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my suspicions about licensed characters who fell through and turned into original characters

Member Posts: 1,235

Discussions about how the Skull Collector was obviously supposed to be Predator but the license fell through got me thinking about the other "original" characters who I suspect came about the same way. So here's my list:

  • Leatherface ➡️ Billy (of course, they later got the rights to Leatherface and had to add him with a slightly different power, and I think they did a pretty good job)
  • Scorpion ➡️ Deathslinger ("get over here!")
  • Xenomorph ➡️ Twins (this one's a bit of a stretch, but you can see it if you squint. 😁)
  • Joker ➡️ Trickster
  • Predator ➡️ Skull Merchant

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  • Member Posts: 1,145

    I don’t see the twins one. And deathslinger is based on something else I’m pretty sure.

    spirit is based on the grudge archetype.

    trapper is likely jason. Jason is a commentary on societal pressures and revenge

    wraith and nurse are based on traditional western ghosts

    meyers is meyers who is based on the freudian psychopathy theory

    doctor is almost a 1 for 1 to the outlast character.

    hag is an excuse for hex totems. possibly an early adoption of sadako.

    huntress is a furry. Just like pig.

    the rest are memes.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    My rationale (which I'm sure is wrong, but it's fun to think about) is that babby is a facehugger, and if she'd been xenomorph there would've been an intermediary step of laying an egg, but when it became an original character they just had her spawn babby directly.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I personally buy into the 'this was formally Predator' theory, and I actually like this chapter as is too!

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I just saw a video about the similarities between Tools of Torment and Predator and I definitely see it more than I did when I posted my comment. I'm a little more sold now, but I'd still personally need some convincing since the reason behind the survivors is so weak imo that you could blow on it and it would snap in half and fall over. However I definitely see the correlation between Adriana and Predator and the mori makes more sense if it was supposed to be Predator.

  • Member Posts: 11,534
    edited February 2023

    You could also make a case for artist and candyman thought that’s also a stretch

    plus obviously trapper is a Jason clone

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I can also see the Predator angle. What's not discussed a lot though is this: everyone says the skull merchants power is clunky and weak, so if she were replaced with the predator, wouldn't peeps hate on him, too?

  • Member Posts: 941

    I would love Viktor screaming while another tiny Viktor heads shows from his mouth.

    But no way Twins are xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Ugh. We were robbed.

    imagine if we had a killer that was just named Bob and looked like an ordinary person among the roster??

  • Member Posts: 212

    I agree that it's supposed to be Predator. I even requested them on that survey about licenses too. I would have been a lot happier just seeing the iconic Predator cloaking and uncloaking even if it is just like Wraith.

    What we got just feels kind of forced, awkward, and a little too safe visually. The drones could use some more polish too.. I wish they could be controlled manually in First Person view. Maybe smash into Survivors and deal a single health State hit? Just something a little more interactive maybe?

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Or order them to follow survivors around? But that would just make her Knight 2.0 ... For starters, I think the scanner laser net needs to go, its again giving survivors all the info in the world, making the power sorta impotent. There should be a peeping sound or something that gets heared occasionally, but nothing as obvious as "you are entering the killers power now. Prepare thyself."

    I am torn on the parked drones: for ones, you might want to reactivate them, but on the other hand you also want survivors to tamper with them, so that they get the little claw marker. I like how part of her gameplay loop is looking at her scanner device and checking if she gets any reports from anywhere, but by itself the claw markers drain too fast and pose too little a threat.

    On a more controversial note: her lore is all over the place. She is a selfmade millionaire and a big manga weeb and trying to relive her fathers unpublished killer persona, but she looks tame like this? She should have a full on mechanical, bulky arm and weird hair styles like Goku, if they really wanted to lean into the "Manga Killer", but it more feels like an afterthought then anything else. At least the Trickster was designed as "the K-Pop star who is secretly a killer" and hits all the marks on his design, if you hate it or love it, but he is spot on. But the Skull Merchant as a killer version of a real life batman-eque Manga Killer? Not even half weird and cool enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    IIRC, there was a leak that suggested much more to Slinger during the initial design phase. Such as the ability for him to pull himself to obstacles quickly by shooting them and reeling himself in. I don't think Slinger was ever intended to be another character, he just ended up similar to something else because of constraints and limitations.

  • Member Posts: 539

    Twins are probably inspired by the characters in the movie Basket Case, where the monster was a conjoined twin who was surgically removed.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    oh! you're totally right about Artist and Candyman! I totally see it now.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    To rein discussion back in a little, this thread was originally intended to be about killers who specifically seem like they were originally designed to be licensed characters, but were changed to original characters because the license fell through. It's not about "inspirations"; the inspirations for the original killers are obvious in most cases.

  • Member Posts: 1,235
    edited February 2023

    Joker isn't a horror character... but a random member of BTS is? 😂

    My rationale was that he's a skinny, smiley character, he throws knives (cards) and uses a blunt weapon (the Joker often uses a mallet or cane). AND he's the only killer who's announcement video was a cartoon, further solidifying the cartoon / comic connection. (yes, I know I'm reaching. This is for fun, you guys!!)

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    If the Skull Merchant was supposed to be Predator, then the Predator license holders dodged a minigun.

  • Member Posts: 165

    Because the mori is the same from the movie Prey, Predator also used drones and the Hud radar with three dots and tracker is the same as Predator crosshair it's called tri laser and her weapon very iconic to Predator franchise. That's why this theory is so believable because there are too many similarities and Bhvr even made behind the scenes video where they constantly call her apex predator, telling the player to watch out because she knows where you are, like bruh, you didn't not made a nurse 2.0 with aura reading abilities as a basekit, it doesn't matter if she knows where I am, because she can't do ######### with that info.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    You can throw in Candyman > Artist to the pattern too.

    That said, jumping to "deals the fell through" is a little too much of a reach.

    We know that they work on multiple concept at a time, sometimes just as a 'proof of concept' kinda thing. In a dev interview they mentioned how they have a Pennywise killer built that they're particularly pleased with. I doubt they would have mentioned this if there ws actually any deal for Pennywise in the pipeline.

    So,they could have had this Predator killer concept already built, just for fun. When brainstorming new original killers, they already had this concept built so repurposing it for an original one would be a decent way to cut a few corners.

  • Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2023

    Twins being Chucky & Tiffany makes way more sense.

    I seriously can't wait!

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Joker? You mean the guy from persona?

    Nah its obviously Dio from Jojo's bizarre adventure

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    Also, The Dredge is clearly supposed to be The Edge from U2. Once you see it it's obvious.

  • Member Posts: 887

    I doubt any of them were deals that fell through. Billy was likely inspired by Leatherface, The Hills have Eyes, and many other hillbilly based serial killer movies, but not a deal that fell through. The rest are nice conspiracy theories, but a stretch.

  • Member Posts: 880

    Yeah, I’ve been pretty convinced about this one for a while.

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