Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Devs? Can you finally adress something what is even more annoying than tunneling? DC/Rage quit

HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

When you will punish people for disconnecting and rage quitting? Do you know that your stat is affected by this as well? Killers have 60% killrate, because people are disconnecting, ragequitting and thats why killer get 3 kills in these matches. I can´t count how many times I got teammates when I climbed up in ranks after reset what disconnected, because they were such a weaklings and were not able to play like men. Instead of it, they disconnected at first takedown which resulted in defeat, because 5 gens and 3 people is not impossible, but very difficult. People what are killing themselfs on hooks and more.

There should be punishment for people what press button "Leave" or kill themselfs on hook. AFKing is another reason why people are annoyed in low ranks. I have pip most of the time, but people what are not tryharding like me are forced to play with people what disconnects or ragequit.

Actually there is nothing what can be considered as punishment for diconnecting. Fairytales about WiFi is very silly. And even then. Why would you play online games when you have WiFi? You´re automatically put yourself and your teammates into the very unpleasant position. I won many times even when I had rage quitters, but thats on higher level. When you´re climbing up you can meet people what are unable to comprehend that their actions have consequences. Did they press "Leave" button? Ban for month. If they do it once again, permanent ban. Simple as that.

Its a matter of being fair to playerbase. Disconnecting is not affecting only survivors. Its taking out challange from killer. I can´t even count how many times I got people against me what disconnected. At first... it should be counted as FULL 3 HOOK states. Not just silly 600 BP. You really thinks its compensation big enough to be considered as compensation? Its spitting into the players´ face. When someone ragequit against me I´m loosing any interest in winning or not. I´m letting them to farm as many bloodpoints possible just like I have as a payment their two hooks. Then I let them escape. Let them hit me with every pallet and fullfill altruism and objective to max.

There is no excuse for leaving and letting teammates alone while you have no real punishment. System should be able to recognize if someone disconnected just by internet drops or when they pressed "Leave" button. And yes. Its possible. Anyone with basic programming is capable of doing it.

Disconnecting should be punishable much more than now. Now its just ruining fun of both sides for reasons like being a weakling. AFKing and more is not punished enough as well.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    This is average experience at low grades when you´re climbing up. These people should be banned for eternity for such a cowardness.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Yeah allowing hook suicide literally doesn't makes sense, like just give 3 free kobe chance and remove skill check, balance issue will be much more negligible than actual harm of those mechanics.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    This happened when they saw Michael Myers. Immidietly disconnected after they screwed skill check 2 times in row. :D But hey... its tunneling whats problem, huh? :D

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    This is a video game, video games are played meant to be fun. If they aren’t having fun, they will leave, and that is completely justified imo.

    This is not suppose to be a competitive game with crazy attention towards MMR like most FPS games. Though there is MMR, we don’t even have access to view it, so that says enough already.

    Does it suck to be a man down in a match? Absolutely, but it isn’t that extreme. If you want to focus on winning instead of having fun, get a SWF together and your DC issue… will no longer be an issue.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 643
    edited February 2023

    Remember how DC penalties started at 5 mins? Good times

    DC penalties should start at 15 mins. My condolences goes to those whom have bad internet, however.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,201

    It's not just bad internet. The game's code is iffy and often unstable, which can lead to lots of server lag outs, especially on the old gen consoles and Switch. The penalty system cannot differentiate between connection issues and people purposely leaving, and hits them all equally.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 643

    Oh is that what it is? I always though they would have bad connection. Noted never the less.

    Then not sure if that's the case.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    After years in this game I´ve never met something like disconnection. I had some errors in menu where I had to restart the game, but never in the match.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    "There should be punishment for people what press button "Leave" or kill themselfs on hook. AFKing is another reason why people are annoyed in low ranks"

    Low ranks are very easy to climb out of, sounds like a skill issue to me. Besides that however, yes something should be done about DC'ing because it ruins the flow of the game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,201
    edited February 2023

    I've lagged out many times over the 1500hrs or so I've played DBD. When I used to stream this game on my Xbox1 I'd be in a match, often with a SWF, and just get booted from the game. The party chat and vod wouldn't be interrupted, but I'm gone from the trial, so it was a connection issue not internet.

    This happens less often on my Series X but persists, and to my friends as well. Might be a console thing mainly, that I do not know. One of our SWF buds has it happen to them from time to time, and they're not even on comms with us. You just lag out.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,716

    Just something I want to mention, games with DCs are not factored in when data such as killrates are collected. Giving up on hook is fair game, however.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    When its dropp of connection ofc its should not be pusnihable. Not too much ofc. But when you press "Leave" or "Alt+F4" button, then punishment should be tremendously impactful to that weakling. And its easily recognisable if someone press button in game or if its just disconnection. And most of the time they are clipping in one place and more. Even when you do a programm to recognize it, whichis easy to programm even with basic programming skills, and then its simple to give bans or time penalization. DC is too much impactfull to not care about it as devs displays.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,201

    They claim that their system cannot differentiate between connection issues and someone purposely leaving the match. So they penalize them all the same.

  • Tibbymane
    Tibbymane Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    You should be banned for face camping too right! Lets be honest here because this goes both ways you're so caught up in thinking about the killer aspect but what about killers who camp, tunnel, and slug? Its not fun when killers play that way. Its has nothing to do about "Being A Man" its called zero fun. The only one having kind of fun is the psycho behind the keyboard playing killer. Therefore we should be able to have no DC penalty and IF rank or stats are all you're concerned about then tough luck go cry about it. No one should have to suffer being hostage to killer who has no skill that they need to do one of those 3 especially camp, OR have to suffer your bad host connection to the server because you cannot afford good internet. IT should be a bannable offense IMO. You clearly need to compare both sides because if you have complaints a killer main then you really are a child. There's so many benefits that the game gives you as a killer its unreal. So to sit there and cry about the one thing a survivor can do to not be a hostage about toxic killer gameplay is really childish.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    As the OP has decided they do not wish to engage in a civil conversation, I feel it best to lock the thread.

    As many have stated, the DC penalty starts small for things such as IRL emergencies, bugs or issues that make the match unplayable (stuck in an object, unable to move, etc), as well as unexpected loss of internet. If a person chooses to continue leaving matches over things disliked, the penalty will increase in time.

    And unfortunately no, there is no sure-fire way for the game to tell if someone genuinely experienced and internet or power outage, or made it seem like that was what occurred to bypass a penalty. And telling someone to get better internet is far easier said than done for a lot of people, whether based on finances, or region, and one should always be respectful of other people's situations they cannot control such as that.

This discussion has been closed.