Should BHVR take the L on this chapter and announce changes
I think so. Killer’s visuals are awful (looks like Fornite, Apex etc). Power encourages camping gens, 3 gens in particular. I do not think time will help. I doubt the consensus on the visuals and power will change.
The map change is good (at last something Trapper can use)
Everything else is probably to throw away. (All I see is more reason to tunnel, which is the main reason I'm not playing at the moment.)
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Real question - am I the only one who thinks she looks cool?
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Im all for powers over looks. She looks fine to me. But her power is so halariously bad.
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They aren't gonna change a thing about the visuals
Whether that's because they value their artists vision too much or simply because they don't care about how consumers feel about it, I'm not sure
The Power will stay basically the same with numbers buffs and maybe 1/2 extra side things at best
I'm not being pessimistic, BHVR works in patterns and that's the pattern.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm the same way, I think she's boring power wise, and I couldn't care less about aesthetics/looks in general. But I think she looks cool despite that. Shrugs.
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no you are not
we are very much in the minority, though
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She would be a cool Wraith skin in Apex. She does not look like she belongs in this game, especially not as Killer.
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I like her design, but her animations and power suck.
tho the animations might just be bad because PTB.
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I don't know why so many are so fixed on her looks tbh. I think she looks fine and I personally like her a lot. If anyone thought we were getting a terminator like killer based on the teaser then that's on you, not bhrv for getting your hopes up. Nothing in those teasers said she was going to be a cyborg or anything, it was just a skull with tech in it and that was referring to her drones. Plus if it bc she's not scary well DbD honestly has no "scary" killers. The game itself isn't scary at all lol.
Anyway the complaints about her power, on the other hand, are justified and I completely understand where ppl are coming from. It's really weak and does the thing everyone in the community hates and that is area control/denial. People only really want chase killers anymore and I just feel like those take a lot longer to make and balance, that's why we usually don't get that many killers like blight or Wesker. Maybe it's time for the devs to give up on the whole new killer every 3 months and force on a few killers a year. Personally, I'm still getting her because I like her looks and aesthetics, and I'm sure they find some ways to buff her in some ways. Even if the buffs are small I can find fun in any killer in the game. I even enjoy playing sakoko and knight :P
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They should scrap the whole PTB and go back to the drawing board. The design is not great but not as bad as some are making out but everything else is garbage.
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People are probably fixed on her design because they were expecting something that wasn’t promised. You’d think that the community knows that the devs don’t like to think inside the box when it comes down to the types of characters they add to the game.
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I think she looks really cool. But I'm not dropping auric cells on a half-effort power that was clearly supposed to be Predator and got rushed out anyway for whatever reason. Just like I didn't spend cells on the Knight. Actually finish the chapter before releasing it and I'll buy it. Sick of devs doing this.
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I don't care about her aesthetic as much as her power and perks.
Perks are very weak and underwhelming and Power is absolute dog-water.
Hopefully she gets MAJOR changes to Power before release.
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“Thinking outside the box” or “subverting expectations” is not an excuse for this chapter. No one should blamed for expecting a horror themed Killer in a horror themed game. Instead we got a character who is out of a direct-to-video Scifi movie.
Scary and horror themed are not interchangeable.
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I think the killer visuals are fine and unlikely to change. I imagine they will tone down the drone zone brightness/opacity a bit. And. hopefully, with the feedback, they could give her a better Mori. Though I don't think that should be the priority. The priority should be buffing her enough that she is actually threatening because right now she just feels super weak. Her power feels almost useless in most games.
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I agree with you about her power but I don't think her perks are that bad. They are weak by themselves, yeah but when combined with other perks I think they will be kinda fun. Game Afoot I think to be fun with PWYF and Racor among other Obsession perks, Leverage I think be fun in anti-heal builds with sloppy and Coulrophobia, and as for THWACK! I think its a fine info perk. Overall I think they are fair and balanced perks. I don't mind them making super strong meta perks but those types of perks only end up being nerfed to the ground like eruption, ruin, pop, and thana.
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Binding of Kin was one of their worst PTBs, and it was at least a salvageable mess. Buggy power and design flaws that (almost) all got fixed.
Tools of Torment? Like... I have no idea how to fix this killer. It's just "M1 killer that protects 3 gens." That's your power. Use a drone at a loop to try and force exposed, and the survivor just leaves the loop. Buffing that part of her kit would mean it's too easy for her to force exposed hit and would make vs'ing her unbearable.
The info her power gives you is super inconsistent due to drones constantly powering down every ten seconds, leading to an annoying game of micromanagement and constantly pulling up your radar to look around and turn your drones back on.
Her power is literally outclassed by perks like Call of Brine, Dragon's Grip, and Floods of Rage. You could run those perks on a different killer, and you would be able to do everything this killer does AND have a strong power on top of that.
This killer is just a flop. She needs a complete redesign, or obscenely massive buffs.
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I don't think they can, realistically. The community overwhelmingly dislikes her appearance and lore and thinks the power and perks are pointless. We're basically asking them to go back to the drawing board and give us an entirely new killer.
That said, would I personally like them to? Yes, absolutely. I'm not that hung up on her appearance, but her backstory is hilariously awful and her power is a downgrade to several other killers we already have, to say nothing of the perils of having no chase power.
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Ok if she was the terminator would you be saying that? Terminator isn't a horror theme character, he is from a Scifi action movie. If you don't like her design that's fine but didn't get mad at the devs for not delivering a chara that wasn't promised in the first play. Also, they have done non-horror theme killers before and never heard ppl care about their looks. Deathslinger is just a cowboy and has nothing to do with horror, and Legion is just a bunch of Canadian young adults with masks. The point is the devs are not restricted to horror or scary killers, they can make any killer, they make, look the way they want. You have the right to complain also don't get me wrong but nothing is promised to us when it comes to killer looks and design.
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good thing you wont have to spend auric cells on her
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Her actual look is pretty terrible. She looks like something from Apex or Fortnite. Her lore seems pretty bad too.
Hips don't lie but calling her a Killer sure is. Her power is probably the worst one they've attempted to release since PTB Ghostface.
She might be the worst Killer in the game. I don't think number buffs help her at all. They need to take the L and go back to the design board.
The Survivors are salvageable at least. Perk changes are easier to implement than completely redoing a Killer
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Honestly she looks fine, but she could've had a more unique design. Her power is awful though and needs changes.
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BHVR did not deliver to their core audience. The criticism is well deserved.
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This is the first chapter ever I saw the killer and their power and went “nope this is trash. DBD is just focusing on sex appeal and forgot their game is supposed to be scary”. I won’t be bothering with this killer and I’m sad it’s going to be released in my favorite game.
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And I just criticizing your criticism :P At the end of the day, this is the killer we getting like it or not. No among of criticism is going to change that fact. They not going to just go back to the drawing board just bc ppl don't like how she looks. Personally, I like her design just like how I liked tricksters' design and the other killers'. Her power could be some major work that I agree with and will criticize all day since it is super weak but her look is fine. People are just upset bc they got something that wasn't promised in the first place. Trust me the next killer will most likely be more to your liking :P If you don't like her then play the other 30 killers we have in the game.
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Nobody wants this Killer to be DoA.
That's what we are all trying to prevent. Bad perks, horrible power and an extremely unpopular look do not bode well for this Killer. We're trying to avoid a Twins 2.0
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I mean.. the PTB is there so they can make changes based on feedback, so I don’t see how announcing changes would be taking the L? Though they shouldn’t just make changes based on the initial reactions which is all we got now. Let people play, get used to the chars and the lower.
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I didn't realize you guys speak for me and so many others who like her looks. Guess I just shut up now even tho I like her design and I like twins also. :P Have a nice day guys enjoy complaining into the void... Have a bless day o7
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Clearly didnt see ghostface and trickster on release. Community feedback pushed to prevent those two from being DoA. Though those two it was because of their power. So i think they need to go back to the drawing board on that alone. We don't need another twins where they just power through ignoring criticism (look at twins pickrate).
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After her cheap looks I couldn't care less about her power. It feels like they gave this killer on outsource while doing other things.
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Again I have said her power goes needs a lot of work but I think her looks is just fine. There is only so much the devs can do tho in 3 weeks so I don't think we going to see big of a miracle. The thing is Im not saying anything to those who are criticizing her power since I agree with others on how weak she is. I'm just saying her looks and aesthetic are fine and nothing wrong with those. It is better for the devs to focus on her gameplay and power other than her looks just because ppl didn't get a cyborg or terminator.
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Yeah, I also like her design, I would be really mad if she were reworked to be an ugly cyborg, just because some wants to
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Red Forest is amazing.... The new Killer is just niche though.. Very underwhelming.. :( I just hope the Anniversary Chapter makes up for this one..
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i think her looks are fine.. she looks like a amalgamation of 20 different killer designs gorilla glued and slapped together. her power is terrible. Also her chase music is a 1.6 second loop. And her mori is terrible. The bar is in the ground but bhvr can limbo. Idk she just has no cohesion but that is just me
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They won't and they would never. The chapter will come out, they'll make some tweaks here or there, and then they'll move on. Like every chapter.
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Nobody said that you should shut up nor that anyone spoke for you.
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she should be delayed a month and reworked
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Agree to disagree. I found her rather enjoyable to play and love the way she looks.
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her power is really smooth to use, unfortunately its not a great power smooth or not
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The amount of times they've released a PTB and changed absolutely nothing despite glaring flaws being pointed out makes me pretty convinced that the point of chapter PTBs isn't to gather feedback but to have the community do QA for them and to build hype for the release.
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This is supposed to be a HORROR game. As a fan of all things Friday 13th, Alien, Elm Street, Junji Ito, Chainsaw Massacre, Chainsaw Man, Saw, you freakin name it, this chapter and the Knight , Wesker (just some speedy white dude) and knives throwing guy are all a joke. IMO. Bland. Vapid.
If I want to play the role of normalish looking characters there are plenty of other games.
I want, we want, as killers, to play as cool scary things with creepy horror themed aesthetics that you’ll never see in another video game.
i don’t know what’s going on, if the horror element just doesn’t sell anymore or what.
But this latest chapter is a huge L . Not getting my money.
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It's been 1 day I'm sure there will be changes but this is definitely an L
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I think she looks decent.
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This chapter is a mess for sure. And still, I might buy it on release just to support BHVR and make a statement that I still trust them, even though I am disappointed.
They won't make her perfect, but at least serviceable. The way she can switch drones back on and monitor their radius is kinda fun and I like the "spider in its net" /security rigger approach. If they lean into this a bit more and make her drones slightly autonomous and replace the crazy obvious laser light show with a peeping sound when the drones scan and reveal you, I think she could be pretty fun.
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Not every killer should be Nurse/Blight level.
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Never gonna happen.
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No, but there would be more variety if they were.
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Please they need to go back to the dartboard on these perks
Also love how almost the entire thread is focusing on the killer power/aesthetic like everything else isn't just as rancid or worse