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General Discussions

Why the toxicity

Why do killers go out of their way to make survivors life miserable for no reason. I get it survivors can be toxic and teabag and taunt you. But there are so many games where the killer was toxic to me for no reason. Some of the time my friends ran the killer too hard and i was the only one they could catch. Then they would hit me repeatedly on hook and shake their head up and down. For what? Cause your having a skill issue? There are times were ive had games were i was slugged to death sitting right underneath the hook. Once again for what?? You won why make me stay in the match longer? Then those people who slug everyone on the ground to death. These are unnecessary things that some killers are doing. Just end the match. Some of these matches i feel they want to make survivors dc and get enjoyment out of it. The only reason i dont dc anymore is to not have a penalty. I honestly wish there was a surrender button especially for those moments were the match is clearly over. I discourage my friends from being toxic to killers who did nothing extra to us. So why do some many fogwhispers and killer mains encourage being toxic but when its the other way around yall like to cry about it. Im not gonna lie im not a positive person but i remember how it feels to be teabagged by survivors who beat me so why would i do the same thing to a killer when im playing survivor. Im used to being tunneled and camped but the holding the game hostage is too much for me. Dont leave me slugged under a hook just kill me.

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  • Member Posts: 72

    It is a killer issue. When ive asked people why they were toxic they said otz told them too 🤷🏽‍♀️ Which goes back to my point of fog whispers encouraging toxicity against survivors but not killers

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Someone played before you, pissed the guy off to no end and he couldn't do anything about it.

    That being said, hitting the hook is pretty lame.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    I hope the devs implement the anti slugging update where everyone can pick themselves up after getting slugged for too long.

  • Member Posts: 1,070
    edited February 2023

    Second that. It's not "side" problem, it's the player's. Some players received the means to harass people with no repercussions. Some try to raise reassurance and petty ego, some just miserable or rotten "by default". It's just all people remember mostly toxic ones (because they stand out), but in general there are much more good players. And there are lots of trash among survivors too (they just diluted among other players mostly).

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    Why? Because im a killer. I’m there to ruin your little gen escapade with your swf buddies.

    ill let you watch as i mori your girlfriend who’s constantly complaining to you about being tunneled. Or boyfriend. I don’t judge.

    i play ghostface and pig just to t-bag.

    i’ll body block you into a corner as pyramid head and draw a line around you just to mori you

    i’ll drag you crying and screaming from the edge of the gate with my iron grip build straight to the basement and make you crawl your way back out just for the memes.

    sure i could hit you with my weapon, but it’s funnier watching you scream every time i hit you with my shock attack or bottle.

    i’ll act out the scene from SNL as wraith and pretend you’re asking for more cowbell.

    i use the scream port on nurse.

    i go around collecting traps all game just to line all of then up at the exit gates then wait for noed and blood warden to pop at trapper.

    i use map offerings as hillbilly.

    i say ggwp at the end of rounds ironically. And the best part is you’ll never know if i really mean it.

    And you better believe that i 360 noscope when firing off crows and hatchets.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Since most reasonable answers have been given, I'll give a different perspective.

    This happens because the entity feeds on strong emotions, both positive and negative. The killer's frustration, pain and hatred, the survivors hope and hopelessness, they are all yummy emotions for the entity (bhvr)

    And so it creates this cycle of toxicity via games mechanics and rules.

    The more lopsided the trial is, the better for the entity. A match that is fun for both sides is the less desirable outcome.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    It can happen with any somewhat infamous dbd content creator, not just fog whisperers. If they give you that response of "otz told me too" is because they either care little for the game or are trolls which you inherently give a reaction too from the post being created.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Nine times out of ten if you run the killer for too long and hes too dumb to leave, he's butthurt and will keep tunneling then proceed to facecamp, EVEN IF YOU NEVER TBAG. Bonus points for hiitting on hook while facecamping. This is the equivalent of some one embarrassing/outplaying you one time for 10 minutes of your life and you make it your lifes work to end this person.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited February 2023

    Yeah, I don't engage in any bad manners but I cop it plenty. Just remind yourself that it's a game. It's not that deep. It's some faceless person sitting behind a screen pressing buttons and patting themselves on the back. I like to imagine that they've just had a very bad day at work and they've decided to take their anger out on a game.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    It's survivors more because you see more survivors than you do killers. When you play killer you have 4 survivors, and chances are at least one will have BM. As (solo) survivor, you have 1 killer plus 3 survivors in a match who can display BM towards you. I had a game yesterday as solo survivor, where the 3 man swf I played were purposely being crappy to me. People who want to bully will always find a way to do so.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    For the record leaving you on the ground isnt considered holding the game. It consider being a butt. Im surprised there isnt a bleed out once you hit a certain frame of being slug.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    To be fair, eventhough its a very small percentage, a single bully squad can turn a nice killer into a sadist one. I used to be bullied by a HeadOn squad, then made later survivors miserable.

    Its up to people to realize they're better than those bully squads.

  • Member Posts: 911

    You should try using the Enter key more often when you type

  • Member Posts: 191

    Because it's funny. Especially when you trigger someone so hard they write a rant about it.

  • Member Posts: 496

    It is 100% a people issue, you saying it's only an issue with killers shows your bias.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Honestly OP, and I'm not trolling, I think the best thing in DbD that you could do would be to split your playtime between survivor and Killer for a few months.

    You haven't played Killer so the things you've posted about are understandable from a I've only played one side perspective but playing both sides would give you a more rounded view. You may still disagree that it's appropriate to do the actions you dislike after but you'll have a better understanding of why they're done. As well, playing the other side will improve your gameplay for both sides.

    There is no great Killer Survivor divide. In the end, both sides just want to have fun and a lot of frustration and division in this community would be eliminated if people just tried to look at things from the other person's perspective as well.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    It's more on the people playing the game

    It's more like playing for 3-4 hours at a time... it's more of us as gamers slipping down the slope of toxicity and not realizing it until it's too late

  • Member Posts: 534

    survivors make killers lives horrible and as hard as possible. especially when they win. theyll always just tbag at the gate and not leave until the killer watches them

  • Member Posts: 949

    I love it when people say numbers game yet the last 20 matches I played as survivor were exactly like op except one killer kept harassing me in PS chat to the point I had to block and report them. Numbers game is never going to be a strong argument

  • Member Posts: 240

    Had a Ghostface yesterday who slugged us all then went around just teabagging till we DCd or bled out. This is why I think they need to change unbreakable and make it so if we're on the ground for more than a minute we can pick ourselves up if they slug. We don't need any kind of crazy mori when its the last guy or w/e. BHVR is trying to do too much. Just give us recourse if the killer decides to slug everyone.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    These people finally got it through their heads (a miracle) that the stuff they don't like isn't reportable. But holding the game hostage is. So now they're desperately trying to twist the narrative so that the stuff they don't like is being held hostage and thus reportable.

  • Member Posts: 118
  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Sorry that was your experience, but I experience stuff like that maybe one of every 10 games, where as at least one survivor will act toxic in at least a third of my killer matches. I don't get bent out of shape about it, it just is what it is. A certain percentage of people are dicks.

    Is your experience more represtative than mine?

    It's all anectotal.

    And the numbers game thing is just a statistical thing, as there are four times as many survs than killers, so you are more likely to be BMed by one than a killer in a given match. It's not an "argument", it's just reality.

    Unless you actually believe that 4X+ aholes play killer than survivor, that the role attracts aholes while surv attracts more civil people, in which case I would say you are blinded by bias.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    I get what you mean, but I've turned it around. I actually respect Head On bully squads now, I find them hilarious. I was playing as Bubba the other day and while I was just there to get my 4 downs for the daily, I ran into a Head On bully squad on Dead Dawg and it was freakin' hilarious. I even told them as much in end game chat I said something like "gg Head On abuse was hilarious glhf next"

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    I understand where you're coming from and too many of those types of killers will have anyone feel very frustrated, to say the least. If those things happen to me once or twice, I could not care less about it. But what I have noticed is that some people play this game who have some serious mental issues.

    I don't care if you're hitting me on hook and nodding, guess what I'll pop up Netflix or Youtube on my second monitor and tab out, and you bet I will hit every skill-check on second stage so my teammates can get further. But the people who add you on Steam to tell you to end yourself, to get x diseases, or call your family names, DDoS you, and so on, even in end-game chat, those are the ones I have an issue with. People like that need to stay off games like this.

  • Member Posts: 170

    This game punishes you for being nice. Punishes you for not bringing the best addons, the best killers, the best perks. There is significant RNG in maps, which can strongly influence how punishing for either survivor or killer.

    I have a couple thousand hours, but I’m not a great killer. I routinely go on stretches of 5 or 6 games where I get beat badly, and almost every time, I get BM’d.

    My last match, I had two quick hooks on a guy, then had him slugged, and left him. Ended up getting a kill at 8 hooks and got a 2k 10 hook game. The guy ended up escaping. . . .he bitched at me for tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Today, I had a daily for Pig, and I am not a very good Pig player, but I leaned into her M1 spirit and equipped a full on chase and M1 build, ie Endurance/Spirit Furry/Hubris/Brutal Strength and went into it with an open mind. And boy oh boy did the survivors I met let me know that Pig isnt up to par in todays meta. I got send to the worst places in DBD and they showed me all the fun of running the same loop for half a minute over and over again, how cool the new DH is, now that the good survivors have ingrained it into their muscle memory and were all the infinites on Haddonfield are. It was a mess and it wasn't fun at all.

    The last game with Pig was the only one where I could finally get a foothold, but only after tunneling the same feisty survivor who had t-bagged and clickety clicked at me repeatedly and always hitting that Meg when she came off hook in order to invalidate her DH. When she went down the third time, her SWF buddy and she both insta DCed and this left me with 2 innocent survivors at 2 gens. I was rather upset at this stage, so I hunted both down, slugged for the 4K and then motioned for the last one who had crawled into a corner to crawl to the hook if they didn't want to bleed out.

    After that I needed a palette cleanser and played my main Pyramid Head. When I saw that they had send me to RPD with an offering I told myself "okay, thats it, all gloves are off" and I went into the game with the most indomitable killer instinct and urge to slay possible. Well, it turned out that they were a real group of casuals and were not equipped in the slightest for that and it quickly went downhill for them. 9/10 times survivors who burn map offerings plan something devious ... thats what you might think, but in truth sometimes they just want to see a specific map or are tired of the rotation the game decided on for the night. Each game is its own, but still we let the other games of the night affect us and often hurt innocent bystanders.

    DBD is in a rough spot right now: the good players have become basically untouchable through their layers of protection and unequaled efficiency due to the new HUD, whilst casual players or those who just want to have a relaxed round are slapped around, be it by toxic killers or by gen rushers. And after taking enough of a beating, a lot of players lash out at the next target that they can get their hands on, most often the first one once the MMR system throws them a bone. I try to reign myself in a bit, as I know about this, but it sometimes even happens to me. This game has very little anti-frustration build in, but loads of the opposite. I offered a lot of ideas of how to improve the furstration levels and how to incentivice fairer games with less tunneling and camping, but its not like my ideas would be the solution to all problems.

    One of the games biggest issue is the blanket solution for all the player base: any change will effect the greenest of green players up to the most jaded of the grim resolve high mmr veterans, so this kinda changes all tend to be rather tame and baby step-ish in nature. I would wish for a more dynamic approach, where better and high MMR players could play with different rules then the newbies, but BHVR doesnt even want us to know were we are in the MMR system and wants to relegate the whole thing to the background, never to be seen for real. A game director, Left4Dead style could also be an idea, ie if one side gets super stomped, the Entity could destroy or spawn a couple of palettes, rearrange loops, close of windows or spawn a medkit in the corner where that survivor tried to hide, but I guess the game is too far set in its ways, to even dream of implementing something like this, so this spiral of frustration, hate and loating will just go on and really fun matches will be more of an outlier then the rule.

  • Member Posts: 949

    I don't believe any killer is 4x whatever. My point is people bring up numbers game with this community when time and time again relative data isn't a smart argument. Remember Sadako having the highest kill rate in top MMR?

    We can't use points like 4v1 when data like that is heavily skewed and misrepresented

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