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General Discussions

Call to the dbd community

The last chapter and the upcomming shows, that BHVR dont care about the game and the players. We as the players need to do something, to send the message, that they cant do everything they want with the game, without hear to the community.

To send this kind of message we need to show changes in the thinks they are intrested in. Money. Money sems to be the only think they care about. So what I will do is I will not buy the new chapter and grind all of the shards for the charaters. I would rather grind all 105h fro 27000 shards, then give any credit for this chapter.

My questtion to everyone who read this.

Will you grind with me?

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I really like new survivor and I will P6 her at least. Dont care about killer, I have already 6 favorite killers I play.

    Maybe yours expectations were too high?

  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited February 2023

    I do have like 35k shards accumulated over the last couple of months. But everyone chooses what to do with their money. If I decide to buy the upcoming chapter with my money it's up to me.

    During the cheaters epidemic, I didn't give them a cent because (in my opinion) they needed to fix a lot of things about it. After I noticed that they were taking this situation very seriously, I decided to buy the rift, some licenced characters and so on because (always in my opinion) they did the right thing and deserve my support.

    This new chapter brings 2 reworked maps, the addition of a main building in Shelter woods (maps are free), 1 new killer, 2 new survivors and a total of 9 new perks. I think it's completely fair to support them after all of this.

    That's how I see it.

  • Member Posts: 707

    If you want to boycott entire new content you should avoid getting it entirely.

    If you want to remind devs that you don't want another Knight 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and so on, don't buy it with money.

    If you want to send devs the message that they will read - DM them.

    It all seems easy but at the end everyone does what they feel comfortable. I myself will consider spending shards only on stuff I want and move on. To me it's still a new content to play with but certainly not what will excite me too much.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    There's been plenty of chapters released since I've started playing that I wasn't a fan of, and I never felt a need to "send a message" like BHVR needed some kind of punishment. The last chapter I bought was actually Sadako. You're not required to like and buy everything they put out, it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I have like 18k shards so I have enough for the killer which is all I want anyway.

    That being said irregardless of me technically going along with what you're saying consumer side boycotts are a joke and literally never work.

  • Member Posts: 995

    Yeah 99% buys the killer anyway, also even if they only buy with shards its win for devs.

    9k shards is about 35 hours gameplay, which keeps the game alive

  • Member Posts: 995

    Yeah, its strange I find nothing woke about this upcoming chapter.

  • Member Posts: 270

    i dont feel there is any hope left

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    So assuming this chapter is around 12 quid if nobody bought it at all they wouldn’t be in too bad a position. Skin sales make up the majority anyway and those will still sell regardless of a bad chapter

  • Member Posts: 981

    Same here.

    They added a few good things and also took care of some aspects that were important to me. The buffs for the Knight now allows me to play him without that obnoxious "drop guard@loop lol" playstyle, they did something about cheaters (not sure what, but it worked), the last few events were fun and overall I am having fun with the game.

    They even listens about Nurse and made her attack a basic attack which was a long time wish of many people I knew.

    People complaining about BHVR wanting to make money...umm...they are a company, they have workers to pay and funny enough that requires money. Also BHVR are not the usual slave-drivers to their devs which in my opinion shows (I still like Dredge, think Pinhead was a very faithful adaptation and I enjoy the Knight). This all costs and as such of course they aim to make money.

    What kind of complain is that supposed to be in the first place...

    The chapter being "too woke"? Like...where?

    I would understand the chapter not being "robotic", "transhuman" (think Warhammer mechanicus like) or overall "bloody" enough. Maybe "too colourful"...but this....

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    I mean.. It''s still at PTB, so I still waiting if any positive change will happen , no need for a rush until a fully release .

  • Member Posts: 496

    Yeah I'm not doing all that mess, just not gonna buy the dlc. Perks seem lame, I don't play survivor, and the new killer seems like knight 2.0 but she's worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    Do you want to send a message to them? STOP PLAYING. Even if you play without giving money about content anymore, you are still supporting them since your presence will grant matches for the playerbase that are actually supporting them buying contents and skins (those people won't join to your protest unless you gave them a good reason to complain)...

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    i don't see that op mentioned eruption anywhere... he was complaining about the last chapter that will be released (and rightfully so since the killer itself is a cheap copy of predator imo and perks for both sides are rather... questionable). Are you REALLY satysfied for the last chapter that will be released? If yes good for you then.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I was waiting for the new killer to see if I would play some dbd again but I guess I will have to wait their next release. I'm surprised of how little effort they put into this one. I'm sry but any1 that spends any money on this DLC has very low standards. I don't really see the passion of the company anymore, seems they're going the money route with the horny bait for pubescent adolecents that will spend cash in this kind of garbage, have you seem how forced that killer walk is on the winning screen? lmao. Rly sad.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    idk other than the killers power, i really like the survivors

  • Member Posts: 995

    Yep there is a playstyle for everyone, if nothing good enough, one just doesn't like the role

  • Member Posts: 410

    But if we all buy the characters with shards, they get no money from that. This chapter is the best example for BHVR not really think about there game. The Killer is trash and has the same problem as the knight. The Perks overall are bad and two survivor Perks are pro tunneling

  • Member Posts: 410

    My expectations are not high. I just want a Killer with a power. You cant tell me this is a Killer power. This Killer and the Knight dont have no learn curve or something.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I might not even bother using shards on Skull Merchant

    If the perks are horrible and I don't want to play her for her power, what's the point?

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    But they still get the message that you want the new characters, and they still get you playing with those new characters. It doesn't actually convey 'we don't like this', if that's a thing you care about conveying.

    Already gone over why one chapter not being to your tastes doesn't mean the devs don't care/think or whatever.

  • Member Posts: 410

    Yes ist up to you where you spend your shards, but something has to change and yes the maps look great, but withe all of the line of sideblockers the maps got even worse for killer

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2023

    Literally the most whiny, entitled people play this game, I swear. "I don't like the chapter, so that means the devs don't care about the players."

    Dude, it's still the PTB. The whole point of the next two weeks is to get feedback and adjust the killer and new perks as needed. And even after that they will likely continue to make adjustments as they have done with the Knight. I'm sure they are hearing the feedback on this one from the community and the Fogwhisperers.

    I don't think this is a particularly good killer, but there's still plenty to like in the new chapter. The eruption nerf is good news. The reworks of Red Forest and Shelter Woods are cool. And hopefully on release, or shortly thereafter, the killer will be adequately buffed.

    But "boycott" away. No one expects you to buy content you don't like. I have like 120k shards saved up, but I reserve those for cosmetics I like. I'll be paying my $12 or whatever it is for this chapter, even if it's not the best.

  • Member Posts: 911

    This will probably be the first killer that I don't even get with shards. She's just Knight but worse in every conceivable way.

    Her only upside compared to him is that her Claw Traps can give her wall hacks in a chase, which more or less means the only unique thing about her power is outclassed by Floods of Rage. Her gen information part is likewise outclassed by perks. Not a good position to be in for a killer.

    Her perks are gimmicky and difficult to get value from, and the killer has a terrible power and no aesthetic appeal. At least Sadako came with Call of Brine...

    The survivors have interesting perks, so I will probably get both of them.

  • Member Posts: 410

    The point is most of the time if the PTB is bad the devs only buff numbers and I dont think this is enough for this killer

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Nah game's fine ish as it is. Devs will always me more interested in money than balancing the game properly. And you'll never get the whole playerbase to boycott.

    Personally I still enjoy the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I don't entirely disagree with your post, but

    Buying lackluster content you know is lackluster seems like a lack of standards. We've seen BHVR are capable of making good content, so why would we settle for content that seems rushed/unfinished and so on?

    It might just be the PTB but the PTB is essentially a preview of upcoming content. The chapter is basically a "Completed product" according to BHVR. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be releasing in 3 weeks.

  • Member Posts: 410

    Yeah I enjoy the game to, but if they would put more effort in new perks/killers me and many others would enjoy the game more.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I've got more than 200k shards (way more I think, I'm not about to start the game to find out)

    I will not get this chapter with or without shards. I have no interest in it (even if I was currently playing).

  • Member Posts: 121

    I am sorry, but I completely disagree with this. Here are some recent examples.

    1) community wants Eruption changed since it is such a problem.

    Solution: Devs annihilate the perk. Specifically, they removed incap. as the community requested

    2) community kept complaining that EVERY new killer just had "antiloop" power.

    knight = antiloop with guards

    wesker = antiloop w/ dash

    dredge = antiloop w/ remnant

    onryo = antiloop w/ passive phasing and teleport speed boost

    artist = antiloop w/ crows

    pinhead = antiloop w/ chains


    Solution: Devs gave killer w/ ZERO antiloop outside of addons

    3) community wants new maps and more map diversity

    Solution 1: on top of Realm Beyond updating Red Forest, they added a ton of new map elements to Shelter Woods essentially making it a new map. (Personally, I would have preferred a new MacMillan map and keeping shelter woods, but they can't please everyone).

    Solution 2: Devs are implementing Map Repeat Avoidance system.

    Clearly, they are listening. The real truth is they cannot please everyone. For every change, there will be a population of players who hate the change and wish it remained the same. Second, the devs cannot address everyone's concerns and issues simultaneously.

    Personally, I still hate these things:

    • Feng gets WAY too many cosmetics. Lunar New Year 2023 (timeframe, not event), she got at least 3 cosmetics.
    • Twins still get little to no love or communication (although I am grateful that they fixed the gamebreaking bug)
    • etc.

    It's okay to dislike the chapter and you're entitled to feel however you'd like. But, stating the devs don't listen is false. Enjoy your grinding for shards. I'll be purchasing the chapter as I do with every other chapter. Personally, $15 is less valuable to me than 105hr of my life.

    Thank you for the discussion/thread! It was a good read!

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Putting more effort in Perks and Killers would mean making new perks OP and S tier Killers

    People have already complained about those things

    Eruption, Call Of Brine, Deadlock, SH:PR... ETC

    Wesker, Artist, certain playstyles with Pinhead and Sadako

    Killers are either strong basekit or addon dependent

    Perks are either too strong or too weak

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    What are you on? We got two survivors, a map change that actually seems decent so far, and a killer with a unique (although weak) power.

    just because you don’t like it doesn’t make you a victim.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 554

    Nah, I enjoy the chapter so i'm buying it

  • Member Posts: 410

    No I dont want Op Perk or Killers, but if you look at the new killer there is nothing you can do with her. Every Killer have some kind of tecks you can use, like the blights huge teck or sadako with the short invisibility after manifest in a rock loop. Even with the knight you can do something, but with the new killer there is nothing to learn not teck no nothing. She is just an M1 Killer with Zero Power. Blight and Nurse are that good, because the have Map presure, Map control, Map mobility, Chase potecial. Other Killers have something else going for them like pinhead with passive slowdown. The new Killer have maybe very little map control and thats it. She dont have mobility, no map presure, no chase potencial, no pasive slowdown and she has the same problem as sadako, she has map control, but no map presure means its worthless.

    People always complain if the lose. The two problems of those people are:

    1. They cant handle losing and call everything overpowert.
    2. They only look at on side. Means They call some iri Addons on the Killerside overpowert, but dont see a problem in bringing two BNP and two insta heals on the otherside complain over medkits and play blight alchemist ring. Fun fakt both are overpowert.

    Killers gen regresion perks can be overpowert, but it depens on the Killer, Map and what the survs brought.

    Both sides have playstyles, whitch arent fun to play against. One Example on the survivor side Boil over on specific maps. On the Killer side for Example a Knight who camp three gens the whole match.

    All Killers should be strong in basekit and the Addons should change some numbers or edit the playstyle slightly.

    Perks on new chapters are allways considerd as to strong or too weak, but only on perks who are too strong or two weak. The perks that are kind of in the middle arent speekt about, becuse everyone only bring the best.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    I never buy with money any character buyable with shards anyway. I'm surprised some people do it. So yes, I will grind with you haha.

  • Member Posts: 426

    Those are not "Community requests" but are "Survivors requests" and, of course, they have been listened

    Here look at the "map" request. Shelter Woods got a main building with an hyper god vault because well..survivors. Killers have been asking to reduce size for Mothers map but just got the visual update

  • Member Posts: 410

    True and I guess the new mothers will be even more of a problem for killers, because you can hide very well and as the killer you cant see crows and stuff across the map

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