From The Void She Kills

Please update "From the void she kills" achievement to be [ In a public match, chain 2 blinks and land on a survivor grabbing them successfully. ].
I've gotten all killer adepts while they were emblem based and now they just require a 4K match outcome. If those achievements are going to be easier to obtain, please also update "From the void she kills" to not require add-ons to complete.
This is the last killer achievement I have to achieve and players currently have to farm add-ons to even attempt the achievement.
Thank you ahead of time.
Get the addon and then play one frendly game. done.
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It's a total gamble if the survivors will want a friendly game or trust a nurse for a friendly game.
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But it's still possible.
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The prior killer adepts were possible too, it didn't stop them from being changed.
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Exactly. I got the achievement when two survivors DC and leaving the other two survivors feeling left out and possible being solos. I decided to be a friendly nurse and them escape; in exchange that stand in front of them near a gen, blinks 3 times and hit the gen in front of them; hopping they understand why have 3 blink nurse addons. It took a while before I eventually got them to understand and they let me yoink them when I successfully got the grab after the 3rd blink. Obviously in a normal game, it not easily possible to do; as average survivors whom are working gens and can hear the nurse loud screaming when blinking, even while both sides are effected by oblivious and and undetectable. It's especially difficult on consoles too, as I am a pa4 player. If it was up to me to change the requirements, it should applied to any successfully grab and not just Generators alone, after the 3rd blink.