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What's the most balanced killer?

A killer that doesn't need any buffs, any nerfs or any add-on changes in your opinion?

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  • Member Posts: 9,436

    None are perfect, but I think Demogorgon is fairly close.

    Oni and Pyramid Head maybe too.

    Then the earliest killers like Billy, Wraith and Huntress are decently balanced for their respective roles.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I don’t think any killer is 100% perfect, but I would say Artist comes close. She really just has a few addons that are underwhelming (like 5 of them, including both her iridescents). Her basekit is balanced.

  • Member Posts: 911
    edited February 2023

    Deathslinger hits two out of three.

    He's strong enough that he doesn't need any help, and he's not oppressive enough to need nerfs.

    His add-ons are little boring tho. His reload add-ons could be made half basekit, and his reeling and ADS movement speed add-on need changes since they do nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Blight meets all of those save for 2 addons.

    Oni is really close but I’d say basekit blood orbs needs a buff.

    Wesker is pretty balanced.

    Huntress is pretty balanced.

    Spirit is pretty balanced.

    Demo is pretty balanced as well but get pooped on by DH.

  • Member Posts: 9,417
    edited February 2023

    People used to say Billy but that didn't stop BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2023

    Clears throat

    Hillbilly ☕️

    Edit: Forgot to mention Wesker, Huntress, Demogorgon, Bubba.

    I know Bubba's got a bad reputation for facecamping but good Bubbas are quite fun.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Oni is probably the most balanced killer out of them all. Although Demo, Wraith, and Huntress are really balanced killers as well.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Blight is really balanced, especially with alchemist ring and blighted crow.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Nobody is perfect but the closest one is absolutely Oni (shout out to Hillbilly you didn't deserve the changes except to InstaSaw)

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    he needs some slightly buff (especially the fact that his power depend too much from survivors playing safe in order to denying your power), but overall speaking i agree with you

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I don't think that's a problem of him needing buffs, but rather certain maps being too safe. If maps become more balanced, Oni is absolutely perfect the way he is right now in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Wesker would be my pick here, strong enough to a serious threat when he starts chasing you but not completely uncounterable. If people come running over because they are desperate for the killer to chase them, then that killer is underpowered in my opinion. Never see survs wanting to be chased by a wesker.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Didn't see anyone say nurse so here i am🗿

  • Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2023

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    None... they all have something wrong with them

  • Member Posts: 375

    You can ask 3 killer mains that question and get 4 different opinions

  • Member Posts: 99


  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Oni and Plague are the only two I can think of.

    Wesker would be if he couldn't suck you back over a vault with his bound after you already vaulted and wasn’t brain dead to tunnel with due to the hindred effect of his power.

    Anyone who says Spirit and Blight are coping pretty hard. I’m a Spirit main but MDR/Amulet and somewhat cherry blossom (when it isn’t bugged) are busted and her audio is bugged. Even despite all of that, the chase is pretty much in her hands. Blight also has busted add-ons and an extremely strong chase power

    Spirit and Blight are too strong to be considered “balanced”. Maybe against a strong group but not casual players. They’ll annihilate you.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    This is 100% accurate.

    Most killers will do good on Coal Tower.

    Only map traversal killers will do decent on a large map like Mother’s Dwelling if the survivors split gens.

    Huntress sucks on Gideon but Nemesis does pretty well.

    RNG is a big aspect in “is the balanced or not”?

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    No one really said that at the time, if anything he was viewed a lot like current day Blight. A basekit that was fine but with overtuned add ons that were (for the most part) very accessible. He also synergized very well with basically any meta you threw at him, which added to some peoples frustration.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    You will always get those that say that but there were plenty who said he was the most balanced killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Too strong to be balanced?? Should we just have no killers that can put up a fight against a good squad of survivors?

    It’s crazy you would even say that about spirit too. She’s so weak without addons.

  • Member Posts: 3,389


  • Member Posts: 614

    Demogorgon, Artist, Oni and 4 Sure my Main Dredge i find all very well balanced whit Really nice Addons

    I also find Knight balanced since his buffs bis Power feels very Good u can even isr it in chases now :)

  • Member Posts: 99

    Nemesis, Against good survivors you prolly won't ever get a 4k, but you will very unlikely leave with 0 kills. You won't probably be satisfied with 2k's and occasional 3k's , but he is pretty much a machine that runs fairly evenly across all maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited February 2023

    The game should be balanced around casuals, not a good four man SWF. The game would quite literally die if all killers were Blight/Spirit level because casuals wouldn’t wanna play and all that would be left is really good players who try super hard.

    It’s okay to have killers who are very good in against a four man, but it’s coping to say that they’re “balanced” when they completely annihilate causal players and chases are non existent and super quick. They can be strong but it doesn’t mean they are in a balanced position. An S tier killer is probably never going to be in a truly balanced place.

    People underestimate Spirit ever since she was changed. She still sits prominently in the top 5 of pretty much everybody’s tier list. Almost every time I watch a VOD on Twitch of myself going against a TTV and they play against my Spirit, they’re miserable in the match and complain that she wasn’t nerfed enough and this was well before her audio bug, the complaints are only heightened because of the bug. Not to boost my own ego but I’m pretty good at Spirit and I have her at P50. It will usually take a really good squad to four out with me. And that’s not impressive because I’m playing Spirit. I use the two yellow add-ons that everybody uses.

    She’s just not balanced for casuals. She will stomp almost all casual players. It takes a really good group to do good against a competent Spirit. This is only heightened with Blight especially with a lot of his add-ons

    Why even bring up if a killer is bad or not without add-ons? Most killers that you run into are going to bring some form of add-ons. Only about 5% of killers won’t run add-ons. And she’s not weak without out add-ons, she’s far from it. She is weaker of course but so is every killer without their best add-ons.

    TL/DR: Spirit and Blight are too good to be considered balanced because they stomp almost all casuals and that is okay to be a very strong killer but it’s not “balanced” in the slightest because 95% of DBD players are causal.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Just because “casuals” have trouble beating them, does not mean they aren’t balanced. Blight’s kit is PERFECTLY balanced. The issue is how many simply don’t know how to counter a blight. I’ve got coming up on 1400 hours in blight alone, and majority of the people I come up against still try and hold W. It literally does not work.

    Then I’ll get some survivors who know all my counters and it’s a really good chase, just like any other killer.

    And I hate to break it to you.. this game isn’t really a “casual” game anymore. It’s very much a competitive pvp. There are so many skilled players now. Nearly every single squad I go against is playing for keeps when playing blight.

    But yea… spirit is pretty weak addonless.. majority of vet / good killer mains will agree. I wouldn’t say a killer is “too good” if they need addons to compete. Sure.. a noob squad may get rolled.. but a competent team of survivors will stomp an addonless spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited February 2023

    I never have and I never will believe that Blight’s kit is perfectly balanced. He’s way too oppressive of a killer. Good Blight players steam roll most people. It’s just like Nurse but to lesser degree. I just don’t believe that S tier killers are balanced around most of the playerbase. Around a stacked 4 SWF? Sure. That’s about it.

    If any killer’s base kit is perfectly balanced, it’s Oni.

    You can believe that Spirit is weak without add-ons, your opinion. But as someone who has actually played the killer religiously since her inclusion into the roster, she’s not weak without add-ons. As I said, there is no point in even bringing up whether or not a killer is good with or without add-ons because nobody is gonna play without add-ons unless they’re a Chad. Imagine thinking that only a noob squad is gonna lose to one of the best killers if they have no add-ons equipped.

    But no, I do not believe she “needs add-ons to compete”

    Ah yes, how can I forget. The SUPER competitive asymmetrical multiplayer horror game. That people take super seriously. It’s totally competitive and people don’t play just for fun. It’s all about that sweat!

    Agree to disagree. We won’t see eye to eye.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Agree to disagree. We are obviously playing at 2 different levels within the game. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 539

    The Hag is in a good spot. After the trap setting speed fix to the base kit she became viable. There's flexibility in the add-ons to vary the playstyle with no really bad ones. Playing with no perks or add-ons is doable. Smart players can beat the Hag, while good players can get the snowball potential out of her and take out a team.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    How do you balance around casuals when they don't know how to play the game? At the very least you balance around the top 30% and that's lenient because even a top 20% player is probably awful.

    Also even the most casual players can learn to just pre drop oni, it's great design in theory but works out to be quite a handicap.

    Blight has 2 broken add-ons, the rest are strong at best.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    *swipes tear after laughing*

    Isnt it adorable that "Survivor with Friends+ third party tools+ skilled players" is the golden balanced spot all "survivor" should be? Then people turn around and say something like "Some B or C tier killer is what all killer should be balanced at"

    If the community deems SWF+comms the balance target for Survivor, then theres only one correct answer for this thread:

    Nurse. She should be the balance target of all other Killers. No nerfs for her, just buff the other killers already.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    I'd say Demo if Dead Hard didn't exist.

    Otherwise, like everyone else has said, Oni and Wesker.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Disagree. I think it’s important to have killers that are S tier when learned well; as well as your weaker b, maybe c tier killers that don’t require much learning.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Mhm. yeah your point correct but doesnt have to do with the power levels.

    for a game to be balanced the killers all should feel equally powerful. sadly thats only applied to survivors and IF such logic is applied to killers its most often in the reverse direction. It's especially jarring because the difference with solo and swf is team mentality and external voicechat, its the same character.

    its like "solo" is getting buffed from an old level of 75% to 90% of "swf"'s 100% potential with new mechanics, regardless if these also buff swfs, but killers get neglected even if they are at 75% of nurse's 100%. I'm not saying those killers gotta reach 100%, but they could be getting closer to 90%. (Disclaimer these numbers are arbitarily chosen and shouldnt be taken at face value). The reality is that nurse's 100% is more likely to be nerfed than others getting buffed to somewhat approach her.

    I think the difference between killer-ability-mechanic-tiers is equally important to minimize as the solo-swf gap.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    If every killer were equal in power, the game would get stale. Getting a 4k against a good team as pig is more rewarding than getting a 4k against that same team with blight or nurse.

    What sense would it make if a killer with no skill ceiling was just as powerful as a killer with a skill ceiling as massive as blight’s? What would be the point?

    One might say “then lower the skill ceiling of that killer”. That too, would make the game extremely stale for killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    probably Wesker, outside of wonky hitboxes

    huntress too

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I think Wesker is pretty balanced. His tunneling capability is a bit overtuned but otherwise he's great.

    He has good addons that do something useful without being broken and a power that is well rounded with many possible uses and still enough counterplay to not feel unfair.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Agreed. If only her BP gains were also good she would be perfect.

  • Nurse. She only against 4SWF survivers.

  • Applicant Posts: 49

    Wesker would be perfect if they ever paused your infection rate for some time after coming off hook. Blight would be perfect if they nerfed a couple of add-ons.Those two are probably the closest.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Plague probably, would say Demogorgon but his add-ons are boring :/

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