Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Run Lightborn every match

No seriously.

Unless you really need that fourth perk, just run light born. It fits any build, can counter survivors really well, even has a chance to beat 2 survivor perks. They brought a flashlight? How wasteful of them! Best of all, you only need it at tier 1! Forget tiering it up, that's for chumps... just prestige once billy and your done. Best perk for all killers.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,203

    In 2700 hours I don’t think I’ve used Lightborn once.

    Also it doesn’t even counter Blast Mine, you still get stunned (just not blinded).

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Never once used lightborn outside of Billy’s adept. Flashlights are easy to counter and it’s free pressure cause they always follow you trying to get a save rather than sitting on a gen.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,381
    edited February 2023

    I have a similar amount of hours and haven't used it either. I don't understand why people think it's necessary. If flashlights bother people that much then they could just dodge without wasting a perk slot.

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    Yeah no, I love lightborn but using it every game is a waste of a slot and reinforces bad habits. I will usually only run it if there's 3 or 4 flashlights on high prestige survivors in a lobby, otherwise I'll use a more useful perk in it's place.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    It's funny when everyone runs a flashlight but otherwise...

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    You don’t get blinded? You’ve convinced me to use it.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Maybe if it removed the stun from blast mine.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Lightborn, the best way to say to survivors: "hey, stop wasting your time looking for a potential flash save and just be the regular efficient gen #########" 👌

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    If you're doing this PLEASE look at the lobby first. I've seen too many killers bring this despite an absent of flashlight in the lobby and have it do absolutely nothing and waste the slot. I'd also say please try to learn to play against flashlights anyway and don't use this perk as a crutch which substitutes in for your skill, you can play around flashlights and it's worth learning how.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I’d rather just counter them by slugging and baiting saves which allows for easy snowballing

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,401

    I'd much rather save that perk slot for Franklin's which counters every item a survivor brings + sets an immediate trap for them. We all know that some survivors will die for their items, especially their purple beamers 😈

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I run Lightborn all the time.

    I try to look away from flashlights and pick up facing walls, so they don't know I have it. Meanwhile, it saves me from those "impossible angle" saves, flashbangs, firecrackers, and if they get so much as a partial blind I get to see their aura for a bit.

    If I get hit with Blast Mine, I can see their aura after the stun. If I see no aura, I know to search nearby lockers.

    Also, no more animation-lock blinds at pallets.

    Big quality of life for me.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Last minute item/character swaps. New Residual Manifest perk giving survivors flashlights mid-match.

    I HATE spending minutes getting a down for it to be undone in SECONDS, just to spend another minute downing them again (if I don't lose them in the process)

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I don't know about every match, but it's a very fun perk to use when you see multiple flashlights. Always play it off as if you don't have it and watch confusion ensue as they don't understand how they're missing the blinds.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    The way most players use the flashlight and the way lightborn works it would be a wasted perk. Enduring would be better.

    flashlights don’t stun the player unless they’re carrying a survivor. So you can still break the pallet, go for a hit, chase by sound.

    really… the only thing that survivors ever do that you’d be able to counter is pickup stuns and pallet break blinds.

    whereas with enduring… you can basically nullify pallet stuns.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    No way would I surrender a 4th perk just to counter a survivor item. If I see flashlights, im picking a mori or closer hook spawns.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,180
    edited February 2023

    All hail our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎

    But if you want real value i would also do this ^

    It's hilarious how stubborn they can get to get their toy back.

    Edit: But be careful, if you are a friendly 8hook/0k killer like me, at the exit gate and don't give them the love tap out of the door.

    I have been accidentally "toxic/rude" by hitting the item out of their hand at the finish line on more than one occasion simply because I forgot that i had franklin's on from the match before or because I expected a bully squad.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    Why would I want to waste a perk slot when I can just flush out the flashlight user hiding behind the corner, or face a wall?

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Yes, run lightborn everyone :)

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,679

    gonna have to hard disagree; bringing Infectious Fright alerts you there are survivors nearby to avoid flashlight saves and everything else the perk brings is countered by survivors choosing to do gens instead.

    i occasionally bring lightborn because the intentional stare into a futile flashy blind attempt is a funny troll, and it sometimes can work as a good info perk with the aura reading, but there are far better perks to have as your bread-and-butter.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    You'll make them angrier and potentially lead into kills by using Franklin's instead.

    I believe in Franklin's Supremacy

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Oh god, Lightborn threads are always warzones.

    As far as I'm concerned, if you wanna not have to worry about flashies, go for it. If you're fine countering flashies, then don't run it, easy.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Any time I would run lightborn I would just use Franklin's instead. Why just say no when you can take the toy away instead and have them rage over it? Seriously the number of people that flame in postgame chat over Franklin's even if they escape is hilarious.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I love this perk.

    Also I think I had a situation some time ago where I down a Survivor near shack, Jeff from the window trying to blind me. I go hook for the basement and see Jeff with the aura going for the locker above. Most funny moment lol. Ezi locker grab.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    One step ahead of you. I run it from time to time when I'm just chilling and can't be bothered to play around flashlights. It's surprising how even experienced survivors often don't realize that you have it just because the pick rate is so low, that they don't even consider it a possibility.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697
    edited February 2023

    While it's true you still get stunned, the nice thing about the perk is that it will show the aura of the person that blinded you. I had one match where I went up to a generator, kicked it, got stunned, and then immediately after saw the aura of the survivor that did it hiding behind a wall. It was funny because at the end of the match they thought I was cheating since I made a beeline straight for them. LOL

    Post edited by SweetTerror on
  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 448

    I run it almost every match because I can't be bothered to play footsies with survivors. I just pretend I don't have it until they risk it all for a rescue and end up giving me a double hook.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I use it pretty constantly, it is nice to counter survivor "techs", meaning taking advantage of the grab function and it allows me to play more aggressively as the blinding can get pretty inconsistent and even facing a wall doesn't work sometimes.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    There is literally not a single situation it would ever be worth running Lightborn. Like literally, even a lobby full of 4 flashlights of best quality with the best addons, still not worth. As others have mentioned, you want them to waste time trying to do that.

    This is why Lightborn needs a buff. Maybe make it so that it still appears to the survivors that they landed the blind but not actually blind you so that they still think they're getting value. Maybe make it give you a small speed boost as well.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    The speed boost would be a nice buff... they've done it with one of Hillbilly's add-ons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah that's kind of where I got the idea from.

    This way you wouldn't get blinded still, but they would "think" they did and continue wasting time trying instead of what we currently have which is as soon as they notice immediately stopping for the rest the game. I wanted the tiny speed boost for a few seconds added since generally just getting the aura of them isn't doing much. Besides, it's a niche perk so when it happens it needs to be decent.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    Thanks for the tip but Ive already mastered both Lookatawalljutsu and Lookawaykwondo

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    if i need a flashlight counter, i'll take Fire up.

    It still does the job AND doesn't force survivors to sit on the gens. Also gets more uses the more game progresses, and survivors only think it's brutal strength

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Why would I run a bad perk like Lightborn if I can run literally anything else and actually get value? Survivor flashie squads are the easiest to bait out for free hits so why would I invite people to crunch gens?

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    People who bring light born and Franklin's are cringe,, maybe Franklin's vs 3 or 4 medkits is justified

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    I always run Lightborn . I can always dodge flashlights . But I still run lightborn. Why ? Just to p**s them off. I know they love to have fun with their toys. But I never let them. Clicky clicky .. slashy slashy .

    I also run franklin's in the same time WITH lightborn. So many ways to mess with them. Fake not having LB ... make them run back for their flashlights .. only mid match to figure out that they do not even work ... hahahaahaah

    Later they complain online .. meh