Exposed when cleansing Hex Totems

I think Hex Totems are currently really bad and need some kind of rework or buff. Its not fun running them because once cleansed you have nothing to work with. So usually its better to just use perks that are permanently useable. A good example for that is Bamboozle instead of Hex: Crowd Control.

So my idea is to make that every time a survivor cleanses a Hex Totem they will be afflicted with the Exposed status effect for 60-ish seconds. It would create this situation where the killer at least can go like, you cleansed my hex, now youll pay for that. At that point i might consider running hex perks again.

And if that were to change there obviously has to be a rework for haunted ground.


  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    It’s called hex: haunted grounds and is a spirit perk. It doesn’t do anything. Just as pointless as the hex totems themselves.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    Poses a good question about the use of Haunted grounds though. Does this perk deserve a rework, now that Hex totems general efficacy has changed in the climate of Boons?

    Perhaps, instead of Haunted Grounds lighting two totems, it should instead light one totem, but proc Exposed when any Hex totem is cleansed/blessed.

    This would make Haunted Grounds a decent Hex defending perk. If you say have Haunted + Devour, survivors first Hex cleansed would be guaranteed to cause Exposed. If they cleansed Devour first, you'd still have one remaining Haunted totem, even if the survivors knew or suspected it to be Haunted, it would either punish or deny them a totem.

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    no. youll need it at base otherwise hex is still garbo

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Maybe it prevents booning at all until it's alive too? So no boons and exposed when cleansing.

    Perhaps it also cleanses far longer than an usual hex? (although that might be an indication of "yes, I'm Haunted Grounds/[New Perk Name]")

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Why should I get Exposed for free for completing an objective?

    Yeah, hexes are not in a great spot and I’d love some changes on this front, but this is not what they need, at all. They’re not meant to be a lose-lose scenario for survivors. Some of the weaker hexes need direct buffs (for one, I think Lullaby shouldn’t light a totem at all until it has its first token and no warning sounds should come at 3 or 4 instead of 5, and Crowd Control needs a buff too), and I think maybe something like making totems unable to be seen/cleansed for the first 30 seconds of the match would be good, along with improving several totem spots and getting rid of near-guaranteed totem spawns due to map creation logic, but they do not need to punish survivors for cleansing them when that’s literally what survivors are supposed to do to counter them. Haunted Grounds exists if you really want this effect.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    I just want to easily know what each Hex is around the map as Killer to defend.


    More than 5 Totems on the map.

    I actually feel bad for survivors when I run a Hex: Devour Hope / Hex: Plaything / Hex: Pentimento, but am sad that that is the max I can have in play. I do also think that Hexes should take a bit longer to break because you basically have to slug while defending it, the moment you pick someone up their teammate has already broken your hex.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    This isn't the way to do it.

    The problem with hexes is that they are supposed to be high risk high reward. But the reality is, they are not high reward. They have been constantly nerfed to be completely useless. Most of them aren't any good. The only one that is actually decent at this point is devour hope. And even that one really doesn't make much of a difference anymore.

    What they need to do, is either make them high risk high reward again, or lower the risk. I am more inclined to think they should lower the risk. I would like to see them make it so, when a hex is in effect, all totems become lit, and the hex's strength is determined by how many totems are up. That way, if doesn't feel bad if the survivors all immediately spawn on top of your totem and you physically can't get there in time to get the totem. On the flip side, survivors don't end up in a situation where they just can't find the totem. If all totems are lit, they should have a much easier time at least weakening the effect.

    Obviously this would require reworking some totems , but i think that would solve the issue of them being so RNG heavy, while also making them less punishing for survivors when they can't find the totem.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Heck even when it had its glitch "buff" it still was mainly a gimmick, despite it being uncleansable

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    hex perks should all be reworked under hex:plaything system. every time you hook 1 survivor, that survivor creates a totem and an effect is applied to the totem. i think the premise of high risk vs high reward perk does not work because you can make rewarded infinity, but if the totem is always dead, then the perk has no impact on the match.

    I would almost consider killer hex perks as empty perk slots. I think hex perk should only punish survivor if the survivor actively ignores their secondary objective and they should more like pseudo generator defences perks.

    They could make the perks have a final form to them. for example if 4 plaything are active at same time, the killer becomes undetectable and the totems become impossible to cleanse like hex:penti. Devour hope could unlock mori if all 4 totems are active(base-kit is effect is exposed). Ruin could activate pain res on every hook on all generator on the map. Lullaby final form is silent skill-checks. crowd control could block all windows on the map. blood favor could permanent block all pallets on the map.

    the current system for hex perks where 1 totem is the hex just does not work because totem gets cleansed before it does anything practically useful. if all hex perks created 4 hex totems, then removing perk would be more time consuming for the survivor and the perk would have a greater effect on the match.