Skull Merchant and Predator Theory

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

I’ve been quiet about how I feel about this chapter cause I can’t really play it since I’m on Ps4. But anyway I wanted to share my feedback for it when the chapter fully releases on every platform.

So anyway I decided to talk about it more earlier then I thought I would. While I was watching YouTube. I happen to stumble on Paulie Esther’s newest video.

He talked about how the Skull Merchant and everything else about it was supposed to be Predator base on some evidence and speculation he talks about in the video. I had an agree with Paulie on this cause everything he talks about and shows all makes sense. If this is true then that really sucks cause a Predator Chapter would have been amazing. But I also understand licensing can be tricky to deal with especially with Disney who is not very friendly with sharing their properties. This also explains why the chapter turn out like it did.

Also I highly recommend watching the video , here’s a link to it:
