Women can be killers too guys

Seriously how are you guys this mad the killer is a woman and she's a human? The killers design is unironically amazing, just because shes not some random bulky man or monster doesn't mean she has a 'TRASH FORTNITE DESIGN!!!!!!' that comparison doesn't even make sense lol.
Her power is absolute trash probs the worst in the entire game, but visually shes great seriously guys get over yourselves just because you hyped yourselves up for a "COOL CYBORG KILLER!" Doesn't mean its gonna happen this chapter
Who's mad about it? Female killers are a staple of the game and some of the most played.
Seems like most people are mad about the power and some of the perks. Maybe her design seems a bit jarring but so did Trickster and he turned out... Fine in the end I guess?
BHVR actually made a female killer who seems to be straight up evil for a change.
Mori isn't very good tho
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Mori isn't good either I'll admit but I've seen a couple posts here complaining and ALL over social media everyones typing up huge essays and posts abt how she should've been this cool cyborg dude yada yada and its so weird how extremely pissed off people are about her.
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I am happy its another female killer, but she isn't really that scary if im being honest. Reminds of me of trickster.
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Just people setting themselves up for disappointment
Then again, I think there's a decent amount to be disappointed about even if you don't care about the design. The power alone seems to have drawn a lot of people's ire already and it's only been an hour and a half.
Personally, I don't get it. I don't get the power nor the design philosophy behind it. She's an M1 killer.
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I’m not mad about her being a women. Plague and huntress are some of the coolest killers in the game
For our first technologically advanced killer she’s a let down. They should have went with a more terminator or even predator styled design but instead she just looks like a cosplayer (which she basically is in her lore tbh)
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Yes. People are mad she's a female human killer.
Just like they were angry when Nurse, Huntress, Hag, Spirit, Plague, Twins and Artist came out. Legion nearly got out free but then we found out you could play as Julie and Suzie so naturally everyone began to riot.
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The backlash has nothing to do with her being female. Spirit, Huntress, Artist, Plague etc are all intimidating Killers and their visual designs were well received. This new Killer really does look like a Fortnite skin.
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I mean not even trickster got this much hate on release (Btw people did complain abt Spirit and Susie lol). People call her design generic and bland yet we got deathslinger who just wears a brown coat yet somehow hes so amazingly designed not one person complains abt him lol
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I honestly like her, she gives me mortal kombat vibes
Still hope for a cosmetic where she will have cyborg legs though
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Spirit's was a huge mixed bag lol and where? Because she has...a blade? I really don't see at all where her design is so terrible it needs to be scrapped and redone lol are we not allowed to have modern themes?
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I'll admit I didn't frequent the forums around Spirit or Legion's release as I was still new to the game at that time so you could be right, I don't feel like digging years back in the forums.
My personal opinion is that the new killer looks pretty good but I don't like how clean she is. As for the Fortnite comments, she does resemble a few skins from Fortnite mashed together.
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Killer's design herself is good, weapon is awesome. That mask though... could it be anything other than bejazzled?
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I love her myself and I don't think her power is all that bad. She seems like a setup killer like trapper and hag. For ppl who like those types of killers like Otz, I am happy we have another killer like that.
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I'm not mad that she's female, i'm mad that she is at her core just Knight but cyberpunk
I like Knight, i don't like repeating the same gameplay loop but with a different coat of paint 2 chapters in a row
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Deathslinger looks cool and fits his aesthetic she doesn't look cybernetic enough. The design is not as inspired as the other designs, making her look more normal, similar to a trickster. From the trailer, people thought this would be our first robotic female killer, not an engineer killer. Is it just me, or is it not surprising to see why people are disappointed? Deathslinger doesn't look human and he is pretty creepy a better example would be trickster who suffers from the same exact complaints.
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I'm talking purely design. Her power is dog doodoo
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Why are you trying to frame people who don't like her design as misogynistic? Pretty disingenuous. Harmful to actual instances of misogyny. She's just a conventionally attractive lady with a mask. It's not an interesting design. If she were a man she'd be a conventionally attractive man with a mask and the design would also be uninteresting.
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Not even Trickster got this much hate be real here and Deathslinger looks about as human as he can be except he's tall that's really the only defining thing about him. She fits her aesthetics just as well, she's a rich girl who gets off on murdering people and uses advanced science to do so. She looks like someone who does that. She enjoys a hunt and she's dressed for the occassion
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No one is upset with them for being a woman, that's just silly.
People are upset with her visually and design wise.
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No, trickster did get this much hate were you even on the forum during the release? There were 10 posts each day about how the aesthetic isn't really scary. The killer just doesn't look very scary I would have liked this killer to be similar to spirit where she doesn't look natural like a cyberpunk-inspired look would have been so amazing. :/
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If she was a 50 year old tall man with this exact same design these complaints wouldn't exist I'm willing to bet money on it.
Legion and Deathslinger didn't receive any hate for their designs (except some for Susie) despite being 300000x more lackluster
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Spirit also got hate and btw no, trickster didn't get this much. He got a HUGE amount but he also had a few people defending him. Skull Merchant is just people malding because they wanted a cyborg/terminator killer and we didn't get one.
TL;DR ver: DBD players when the killer isnt a tall man or random monster 😱😡🤬
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I don't get how you can call Legion and Deathslinger lackluster, at least their designs aren't assymetrical messes.
It feels like a lot of modern dbd designs for cosmetics and some killers is just keep tacking on stuff and hope people find it cool. Legion's design is pretty simplistic yet it's become iconic to the game to the point they are getting their own comic series
Deathslinger's design might seem pretty generic, but it's at least consistant.
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This is gaslighting.
People would have the exact same issue if it was a 50 year old tall man.
Trickster is male and received tons of negative feedback on his look. Legion and DS if female would have received the exact same reactions because they actually have better looks. It has nothing to do with their gender.
If you look for discrimination in everything, you'll see discrimination in everything, that's confirmation bias. Literally not a single person has complained about her being female. We have tons of female killers that people love and were received very warmly.
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I don't see how hers is so terrible that it needs to be removed lol. Legion is just a hoodie and pants...Deathslinger is just a long coat and a hat...
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Except I'm the last person to look for discrimination its just obvious why people hate her design. It's an actually good design that fits her lore and theme yet people are extremely pissed because she's not tall male killer or monster. Trickster got a mixed bag of love and hate she's just getting hate :/
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Literally not a single thing has shown people dislike her because she's female. Literally. Not one.
You just see people dislike her and randomly think that's why for no reason at all. There's nothing to support this.
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I'm not saying it needs to be removed, but
A lot of the time less is more and Skull Merchants design has so much stuff tacked on that it just, for lack of a better term of phrase, feels like it's trying too hard. That's why people are calling it a 'fortnite' 'apex legends' design
The massive claw, the technological stuff on her back, the bizarre mask, the weird focus on everything being as asymmetrical as possible. There is such a thing as being overdesigned.
Legion is just a mask and a hoodie but that's far more visually striking in my opinion
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Whatever floats your boat.