Please Hear Me Out: I predict the so called "Skull merchant" Adriana is going to be a Survivor!!

When the real Predator lands on earth, she will be running for her life just like any other survivor. I think most people will agree this is going to be the coolest concept DBD has yet released. Just imagine a killer turned survivor as bait for the Predator who has come to the earth for an intergalactic hunting expedition. Everything lines up. They even had a news conference which seemed almost like an April Fools parody when discussing the new killer. Adriana is almost like a Feng Min cosplay compared to the real predator. That is because she will just end up being another survivor we can play. But a really cool survivor but only a placeholder for the famed Predator. Please do not be discouraged folks. I think this will be the most exciting DBD chapter ever and all the fans will be so excited when the real skull merchant arrives.
Also, please go easy on the copium.
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Yes thanks, I corrected that.
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Although to be honest it is not really wishful thinking on my part since I think the new killer is both gorgeous and fun. I would be happy to play her as survivor or killer. It is just my hunch. It is not unreasonable to imagine a killer who has had the tables reversed and is now forced to play as a survivor. I think this represents the perfect opportunity. Even better would be a character that you can play as either survivor or killer.
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The mental gymnastics needed to reach this point:
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If she become survivor, she'll definetely become my main, hands down. My visual complaints to her that she is NOT a killer. She is just a human with claws. Although it could be menacing for Claudette and Dwight, I don't want to think in which body part her claws end up when she meet any RE survivors.
I at least hope they just redraw her into some T-X/Aelita cyborgs/cyberpunk robo-girls, it would be awesome. At the very least just make her claw on hand actually her hand and replace tinfoil mask with actual robotic face (half face human, half robot, similar to Robocop or cyborgs in Aelita).
Devs are very sensitive and offensive (remembering my conversation about tweaking Artist lore) so it is unlikely to happen, sadly....
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She doesn't need to look like a freak to be killer.
She is human sadist, with normal looks.
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She does need. Otherwise anyone would just punch her in a face. And when survivors do not, it ruins atmosphere and shows artificial game condition. In a roster with demons, mutants, spirits and monsters, yes, she does need to be something menacing. Otherwise it's laughable (like Legion)
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Dude relax with the amount of copium is dangerous for your health.
But yes it would be really cool.
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Tbf she could pass for a Meg skin if you removed the claw.
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Imagine it. Cutscene starts when we launch, SM is on screen. Predator comes up behind as shes about to kill dwight, and kills her.
Then I go to the store to buy predator urgh.
Anniversary is alien. MMMMMMMMMMMMM
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Adding to copium city.
Now that alien and predator are in DbD, new game mode 2x8.
So they can hunt together.
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I love the idea of them suddenly changing course as a surprise and being like 'that's not the real killer, this is the real killer!' It would actually be a really cool marketing ploy.
Reasons it isn't true however
There are 2 survivors already. If there was no survivor it would make a lot more sense. If she became a survivor then we'd suddenly have three survivors without any perk testing for the third.
If this was true, there would be no backstory. Because if she became the predator, the survivors would probably also switch to predator characters. Chance that creates anger from the community for those who liked the new survivors (bait and switch).
No invisibility. While the killer certainly seems Predator based, she has enough differences that if she just became the Predator there would be things missing. I haven't seen all of the Predator movies, but the tracking drones are not something I recall.
She wouldn't be, for lack of a better word, sexy. If this was just a 'hunter' type character with really generic appearance I could see the switch.
Also it would require multiple companies/license holders to keep it a secret, which is not an easy thing to pull off.
Now it is possible she is a complete fakeout. Like the character of Adriana disappears completely and reemerges later, but that seems like it would be a lot of unnecessary work.
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Nah bro that's not gonna happen, you're using to much copium at this point. Just accept that this chapter is bad and move on.
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Horror isn't just large men with deformities wielding a machete.
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The counter is simple. SM is simply killed by the predator in the intro cutscene when you boot up, and she becomes a skin or is just removed completely.
It would be SO hyped up!
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You're absolutely right, it's not. But it is something dangerous and menacing. Sadako, for example, is one of the most menacing (despite all devs attempts to make her harmless), and she is not large or man.
Merchant is just a girl with a knife. "Very menacing" to Chris, or Leon, or Jill, or Ada. If devs made her cyborg, she would be, also she would be much more fun aesthetically.
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You're all fools
It's obvious. She uses DRONES. Drones are machines.
She is also female. F emale. F. As in FRIDAY
She has an Add-on called Brown Noise Generator. N oise. As in NIGHT
Her name is also Adriana. A driana. A. As in AT
She is from Fortaleza. F ortalez. F. As in FREDDY'S
Y'all, the new killer is obvious. How you can't see such blatant In Your Face clues is baffling to me...
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I mean, the chaces of that happening are low but let's imagine it does happen, we would have something similar to Atack on titan skins where all the weaponery were broken so if the scale down her height to the survivor with her weapon broken and her mask being a cosmetic similar to masks Meg has, you have money making machine to the same level or even superior to Feng Min.
Because her design for survivor, uff 10/10.
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You mean F as in Five, not Friday
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Very very very very unlikely
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...I did that on purpose! You caught it, good job!!! Clearly you're ready for FNAF to join the cast!
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I've always been ready, especially if they had the suits as an alternative hook