Thoughts on new Hellrasier Legendaries?
I always have a little hope we could get more skins for pinhead. Hellraiser has some awesome designs and I would like to suggest some and hear your ideas.
First off, since we didn't get the final girl herself, How about a legendary based off Kirsty Cotton when she replaced pinhead in the comics?
Another awesome version of pinhead that would be great for a dbd lengendary is the reboot movies version.
Would be amazing if they got Jaime Clayton to reprise pinhead, giving them voice lines and having a trans actor in DBD.
My last suggestion is Philip Channard, or the Doctor Cenobite, from Hellraiser 2. A cool design thats not too explict, grusome but still very much creepy. He could even work as a legendary for our Doctor killer!
They couldn't add any of those since the hellraiser license only covers the first movie.
Also judging by part 2 of the last Mathieu Cote interview with The King and Paulie Esther, we won't get anymore skins for Pinhead.
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Wouldn't want any of the new stuff at all.
It's mostly weird we didn't get Kirsty. Although, given the whole 'Pinhead showed up of his own accord' nature of it, I suppose it makes sense.
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Angelique is the cenobite I'd love to have a skin of. While many cenobites don't really fit, because of their body shape and posture, I think Angelique would be really fitting model-wise
Stitch, Bound would be amazing too.
Surgeon Cenobite would make a perfect Doctor skin ;)
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Any source for your last part?
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I want the female cenobite from HR1
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In the interview he basically said "no" when coming to new Hellraiser content
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That isn't a source, that's you telling me what was said. I want a video.
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then look up the video my dude, just go to youtube and search "king dbd interview part 2" that simple m8
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You seem to not understand how this stuff works. You don't get to say things then say well you gotta either believe me or find out for yourself. Like it's not hard for you to give me a link to the video either, but whatever I'm gonna assume you're full of it.
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The other “main” cenobites would be my pick. They’re already referenced in the very rare add-ons.
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and its not hard for you to search up a video on a site with a search bar, they already gave you the source in the first comment they posted "by part 2 of the last Mathieu Cote interview with The King and Paulie Esther"
and I didn't "say things" that was a different commenter. don't come in like a douche when you don't even have ur own information right
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