Quality of Life updates?

Why don't we have a search bar for perks? Auto-Level? Higher BP Cap? Are we getting any of these?
Loudouts were a good start. They said they'll also improve the bloodweb again, i'm really hoping for an optional auto-level per bloodweb. Also how is quickswitching for survs still a thing? All loudouts should be locked after the lobby timer hits 15 secs.
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I really just want shadowborn to be basekit for killer or for there to just be an fov slider, the game looks way better with it. And I don't want to have to waste a perk slot on something that should be in the settings.
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i just want to spend BPs more faster...currently doing bloodwebs takes AGES....
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Locking all loadouts at 15 seconds just means that to quickswitch you just change survivor/loadout at 16 seconds...
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I like the idea that the survivors have till the 20 second mark then the lock happens. Giving the killer the rest of the time to change their perks if needed. Especially considering perks like lightborne only has value if one certain thing is ran. Same for franklins kinda as well. Quick switching removes some of the advantage.
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they said they're looking at a solution for faster BP spending which they implied would come up before the next anniversary update; hopefully that means auto-leveling (or at least something similar) within the next few months. not perfect but at least they're coming!
would love to see all those other ones as well
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I mean I tried making a post for it awhile back > https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/333463/community-help-me-creating-a-quality-of-life-list#latest
But a dev moved it to feedback basically instantly so it didnt get much traction and most users stay on the general over the feedback section... kinda pain really
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The big thing I’m waiting for with QoL update is a complete overhaul of the bloodweb system. What I’d like to see is a way for you to select items you want the bloodweb to prioritize and be able to let it run automatically until you tell it to stop (or do something like spend X number of bloodpoints then stop). It’s one of the most boring and soul-crushing parts of this game.
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They will have a look at the bloodweb. That much we know. The BP cap will probably never be removed or buffed again.
But a search bar for perks has been asked for years and we still don't have it. With more than 200 perks in the game! How long can it possibly take them to program this? 15 minutes? Maybe 30 because they'd need to design graphics for it as well.
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I don't understand why they need to look into a solution. They can just have an option to turn off bloodweb animations, and have the bloodweb nodes instantly fill in when you click them. And when a bloodweb is completely filled in, the next bloodweb instantly appears.
That's all they need to do for a first pass. Just an option to remove the animations. We don't need to use complicated math, or try to figure out some complex AI solution that autofills bloodwebs.
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All brown non-addon Blood web items need to go. So much clutter in the inventory
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Imo, Devotion levels should increase your BP cap. This way, players who have played for a long time are rewarded by being able to save more BP and getting to unlock new perks/level new characters a bit sooner. I’ve never liked that Devotion doesn’t do anything meaningful.
Perk search bar and more preset loadout slots would be really nice too.
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This should've been a thing a long time ago.. The FoV is terrible.. If BHVR doesn't want to give us a slider..fine.. Just make Shadowborn base kit and change the perk to something else... :/
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This. It's simple and effective. The animations are unnecessary, being told what level you're at for the few moments it takes to level past it is unnecessary, hold to click is as unnecessary for the bloodweb as it was for the tome entries. And all it requires is to turn off things that are already on, to start.
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They should add FOV setting in options (just for the Killer of course). It would be the best update in DBD for me
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FOV slider for killers too