perk. So... That's six. Can get the other of broken/exposed via perk. Seven. Not sure if Deep Wound is directly accessible, but Terminus gives Broken. I think Dredge tops out at 9 if you then add Eruption?
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oblivious, exposed, broken, incapacitation comes from perks. 4 come from add-on. cursed is useless status effect but it is debuff which is 10. nightfall would be 11 if it counted as debuff. when eruption is weakened, he will lose 1 debuff.