Are we going to give some love to Michael Myers ?

Sure but his add-ons must go in that case
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His only problematic addon is Tombstone Piece. His basekit desperately needs an update.
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infinite tier 3
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Oh no please, I am allready bored of how offten I see him. What doesn't help is that like half of these matches are againts OP add-ons. Walk up to someone with 0 terror radius you didn't even saw that game, Mori him, wow such fun!
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I hate how Myers is so bad but he’s add ons keep him from receiving any changes.
Just nerf his Insta kill and infinite add ons already so he can get some buffs!
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Sure but remove his tombstone add-ons anr incorporate them into his basekit so he’s like Pyramid head where he has to have a certain affliction applied to survivors before being able to instakill fhem.
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He desperately needs some buffs to his basekit, he's one of the worst killers in the game because of it. I'd be very happy if he got some buffs, not just because I play him semi often, but because I love the Halloween movies. Some of his add-ons are great, but those can only carry a killer so far, his basekit has needed a buff for a good while now.
But I truly doubt he'll ever get buffs to his basekit, knowing behavior they'd look at his really good add-ons and say he's fine in his current state which he isn't. And seeing as he's a licenced character means he probably isn't gonna get buffs either.
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They will just remove the Insta-Kill-Addons, thats about it. Besides this, he is fine. His Early-Game however sucks.
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I want them to remove the efficiency while stalking
The farther the survivors are, the less you stalk fast
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Except tomstone piece, other addons are fine. Unless you're playing against clueless/ new survivors both with infinite and double iri all gens will be done and you'll get 1k best case scenario.
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what do you mean "give him some love" that could mean a lot of things. i mean i can "give him some love" but i'm not allowed to describe what i mean by that
...jokes aside, i think all he needs is to buff his stalking falloff so he can still get stalk decently quick at range and to have an addon pass that nerfs the tombstone options (i like the instakill but it shouldn't necessarily be available on survivors that haven't been hooked) and swaps out the more useless/redundant addons for more useful stuff (for instance, what if there was an addon that made survivors in your TR scream and alert you when you tier up)
it already works that way
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I'll be happy if they never touch Myers. Nothing good would come from it.
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I don't consider that one problematic.
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Agreed. We should keep meyers exactly the same. Maybe give him david’s chest cosmetic or make a female version called misty meyers.
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We should be fair and add shirtless cosmetics for both Halloween characters.
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I would be comfortable with them removing the tombstone add-ons if it meant that he can get to stage 2 more quickly, and that the survivors no longer run out of stalking capability.
Myers is the only killer that can literally run out of power. Once all survivors are in the red, he becomes just an m1 killer for the rest of the match. I would change it so that the stalking is reduced by 50% once they're all red, thus ensuring that he doesn't lose his power.
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I can understand that given how long it take to get IT3. It super inconsistent
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i dont think Myers needs changes... EXCEPT to his piece of tombstone, his infinite tier 3 and kill everybody with the full tombstone are kinda fine... as ultra rare and to combine both u need to fully stalk 3 survivors by that point u should have lost the game unless survivors are terrible.
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I think you're thinking of Judith's Tombstone. Tombstone Piece is his very rare and pretty easy to use.
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Screaming when getting going up a tier
THIS is a real addon 👌