Eruption nerf is fine

and dead hard, circle of healing and windows of opportunity are fine too. There are no problems with these perks. What would balance the game though is nerfing Scourge hook pain resonance. I also like the any means necessary buff it actually is useful now which brings more perk viability on the table.
Dead hard is not a healthy perk to have in the game. Same goes for current Eruption.
Circle of Healing would be fine if it didn't boost Medkits.
Pain Resonance is fine as well Windows.
Any Means is still the same perk. The impact (almost 0) of it is the same. Just a nice QoL buff.
17 -
So what you're saying is:
"Killer perk nerf is fine
and survivor perk, survivor perk and survivor perk are fine too. There are no problems with these perks. What would balance the game though is nerfing killer perk. I also like the survivor perk buff it actually is useful now which brings more perk viability on the table."
Gee, I wonder which role you play.
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killer players are survivors' toy, so any killer nerfed should be fine
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Damn people falling for an OBVIOUS troll/bait/joke post aimed at the other threads predicting complaints about pain res once eruption is gone.
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Dead hard was broken before they patched it. It's just skill issue at this point. That small heal boost is nothing. Pain resonance isn't fine especially combining it with DMS. It shouldn't work with DMS and Merciless Storm so they should remove 'screaming' and change to current progression.
Us vs them. 🙄😴
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I don't think it's fine. Even if Eruption is still usable after the nerfs, the problem is that the community points out a specific issue, and then BHVR goes scorched earth on everything in a five mile radius of said issue. Again.
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Nice bait.
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they wanted to make it so "one perk isnt the go to compared to others" while making eruption only worth using on highly mobile killers.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Considering this as an irony, I like how people often mention CoH, DH and Windows as busted while ignoring the elephant in the room called Off the Record. That perk is the single most busted perk to be ever be created by BHVR other than original Mettle of Man and even that is debatable.
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baiting deadhard is stupid and shouldn't be a thing
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That's exactly what I'm pointing out, yes. Well spotted!
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Hit the survivor after they've been unhooked. Congratulations, you've managed to counter the perk. You guys seem to forget killers ca attack survivors
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ok. lets see if u have a diff opinion when they gut survivor perk as much as killer
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" 2 Meta broken Survivor Mains are fine, that Eruption is garbage now is fine , also plz nerf Another Good Killer Perk "
Tell me u are a Survivor Main who only plays Survivor whitout telling me u are a Survivor Main who only plays Survivor
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Idk, most players like that approach, many people will argue new eruption is a very well done change, to this day I have heard many tell me PGTW and ruin are still good and they were OP before, I think most people are happy when things they dont like get nuked, for example I haven't seen a complain about slinger in a while, ya know since he became a meme killer.
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Oh yeah, and now they get a speed boost for free and now they are on a safe pallet. With Borrowed time at least you can wait the timer, but good luck waiting 80 seconds for Off the Record to disappear.
At this point, they might as well make Second Wind work instantly. At least it doesn't mute you and hide your auras as well.
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Yeah i agree, blight addons are fine too, as a blight main with 300 hours in the game, beating 2760 hour survivors shows that blight is not op and needs buffs.
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Right no one said the issue was the regression part of it just the Hindered effect because it made it it's just a meh perk
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Literally putting them in deep wound cancels endurance. It's like you guys want to tunnel for free and with 0 consequence
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So basically gutting the next killer meta slowdown perk? Gotchu!
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even on highly mobile killers I think it still isn't very good lol, remember you not only have to be kicking generators, but the survivors have to be currently working on one you kicked at the moment you get a down for it to do anything
if you're hitting someone a full minute after the unhook it's really debatable at that point if it even is tunneling, also your recommendation to counter the anti-tunnel perk is to tunnel harder and allow it to activate lmfao
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God you guys refuse to think and it's annoying. I said hit them after they've been unhooked and put them in deep wound. Also if a killer wants to tunnel, they will so it's not like I'm suggesting anything out of the blue
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You do know most unhooked Survivors purposely body block the killer to tank the hit for the unhooker....I never tunneled off hook but have been blamed by said survivors all the time because I hit them when I was going for the unhooker.
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That's a different issue from what I said.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Then I was misunderstanding you sorry about that....
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Yeah, but it is still a free health state. It is like you guys want to have 0 consequences for playing unsafely.
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How can I play unsafely if I'm being unhooked and I get hit a second later? Do you even know what you're trying to argue anymore?
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First, if you get hit a second later you're already using the basekit BT, so it is not the Off the Record. Second, getting hit after getting unhook normally mean that it was an unsafe rescue. Third, Off the Record gives you far too much time of endurance, so it is very likely that the killer won't even tunnel and eat through the Off the Record after going for another survivor. It is the same problem of old DS but with more usage time and less counterplay.
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It would be fine but deadhead is still too good if they both got changed it would of been fine everything else you said is sound
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All that you said is completely wrong and without even some valid points to support your claims...
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My hot take is that OTR isn't even very good most of the time and it's definitely worse than previous DS.
With basekit BT, the most common situations are either getting hit before 10 seconds to force you into deep wound or stop body blocking, or waiting 10 seconds. OTR helps with waiting the 10 seconds, but you still have haste and 10 seconds is a lot of time to get to somewhere safe and force them to hit you before the endurance is up.
If you run current BT, that's 20 seconds and you get haste during that 20 seconds. OTR doesn't give any haste.
The thing that made BT/DS combination powerful was that DS stacked with BT. You could get hit into deep wound with BT, then go down, and have immunity from being picked up at all. If the killer picked you up, it instant revived you and you had enough time to get somewhere safe. That meant that the only options were to wait out DS or slug you. If they slugged you, someone else would come to pick you up or you might have unbreakable. The killer also didn't know if you had DS before the pickup. In the old meta, I'd run Unbreakable without DS to save a perk slot and it worked a decent number of times.
With OTR, you get more endurance, aura blocking is kind of nice, and old IW. But, when you're actually being tunneled, you're usually just hit directly off the hook and the endurance goes away. The IW tells the killer in advance that you have OTR because there's no other perk that makes you silent when you're injured. You now don't have BT or Dead Hard and have to mend for ~10-ish seconds if the killer does stop chasing you. It's also genuinely harder to see stuff while in deep wound. If you use it to offensively body block, you open yourself up to being tunneled and thrown on the hook again. Old DS you could use offensively and have no consequences.
I'm not saying it's weak. It's just nowhere close to the power of old BT and old DS in the old meta. And I personally think BT is still stronger in the new meta.
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Do you not know how endurance works or OTR? Like I'm convinced you have no clue what you're talking about. If you hit the survivor one second after the unhook, OTR is gone and you are in deep wound. I'm now convinced a lot of you guys argue without knowing basic mechanics
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Yeah, but you are still hitting the survivor with no reward. It is the same thing as a free health state, or do you want to convince me that hitting a survivor twice from healthy to downed, and hitting them twice from injured to downed is different?
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Finally someone says it. People want a nerf until it's just "a little too cruel"
I still see people asking for old deadhard back. I'm always like "are you effing serious!?"
Pain Res could be better though but even then I think its effects are usually earned....
People will still cry and say "Deadhard is a third health state" even though it does take some precision to use to a certain degree. Newsflash killers, and this is coming from someone who plays both sides relatively equally nowadays, just bait it out.
Circle of Healing can be annoying if Killers don't commit to chases or if it's near endgame
Windows is only good if you can still loop what it shows you well and not fall for fakes.
Also, people need to stop asking for things to simply be "deleted", it's annoying, and doesn't leave room for improvement if it's possible.
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Are you saying you want a free down after someone was unhooked? It's weird how you guys will argue and not see the entitlement
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you appear to be under the assumption that @GlamourousLeviathan is strictly talking about tunneling.
There are many instances where, as a killer, you may not be tunneling but still hit someone with OTR endurance because it lasts for over a minute. Now you could make the argument that said survivor has wasted time because they haven't done anything to progress the game since being unhooked, that's totally valid.
Truthfully, I don't have a problem with OTR as a killer- it's when I play survivor and notice someone doing absolutely nothing just so they can preserve their endurance that annoys me.
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Well they themselves said they can at least wait out the BT so how can that not be about tunnelling? They also mentioned 80 seconds of safety when the easiest thing is to hit them 1 second after being unhooked and OTR is gone
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Tell me you're a survivor main, without telling me you're a survivor main.
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Ooph, someone hasn't played a game with bad scourge hook spawns yet. It's not a regular occurrence, but it happens, which results in very low perk value for the match. Perk is fine. Requires you to hook on a scourge hook, and it only targets one generator. It is also easy to counter (even without comms). Only exception is if the killer is running Fearmonger. Don't see that one very often though.
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So your method of denying OTR is to encourage tunneling and camping?
You're only going to be 1 second away from the unhook if you're camping or the unhooking survivor is extremely cocky.
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People complaining about windows of opportunity?
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As I see, you want a free health state every time you get off a hook. I'm pretty sure you are the entitled one who can't see how this changes the game rules.
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I'm the entitled one when you're complaining about not being able to tunnel for free? That's rich. Unlike you, I know how to counter OTR so the problem lies with you
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Did I say to tunnel? No. My method is force them into deep wound so they have to mend and if you encounter them again then boom no OTR. It's like you guys want to deliberately twist my words just to argue
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Oh, I see. Your method of dealing with the perk is to pretend to tunnel and then abandon chase once all the anti-tunnel measures have been exhausted. I got it now.
No sane person is going to do that. You'd waste way more time than they would have if you had ignored them and they saved their OTR. Not only that but at the point in which you know they have no defenses (OTR gone, DH unusable due to deep wounds. Maybe they have DS but no one really uses that despite it still being decent) why wouldn't you hook them again?
The only scenario I can see your method actually being good is if you're camping the hook, at which point you're either already losing the game or you're a [BAD WORD].
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Oh yeah, because it is totally my fault is the survivor throws themselves at me to body lock because they have a free health state... I'm totally tunneling then.
Taking the hit isn't countering the perk... It's is literally giving them value out of it. You know what are the only two counters of OTR? Save the Best for Last and the Original Pain add-on.
But what can I say to someone who wants to get away with poor gameplay everytime?
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If you actually paid attention to what I said, throwing themselves Infront to Bodyblock isn't tunnelling and should be punished. Which you do that by hitting them and downing them.
How exactly would you recommend an anti tunnel perk that actually is only for anti tunnelling? Wait you can't because you guys never come with actual alternatives.
Also don't bring up STBFL acting as if it's not a meta perk. And last time I checked Legion, Deathslinger, and any mobility killer doesn't struggle with OTR. That's why they're higher tier killers. They handle a lot of issues in game
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Literally every person hits the unhooked person so they waste time mending. And if we really want to go there, let's not pretend and act like we aren't in a meta of tunnel/proxy camping near a hook. A lot of killers hover around the hook if they can defend it and a 3 gen. All I did was say to force them to not be on gens.
Also I main a killer with mobility so it's not like I'm actually wasting time when I can easily engage chase after hitting the unhooked person and going after the unhooker
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After much deliberation, I've determined this is IronKnight's alt.
You can't change my mind.
Also I only needed to consider it for like three seconds.
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Ok, so for campers and high mobility killers, I agree that this could be a decent time investment.
I primarily play Legion and if I happen to be around the hook when an unhook happens, I will try to get a chain going off of both survivors. When I'm not playing Legion though, I'm not going to travel a sizeable portion of the map just to deny one perk that they might not even use aggressively.
Right now the meta is holding a three gen from the start with eruption, not camping/tunneling. When eruption gets gutted, we will probably go back to Pain Res + Dead Man's which will heavily punish hook trades and synergise with camping so maybe hitting the unhooked might be less of a time sink then.
Of course none of what anyone has said so far addresses the problem that I have with the perk when I'm playing as a survivor with someone who does nothing just to get value from the perk.