How are your Demogorgon matches going?
Since Demo is not (legally) buyable anymore for quite a while now, I was wondering if you meet new people that have no idea on how to play against him, or if you maybe even meet veterans that just simple forgot how to counter him effectively. Do people make more blunders? Make more wrong match decisions than when he was purchasable back then?
Both Killer and Survivor perspective would be appreciated, plus a mention of how often you see/play him.
I was playing a little survivor last night and we got a demo. He was quite terrible in chase and never used his shred after missing it a couple times in a row. Tunneled the first person he caught. Carried by eruption CoB & pain res. Fun times.
Many times the demo players are experienced and fun; my one last night was not. Lol
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Stopped playing Demo because Dead Hard makes playing him miserable
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Demo's counterplay is rather intuitive so it doesn't matter, if the survivors aren't too experienced against him. The last time I played him I got completely obliterated. I got exactly 2 hooks and was teabagged relentlessly. I'm not the best Demogorgon out there but I'm not super bad either. I just couldn't really do anything against unlimited fast heals, endless bodyblocks, gens flying in seconds, 4 DHs and Garden of Misery. Even STBFL couldn't help me.
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My Demo used to be one of my worst killers back then but lately I have only gotten wins with him, I personally noticed way less attempts to juke my pounces which gave me the idea that people just naturally became worse at his counterplay. To me it feels like, even with a simple killer like Demogorgon, if you don't get much experience against one it will show
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Maybe I just got unlucky, then.
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Most Demo’s I go against are a significant threat. I assume that it’s because players who have him, by default, have lots of game experience.
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I've definitely noticed a drop in the average skill level of people whenever I bring out Demo, it's been...weird, to say the least
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Demos power is excellent for baiting out Dead Hard lol.
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No it isn't you can just DH on reaction. You should never get baited by shred lol
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I don't know why, but I always get insane players when I play Demo, and I don't play him that much. Matchmaking has always felt weird on Demo. Consistently hard matches. But I have a 10 game win streak going on Knight. And I don't remember the last time I lost on Nurse. It makes no sense.
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Terrible. You just can't shred injured survivors because of dead hard and his teleport is pretty weak, whenever you use teleport survivors just sneak away, and distortion counters leprose lichen add-on.
Feels very underwhelming and the fact he is exclusive character doesn't put much confidence that the devs care too much about the balance of it.
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I think its just Demo very weak, honestly one of the worst killer in my book.
Sure base kit myers, and Trapper worse.
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Had a demo while playing with my roommate and discord mates yesterday. Dosn't do great so we were nice and let him kill a few of us. Afterwards one of ours on the able platform exchanged gg DMs. They said they didn't like me, specifically but, given I was doing the "blind the killer as Vittorio" challenge, I consider that completely fair
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I've noticed an uptick in the amount of demodoggies lately. I like seeing him he is a pleasant change to the usual boring killers. most playef very skilfully thumbs up. go demo dog!
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If you are close, yes. But any killer can bait DH up close.
If you are in a scenario where you have to Shred, you can’t bait it most times against a smart survivor.
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I actually played him a lot when I unlocked him so I maxed out my MMR, only absolute sweatfests where everyone plays very optimally against him.
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Most Demos I play against are your average giga sweaty player. Hardcore tunnel the first guy out and set up portals for defending a 3 gen with CoB + Eruption.
Kinda leaves a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to that killer, I associate him with games that have a $20 Applebee's gift card on the line.
I don't have much to say about playing as him, since his audio is so deafening I never play him. When I do play him, there's not much survivors actually can do in terms of playing against him. You force them into lose-lose scenarios where if they try to juke your Shred, you cancel and M1. If they don't try to juke your Shred, they get hit in animation lock.
Hot take: Demo is pretty boring.
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I love Demo but I only play him with the Leprose Lichen add-on, as it allows you see all Survivors on the map. I think a lot of Survivors don't realize his speed during a Shred attack. I see a lot of Survivors trying to bait a pallet drop but underestimating his closing speed. 🦖💨
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You can fake the shred, theres a possibility they either dodge or use Dead Hard. Hell when I had Demo on my other account I used shred to make distance because of how the survivors started dodging going back and forth when they thought I was about to shred.
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Demo is cute but ultimately a killer I don't care massively for. I don't feel like I have unique or fun build synergies to discover on it, the power is nice to use but nothing super interesting for me and I don't have any of the bias from it being Stranger things. A killer I enjoy from time to time and is a fun killer to play against, but no matter how much I try it's not one I care for playing all too often. Isn't to say I don't want Demo back in the shop as I know many other people care about this killer more than me.
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The issue is if you shred from a distance, which is the point of it, survivors can use dh on reaction so you can't really bait it out. Ideally they panic dh which would be nice but if the survivor panics like that chance are they aren't the one you need help chasing.