Skull Merchant and Predator Theory

I’ve been quiet about how I feel about this chapter cause I can’t really play it since I’m on Ps4. But anyway I wanted to share my feedback for it when the chapter fully releases on every platform.
So anyway I decided to talk about it more earlier then I thought I would. While I was watching YouTube. I happen to stumble on Paulie Esther’s newest video.
He talked about how the Skull Merchant and everything else about it was supposed to be Predator base on some evidence and speculation he talks about in the video. I had an agree with Paulie on this cause everything he talks about and shows all makes sense. If this is true then that really sucks cause a Predator Chapter would have been amazing. But I also understand licensing can be tricky to deal with especially with Disney who is not very friendly with sharing their properties. This also explains why the chapter turn out like it did.
Also I highly recommend watching the video , here’s a link to it:
Paulie is 100% correct. The community that plays Dead by Daylight has always been much smarter than even they give themselves credit for. Kudos to him for putting this more out in the open. This was an obvious last minute cover up. Anybody that cannot see through that is lost.. I hate to say it but looks like we will never get a Predator chapter.. The amount of information that has been leaked over the past few years by BHVR themselves did them in on this one... :/
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I know and yeah I agree this whole thing did indeed seem strange to say the least. But the Predator could happen one day. I mean I agree the leak problem is still being resolved and yeah they did kind of messed themselves a little bit for sure. But they also did tried not to leak as much and give more opportunities for everyone to come up with more theories.
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We can only hope.. First impressions are usually the most important so if you mess that up, you may not get another shot..
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I agree and that is sometimes true.
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Yeah this chapter definitely gives the feeling that it was meant to be something else entirely. Now obviously we can't know that for sure, but considering how the lore for this killer is incredibly bland, the fact that the term "skull merchant" doesn't play into her power in any way, the Mori being a literal reskin of Freddy's right down to the same animations, gives this killer a feeling that everything was a rushed patch job.
Again, I can't say any of this with absolute certainty, but when you have The King - who is one of BHVR's most upbeat fog whispers - literally tearing this chapter apart, let's you know that they definitely dropped the ball here.
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Personally I don't know what the "leaks" are, but Paulie said in his YouTube video that there were many leaks that may or may not have cost BHVR the Prey license. Because at the end of the day, Prey definitely makes A LOT of sense in regards to what this chapter was probably supposed to be.
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Ya and I suppose it was either this chapter or the Knight chapter being For Honor originally. Either way something bad, not sure what, happened from within the company recently for this house of cards to come crumbling down..