How is Deathslinger's reel in attack not a special attack

Stuff like NOED is basically an insta win on him because of it able to reel in survivors down them in one go and if it's because well he hits you with his weapon does Blight and so does Nurse to the point her blink attack is counted as a special attack. Also if oh well his power isn't really doing much but reeling survivors in okay Blight's power is just there for him to dash around he just hit survivors with it so his power isn't a waste of time. So shouldn't stuff like NOED not work on him if he's aiming or STBFL.
yea, it probably should count as a special attack but oh well
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This is like your third thread complaining about killers you struggle with.
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Nurse and blight are the strongest killers in the game
Deathslinger is unfortunately around C tier
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Because his power can't hit through pallet and such?
lot of limitation he has, will not deserve nerf.
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First of all, don't come at Deathslinger. He hasn't recovered since last time Bhvr touched him.
Second of all. Nurses only count as specials because people don't want nurse to have synergy with her basic attacks (and because people complained about her alot). Which she really has none cause you can't survivors without blinking.
Anyways, sure it can be true, but let's not do that...
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I think slinger is pretty good in the right hands. I've watched tourney slingers do godlike shots, but in the average players hands (someone who never really sticks to a killer, rotates, tries new builds, addons, etc) slinger is pretty poopy if you don't understand his quirks.
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At this point I feel like it's safe to assume you struggle against every single killer. Also that's not how Slinger works the spear can't actually down anyone, Slinger has to reel you in then let go and then has the ability to m1 you it's not all part of one action.
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I don't think Deathslinger is strong enough to warrant this nerf, personally.
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I agree. We should definitely buff legion.
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I think you just need to keep playing the game and work on your skills / game knowledge before complaining about anything else.
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it's literally the only thing that he has that's good right now... Aren't you satysfied of the nerfs that he got previously? They already removed his peculiar ability of aiming without delay, making him clunky as hell and increased his TR to 32 despite he's a 4.4 MS killer... Leave alone this killer, he was nerfed too much already
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I was about to say the same.
Two about fcking wraith of all things and a trapper thread a few hours ago and now this.
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Op also complains about wraith and trapper,so i wouldn't expect too much from them.
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Well technicaly, his power just allows him to pull Survivors towards him. It can only injure you. He has to still M1 to down you.
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The basic/special attack dinstinction has always seemed weird. Not the terminology, but the fact that there are perks that are basic attack only for seemingly no reason other than gatekeeping some killers from using them. Exposed, sure, gatekeep that so that Huntress doesn't become a long-range camping god with Make Your Choice, but is it that bad if she could use Knock Out? The perk itself can't be that bad given it was buffed as recently as 6.1.0
The opinion that the whole distinction is arbitrary beyond Exposed is supported by how many perks used to be basic attack only but got changed, including
- Dark Devotion (basic attacks only until 6.1),
- Gearhead and Remember Me (both basic attack only until 5.5),
- Hexes: The Third Seal and Blood Favor (until 5.3), and
- Infectious Fright (until 3.1)
But nah, you know what would really make Blight really OP? If he got to use Jolt.
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Exactly. The fact he can use things like Starstruck, Jolt, and Sloppy makes him viable.
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Could we... like buff C-Tier killers first, before discussing nerfing them any further, please?
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I've taken it as the spear is the special attack, since damage from it doesn't benefit basic attack perks, the M1 is still an M1
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Why would anyone play Deathslinger when we have Trapper and Wraith?