SoloQ Issues

Maypie Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Even with the changes, SoloQ feels practically impossible to win in. And the wins I do get are extremely hard-fought.

I've documented my games for the past 100 games of SoloQ and found that overall, there is a ~74% loss rate, almost irrespective of what killer is selected or how seasoned they are at the game.

I'm not even a new player - I have like 1.5k hours on record in DBD, mostly survivor. A year ago, two years ago, this problem was not nearly as much of a thing. Admittedly, then it was somewhat survivor-sided, and even in SoloQ I'd win a lot of matches fairly easily.

Now however, the game is virtually unwinnable in any SoloQ lobby. It's come to the point where I now have to use Discord DBD group finders to even enjoy playing this game as survivor because killers are just in too strong of a spot right now. It feels like verbal communication (his scourge hook is here, I'm bringing killer to main, he has these perks, etc.) is the only way to offset this reasonably.

I don't know if killers feeling stronger relates to the perk meta or potentially other changes that have been made in my absence, since I'm coming back in these past few months after about a year of not playing, but it's quite frankly ridiculous and makes the game way less fun to play for me as a survivor main.

I never much liked SWFing, but it feels absolutely non-optional anymore. Oftentimes my SoloQ games don't even go lower than 3-4 gens before we're all dead. As somebody who has played lots of SoloQ survivor across many years in many metas, this feels like it's probably the worst it has been in some time.

Am I crazy, or is this the case? Because my recorded game stats seem to indicate this as well.



  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 436
    edited February 2023

    I wish the devs gave more details on MMR, especially commented on this issue. If MMR was working, everyone should get about 50% winrate. And yet, the average killrate is 60%. How is this possible? And that's assuming the official killrates are accurate to begin with, but I know very few people who escape more than 40% of their matches, mine is probably around 33% and that's because I'm feeling lucky, but in the past I remember it was common for me to play for several days without winning once.

    Something I realized is that these loss streaks only happen on specific days/times for me, so the solution is just to stop playing when I feel like I got 2-3 unfun matches in a row. Then the next day I'm suddenly getting baby killers again. Very weird.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah, but any game with DC isnt counted into statics.

    So in SoloQ there are a disconnect in every third game, so you lose, but actually according the stats that game isnt even happaned.

    The 60%+ could be real if you dont count DC

  • AlyssaaMac
    AlyssaaMac Member Posts: 15

    My play time on survivor dropped a lot. Any time I try to play solo queue my games are just horrible. If I play survivor I'm waiting until I have a duo available to play. Even then the quality doesn't increase too much. It feels like if I don't do a gen then they don't get done at all. But if I don't take chase my whole team dies.

  • Maypie
    Maypie Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Well, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Call of Brine, Nowhere to Hide, Eruption, and Jolt are all severely influencing the meta right now. It's a lot of gen regression that can be very hard to deal with - Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance is exceptionally difficult to deal with in SoloQ without communication.

    I hate to say that SoloQ survivors are just "bad," because I've played SoloQ for a long time and if that were the case, then that would indicate some kind of recent influx of bad/inexperienced survivor players, which I suppose is possible but why would that be the case? DBD being on game pass?

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2023

    I've been feeling the same thing. Solo just isn't fun.

    Either I'm playing against a killer WAY, WAY out of my league who's at six hooks in five minutes....or they're at the level where I could have a fun game against them myself but it doesn't matter, because there are 1-3 rookies on the team who don't do gens, who rush to unhook when the killer walks round a corner, who don't stop and hex hunt, who run around like a Teletubby while I'm hooked and the killer is on the other side of the map from them, and who can't survive in chase. And when the first one goes down and the survivor team's ability to do stuff is down by 25-50%, the game is pretty much sealed.

    Out of the last ten I've played (where the killer wasn't AFK or goofing around), I think actually felt like an even match where either side could plausibly have won if things had gone a bit differently. Note that doesn't require winning, just that it felt genuinely fun and tense before I lost.

    The REALLY frustrating thing is that I think "OK, killers must be pretty OP right now." and play a killer match, and then out comes the super loopers and SWF death squads whom I never see in my survivor games.

    What I'd love is an option to take longer queues in return for more accurate matchmaking--really, I don't mind waiting if the game isn't a one-sided stomp. As is, I might finish this tome and then just take a break for a while.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2023

    I'm mostly sure those things are weaker than ruin pop meta.

    Also there is a chance MMR actually ######### survivor match up lol, I feel in emblem era the enemies I match up against as killer was fairly consistent, now it's extremely swingy, from baby to sweat bully squad, to silent genrusher who just repairs gen and get off the gates asap.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Agree, though when it first came out and was really strict Id only really see nurse and blight because obviously the others couldn't compete and honestly it got so boring never seeing other killers except every few days.

    I just wish the mmr tracked skill somewhat, I'd be okay with weaker team members to see the roster but they should be doing gens minimum or at least loop a pallet/try to. Escaping is a terrible system

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I don't think the Killers are too strong. But trying to organise and beat a strong 3 gen setup in Solo Q feels nearly impossible. It requires such tight coordination that you just don't have. Then obviously you have all the random elements like getting 1 or 2 new players who just aren't equipped to play against a seasoned Killer.

    I feel like the matchmaking might be part of the problem. I played against a Prestige 18 Cenobite with 3 reasonably new players a few nights ago. It was an absolute massacre.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Um, no Pain Res isn't difficult. Just look at the hook auras, you can see exactly when someone is going to be hooked.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    These are very specific Killers or Youtubers who main these Killers going on these streaks.

    Or specific playstyles, like Onryo's Condemned playstyle.

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    Using data from good players is strange? How about just data in general? BHVR released kill rates and they actually go up in higher MMR and vastly favor the killer.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Which is already extremely outdated, and 60% is not even massive when we actually think about how this game works so not "vastly favor the killer".

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74

    I'll never get tired of repeating this,there is no such thing as a "win" in this game.

    Just because you don't escape all the time or you cannot get 4 kills every match it doesn't mean you lost.

    Is it really a loss if you didn't escape your match but you got more than 20,000 points in the end game screen and vice versa as killer?.

    Your in game death probably made it possible for the team to finish the generators and escape because you bought time for them,would this be still a loss?

    A win,in this game,is an extremely subjective view,you are free to choose your goal,wich could be,score,escapes,kills,hooks etc,and every single one of these (if not all) can happen randomly.

    If the only way to win for you,is counting how many times you escape vs how many times you don't,than that is your problem,you are being unrealistic on an asymmetric game.

    It's true,the matchmaking feature counts escapes/kills as a positive thing and deaths/escapes as a negative value,but that is just a way for the game to figure wich kind of players you should face/be putted with,and yes,it is problematic and not a very precise feature,but is not your fault for this.

    Still,it suits the randomicity of the game,of course,you will meet casual players as well as good players,trolls etc that could influence your trials enjoyment,but hey,as said,it's part of the random experience,and you can always play with your friends to influence things a bit.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    But a kill rate of 60% means there is a survival rate of 40% and that isn’t a game that is “eXtReMeLy SuRvIvOr SiDeD”.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited February 2023

    Good job you cant read, if you could youd understand matchmaking doesnt match people correctly at all and if you think a highly skilled player shouldn't win bad survivors then theres no hope.

    Game is survivor sided, just because people cant loop or do gens doesnt mean it's not.

    The game has and always will be survivor sided at the highest level and killer sided at the lowest, and theres no point saying its killer sided because of bad players...

    people still find a way to go down at safe loops. The game is survivor sided, they just have to learn the game and apply it.

    Edit: you also make up numbers, killer have gone on winstreaks as have solo survivors and swfs. Except alot are actually lies and/or cheated in it by deranking mmr off stream etc. Like the 300winstreak demo. You show me one continuous live stream of someone winning 100games as a single killer without a draw/loss. I bet you cant, and I also bet you alot of these experienced killers arent versing 4 survivors of equal skill and there will be 1-2 weak links on the team who shouldn't be in that lobby.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    But here is the thing, about 85% of playerbase, playing very badly, so 85% of the games are killer sided.

    I bet you never played SOLOQ survivor, so you have no idea, worst game balance ever, killer is extremely relaxing to play, thats why I main killer now, you can play the OP SOLOQ survivor

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Struggling as a solo has to be a skill issue. I've been playing solo for years now and there is nothing in-game as far as mechanics that is beyond the ability to overcome.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    All I ever play is solo Q, I'm a survivor main and I escape more than I die.

    I'm just not gonna lie, I understand the games balance and the potential one side has over the other. Using bad players as your whole purpose isnt reasonable...

    Games killer sided because people cant play or do gens is a stupid stance, people physically dont do their objective and wonder why they lose...

    There are countless great survivor maps filled with loops and tiles that are safe and just waste the killers time. And if you're trying to change my mind dont talk about bad players losing... bad players should.

    The fact is if matchmaking actually worked correctly every survivor would win far more but as it stands you will have a mixed bag of teammates.

    Like the example I always go back to, if versed the same killer player with the same killer, perks, map, addons but had 2 different teams. 1 we wont easily and he got barely any hooks, the other team lost at 4gens. The difference was the team because of matchmaking.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Because solo Q is all about your team and matchmaking which people dont get.

    They see "we lost" but not why they lost, and some will see they die while others escape but ignore the ones Escaping.

    The biggest issue with solo Q is getting badly matched teams who are way below your level (go down stupid fast and dont do gens) or people DC.

    Even with the new HUD I dont think people pay attention to how little people are on gens or how fast people go down...

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Okay this is I agree with, the game would be survivor sided, if the Matchmaking would work as it should.

    Because if all of the 4 survivor is good, then the game is very survivor sided.

    However in practice, most of survivors are bad, or mediocre, only a small fraction of them are good. And add the fact that the MM is very bad, and 1 bad survivor can doom the survivor team.

    So if this the case I do agree, the major power in SWF, that the 4 good player can be 100%, and if thats the case, then the game is very survivor sided.

    The problem is cant balance around that because of the majority so bad, and they would just stop playing.

    So yeah at high level killer has to suffer, no other way

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Oh, true. As I was saying many times before, to play survivor you are required to have skill no less than Airyn, Nyimety and JRM. Very nice. Very healthy game!

    I'm almost 2K hours, btw. It's either not enough or you could blame me for being "physically challenged". In the latter scenario it doesn't prohibit me to win almost always as a killer ;-)

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    The thing is if you balance for 3okay survivors and 1 bad survivors that is basically useless to be the balance point any time you get 4okay survivors you will stomp the killer and that's just not fair.

    Yes it sucks that you can get terrible teammates, trust me I know. I'm a survivor main and I have ALOT of angry posts about useless teammates and matchmaking. Hell on post is about me doing a stupid long chase and not a single gen popping.

    But even with that I know as long as I get teammates actually doing gens and trying to do chases it's a great game because they dont have to be perfect.

    I dont agree on good players being so few, theres definitely alot of good players out there but the biggest issue is the matchmaking and it always has been.

    If they changed the SBMM to chases and objective alone then itd be far better than the current one. The main reason I lose is because 1 or more of my team arent on gens majority of the game and when we balance so I can won those games it will die.

    Killer isnt the main reason you lose, it's your team and I feel more people need to understand that and encourage people to get better over nerfing more stuff so even less people try to get better and learn

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I get that team variables in solo play a huge part in the outcome. I just don't factor other players into being a solo issue, a teamwork/mmr issue for sure, but that has very little to do my individual performance.

    The only things teammates can do that does change my performance is distracting the killer so I can repair and hook saves for when I screw up.

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    Again the game is survivor sided because you say so, because survivors are bad and killers aren't? Bad killers have a lot more tools to use compared to bad survivors. There is also plenty of proof of legit win streaks, the numbers aren't "made up" I'm not going to do research for you. You just disregard anything you don't want to hear and rely on your own personal opinion while also being passive aggressive.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 436

    The thing you're missing is with your "bad players deserve to lose" argument, is that there are bad players on BOTH sides of the game. So taking your own argument, bad survivors should lose; but bad killers should also lose, evening out, and the killrates should be around 50%.

    The fact killrates are higher than 50%, means that we are not in an even situation. It means that if a bad survivor gets matched against a bad killer, then the killer wins, which by definition means the game is killer-sided.

    Telling survivors that they lose because they're bad at the game is an absurd stance that contradicts itself. Because they could just click the "Play Killer" button and they would still be just as bad, but now they would win.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Tbf every one of those players you named tends to lose more/most of their matches when they play SoloQ. Now if they’re in a SWF—even if it’s just a duo—they’re more likely to survive. But yeah, even at their MMR their solo queue teammates stink. Individual skill doesn’t really matter in this game because survivors can’t 1v1 killers.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    This is objectively the most balanced the game has ever been in. tho i don't think it's hopeless for survivors as op thinks it is, you're just a victim of matchmaking for soloq

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I really don't see what more they could do for you at this point besides just let you win.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    But then there is a camping mechanics which is basically a glitch, which usually results 25% kill rates no matter what.

    If you actually think about it instead of trying to fit data to your opinion, you'll see truth behind the number.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If bad killer matches against 1 good survivor, he will chase it forever and the game will ends with 4 escape lol

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    I'm pretty sure that's what it's supposed to be around tbh. I have a 70% loss rate as solo survivor, and we know playing with friends can increase your chances of escape so combine that with the 60% plus kill rate and I think it's about where the devs intend it to be. Escaping in solo heavily depends on the calibre of team mates you get matched with, and that's really outside of your hands.

  • LismJack
    LismJack Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    Hard tunneling is the issue , since BHVR announced that we will nerf Eruption , tunneling has become worst and getting common during my matches . I have played 15 SoloQ matches recently , and 12 of the matches have tunneling situation, even blight and nurse are doing that , the only 3 matches I didn't get tunnel are Wesker, Nemesis and Wraith.

    Once you lose a teammate no matter he/she is playing good or bad with 2 gen left , the match will become impossible . Unless the Killer didn't bring any gen perks then maybe you can repair 1 gen , but then again it is pointless if you can't repair them all .

    I know that the HUD update and Eruption change is benefit the survivor , but then again, BHVR didn't give the killer reason and reward about not tunneling , so yeah ... tunneling one guy out asap is the best choice currently if you facing the same level survivor .

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    The bad killer only need to recognize the good survivor and leave him. I dont think that takes much skill

  • I've been soloing and raising it to Survivor Rank 1 every month, but since Basekit BT it's visibly easier, the reason I'm struggling in this environment is because of your lack of play skills. Especially since Survivor's action visualization has been implemented, I can act more efficiently than ever, so I've been able to win pips in quite a few games.

    If you're frustrated by being executed or not getting pips = feeling like you lost the game, then PvP games might not be for you.

  • yes. The current game design is not good because tunneling and reducing survivors is the best generator delay. Tunneling and camping continue to be the killer's best bet, unless perks and abilities provide enough delay.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    You’re not crazy. How are the teammates you’re matched up with? For me, my teammates are mostly players who tend to make a lot of bad choices, do not pressure gens when they should, and give up easily when faced with adversity. The latter is what gets me the most, because continuing to play when the odds are stacked against you is what makes you better at the game. THE best games I have ever had in DBD were the ones against highly skilled killers who us survivors had a tug of war for match control, and end up persevering in the end with either a 2, 3, or 4 man escape and everyone on death hook.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 473

    Solo que is in an alright state. Player skill level just varies too much. Best you can do is keep playing and hope for good teammates.

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    So whats your point? Making the Game harder for Killers and more easy for survivors as it is? How are those bad players gonna get better if you keep holding their hands and carrying their asses through all their mistakes?

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    and thats the point. With all the handholding mechanics (basekit bt/hud/maybe basekit UB/infinite boons/cranked up addons/etc.) survs will never learn how to get better at the fundamentals of the game.

    The HUD f.e. provides a shitload of information which good players will benefit hugely off. Bad players wont. just like DH, its a freakin powerful tool in the hands of a good survivor but useless in bad survs hands.

    Most of the mechanics that are there to "protect" you (f.e. basekit BT) are not used for protection from good survivors bcs they dont need protection. They use those tools agressively (bodyblocking) bcs they get protected by the map/their team/other perks or items.

    This, and only this is the problem!

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    This a casual game, it isnt meant to be a competitive Esport, by the very definition an asymmetrical game cannot ever be balanced. If you seek a game which is purely about skill, you should avoid asymmetrical ones, but then again I have feeling that you want to be "power role" where the your opponents have to overcome a significant disadvantage, sorry once again this wont ever happen.

    If you make killer even easier to play, then the result will be most of the survivor playerbase leaving the game, however the 4 men swf on comms, will adept, so in essence the game will be more miserable for killers, since they cant prey on soloq anymore.

    So the balance is important, the casuals must have fun, and remember dbd used to be extremely survivor sided, any other game in the genre died, so the balance has to keep this in mind.

    Killer role is the strongest ever in the game history, it wont ever happen that even at the highest level, vs 4 perfect survivor you have 50% chance to win. That would spell the game doom.

    Currently as killer more than 50% of games autowin, because you are playing vs SOLOQ, and they need 4 good player, chances are matchmaking isnt working, and they get one bad, you autowin as killer. So thats why killers cant buffed anymore

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    No just when people claim the do streaks they have cheated it by deranking. The 300 win streak demo is a great example of this and like I said both sides go on win streaks.

    Survivors have way more in their control to a bad killer, you legit have god pallets in the game which can render alot of the roster useless until they break it. The game is survivor sided because they have the ability to go to that level, look at comp that shows its survivor sided. While it doesnt need to be balanced for the very top it should be balanced for people that can play not people that cant.