Which killer's mori is the most boring?

Trapper, easily.
Wraith at least has the little bit where he pulls the Survivor by the leg closer towards him, that's mildly interesting.
I dont know why Clown is even a choice here though, his is great.
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Some might not like it because it's just a head stomp that kills the survivor, the rest is when the survivor is already dead
But tbf I was just putting random ones and there's not enough spaces to put them all
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The Skull Merchant's
The Skull Merchant's mori is literally a more boring version of Freddy's mori
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Agree, but I do like the blood drip kind of and the death pose lol, literally straight out of family guy
But yeah i do agree it's pretty dumb they didn't even get the survivor to look behind them and then she stabs them in the stomach multiple times, she's not really invisible like Freddy does in his mori and the drone should really be giving it away
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The Skull Merchant's
Honestly there should have been happining more with the drone in the mori. Perhaps a gunshot. Or a laserbeam would be nice. But no. They serve absolutely no purpose.
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i've played mortal kombat for years. all of the moris are boring.
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Wraith. His Mori is literally a copy and paste version of Trapper's Mori.
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Eh not really, wraith drags them back instead of stepping on them
It is similar yes, but tbf he's also a base game killer AND was one of the firsts
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Yeah but y'know that then raises the question, if they had ammo the whole time why weren't they used lol
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I suppose that's fair if your expectations are high like that lol
But if you had to pick one, which is the MOST boring out of all
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Hag ... because Hag
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Really? I thought most people thought it was one of the best, but that's fair. It's why I put the "other" option
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The Skull Merchant's
Well it's weird that surveillance is all the drones are doing in the first place. They need to be stronger in order to work in chase.
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ill have to run a montage of them reall fast. let me check and get back to you...
final judgement for the executioner and inexorable stare onryu.
they're both extremely boring because at least with the early moris they had alternate viewpoints for survivors and killers. later the moris seem to stopped having the extra effort put into them with the clown having the most unique mori in that depending on your character's sex the clown will choose a different finger. but newer moris - like spirit for example are the same regardless of viewpoint and offer little in terms of content.
pyramid head and sadako have better moris outside of the two i mentioned, but the exections for their powers are underwhelming.
a lot of people have said trapper and wraith and such, but those moris actually had distinct viewpoints for survivor and killer. so i find them more entertaining than... blight whose kill is still the same regardless of which player is killer.
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It should be multiple choice, because Trapper, Wraith and Mercant mories are boring af.
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The Skull Merchant's
Two things to enhance the mori experience:
- Multiple moris for each killer where you never know which one you will get
- Give survivor an interactive ability where they actually have a tiny, tiny chance of escaping it - kind of like how you want your character to respond in defense to the action. That would be very engaging.
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Trapper's is the most boring, but Wraith isn't far behind.
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I think that's just because those are meant to be quick, and therefore less interesting
However I do find it cool that if you have a tape it takes a little while longer for you to die of the heart attack than if you do not hold a tape
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It is multiple choice, but I made them separate to see the individual that is most boring
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2 wouldn't really work well in the programming I don't think since if you start the mori, the survivor always ends up dead no matter what
That would be like if a teammate could pallet stun during the mori to save them. Even though it would make sense, it just doesn't work because of the mechanics
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Yeah. I get that, but the question was about which are boring right?
Getting to see the mori from two different perspectives is pretty nice. Getting the same thing gets old fast. So yeah. Those are the winners.
and i didn’t know about the sadako tape one.
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"Getting the same thing gets old fast"
Meanwhile 90% of games you get killed by the entity instead of the killers killing you lol
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The Skull Merchant's
Trapper/Wraith/Hillbilly I can excuse since they were first moris ever created
I cannot excuse a Mori that was likely made several months ago being that bad.
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my games have varied endings when i play survivor. Idk why, but i tend to go the full spectrum of gate, hatch, hook, bleeding out, mori, egc death.
so idk.
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Lucky you then
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Yep. I think it has to do with the fact that I don’t run meta perks.
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Trapper should put a trap.on the survivor face or something :)
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(Shhh, nobody tell him about DBDMobile)
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he just goes whac there is no use of his power he should have made the survivor faceplant a beartrap
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The Skull Merchant's
Skull Merchant's is boring but I like the Nurse's when she strokes your head,