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Which killers do you refuse to play without certain perks?

Good luck trying to get me to play 90% of the killer cast without corrupt.

Some other examples I could think of is Bamboozle on billy, wraith, and bubba. Enduring on Legion. Save on slinger, doc, spirit. Iron maiden on huntress and trickster. Etc.

Now that I think about it I really don't like using a variety of perks, like at all.

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  • Member Posts: 761

    Demogorgan and STBFL, obviously

  • Member Posts: 208

    I find it weird to play some killers without save the best for last, not from a gameplay perspective but losing that nice and fast animation feels weird after using it for a few games (similarly for brutal strength). As for gameplay reasons the closest I have is lethal of Ghost Face, the amount of damage and stalk you get off by knowing where everyone is is insane and a lot of the time the survivors can't realise what you've done because they can't see their own stalk. Another one is corrupt on Demogorgon but that's purely because I like setting up portals at the start and without that you're using deadlock to make up for being passive doing so, or setting up less but come on portals am I right. I do find generally you don't need any perks on any killers, but certain playstyles on certain killers do heavily appreciate what some perks other too much to give up without a very good reason.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Blight and shadowborn.

    m1 killers and STBFL & brutal

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    The main one for me is Trapper. I always play with CI and Deadlock and I'm still normally down to 2 gens by the time I've set up my traps. Without CI and Deadlock the survivors would be headed out the exit gates before I could set up my traps.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I play very poorly without Shadowborn.

    Unlike others, I don’t get headaches if I don’t use Shadowborn. However, the game feels sluggish and slow, and I play poorly because I swing from further away due to muscle memory tied to that perk.

    The only two killers that I don’t use Shadowborn on is Oni and Myers because Monitor and Abuse really thrives on those two. When I do play those two it’s a feels bad, because I feel like I’m moving at a snails pace.

    Where is my FOV slider?

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    edited February 2023

    Bamboozle on Leatherface.

    STBFL on Deathslinger and Pig.

    Corrupt on Trapper and Myers unless I’m running some weird build.

    Iron Maiden on Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 642

    Merciless Storm on Doctor.

  • Member Posts: 116

    The one which counters swf VoiceChat.exe ..... Ouh wait

    .... There is none....

  • Member Posts: 116

    After Erupt kill only option left is Jolt and Pain Res ( and you cant even put DMS there cause its useless bec of hud and voicechat.exe ) ... And for m2 Killer its only Pain res...cant even run Jolt.... Deadlock inst of painres....

    Yeah only thing i could run on Pyramid was kick gens bec he is m2 and Pain res is bad for i cant...bec without erupt its all not working...all you do is touch gen and counter TRIPLE gen kick combo with no fear after nerf.....

    So yeah...

    Very hard to play surv.....

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Not really. Sure I have my preferred builds but they don't become unplayable without them.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Nemesis with discordance.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Billy without Shadowborn. - Yes, I am hopelessly addicted.

    Doctor without Zanshin Tactics. - Might not be the obvious choice but it's sooo good.

    Myers without Lethal Pursuer. - Again, hopelessly addicted.

    Clown without STBFL - Why settle for laughing at survivors every 30 seconds, when you can laugh at them every 20 seconds?

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited February 2023

    Dredge whit BBQ

    Knight whit Discordance ( the Perk is so Good on him since Survivor cant see the green orb anymore at long distance

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Sadako with Thrilling Tremors.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2023

    i have like a generic build that i use in most killers with some changes liek SBFL in m1 killers for example but not all the time, i guess if i had to say one would be tanatophobia if its Plague...but the rest i dont really change my builds, Corrupt Intervention, No Way Out, Deadlock (Used to run Eruption but i got in the this thing is gonan get nerfed AND IT WAS, so i got rid of it plenty of time ago so i dont have to rely on it anymore and learn to play without survivors in my lobby being useless for 25 seconds consistently) and then it may change a bit depending on the Killer. Sometimes i may even add NOED isntead of SBFL if im feeling like im seeing a Rough Lobby works wonders with No Way Out..

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Always run lethal on Pinhead to find box easily

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    A lot of killers and Enduring. My pretty little noggin can only take so much

  • Member Posts: 280

    Sloppy on twins. Without it, it makes tracking injured survivors as Victor almost impossible.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Brutal Strength is my comfort perk. The only time I take it off is if I have a build where I need all 4 perks to be other things.

    Also Corrupt on Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Pinhead and lethal pursuer. Finding the box 20 seconds into the match is just so satisfying. And you can almost taste the despair in the air.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Billy and Blight with Shadowborn

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    Freddy = Dead Mans Switch (give me my 45sec back - nerfing it just because of a synergy from PR + Merciless was stupid as hell)

    Pig = STBFL

    Demo = STBFL (Exception: I run double Dash-Addons (Rat Liver + Mews Guts))

    Trapper, Hag = CI

    Huntress = Iron Maiden

    Nurse = Lethal

    Oni = Infectious Fright

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Bubba with spirit fury and lightborn

  • Member Posts: 320

    Huntress and trickster without iron maiden, doable but annoys me A LOT.

    M1 Killers without brutal strength and sometimes even enduring.

    Artist without any kind of aura reading.

    Hag without Franklin's

    Billy and Oni without bamboozled

    There are probably more but those are the ones that come to my mind right now 👍

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I can’t imagine how painful playing Huntress will be if I take Iron Maiden off.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Iron Maiden on Bubba, I'm surprised more people don't run this perk on him. Literally eliminates one of his weaknesses, people avoiding his power by hiding in lockers.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Discordance on Oni gives me the pressure I need early game,goes for most killers tbh but I find Discordance on Kazan more useful and with Prove Thyself on every survivor you can always be sure to get alot of value from it.

    Monitor & Abuse on Myers paired with the Dead Rabbit add-on you have a 6m terror radius in tier 2 which can make Michael very lethal on indoor maps,won't be as helpful on open maps such as blood lodge or Eyrie but still can help you get a easy early hit before a chase even starts.

  • Shadowborn on Blight, Corrupt on Trapper, Sloppy on Hagatha, Bamboozle on Billy, STBFL on Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I change perks quite often but PwyF on Legion is surprisingly neat

    Often first perk i pick on them if i'm not sure what to take

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I have a hard time picturing myself playing a stealth killer without Nurse's Calling. And if I'm running nurse's calling then I typically use sloppy butcher with it. I just love catching survivors in some corner of the map healing.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I didn't know you could see the boxes aura with this. Very cool. Are there any other perks that reveal the boxes aura?

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Agitation on 80% of my killers

    It is basically never a bad pick.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I refuse to play Clown without Brutal Strength it's kind of a problem.

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    edited March 2023

    It doesn’t show the box aura, but you can figure out where it is based on the spawn locations of the survivors (and your current position).

    There aren’t any perks that directly show its location, but Hoarder will show you when and where its picked up by a survivor if you are close enough. You can get a head start towards them and interrupt the solve.

  • Member Posts: 533

    STBFL on Pig

    Lethal + BBQ on Huntress. I used to be addicted to Iron Maiden, but I think I've become confident enough in hitting hatchets that I'm only ever reloading after getting a down or hook, so it's not a huge time saver anymore.

    Sloppy on most m1 killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I refuse to play Clown without Brutal Strength it's kind of a problem.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Clown without STBFL is pain as well

    It's one of those perks I just can't play him without

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Looking at this thread, I'm rather surprised by all the love for Save the Best for Last. Not a bad perk by any means, but I don't see many killers running it.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Corrupt and Whispers on all Killers

    But I might have to rethink my builds here soon

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    all of them without regression perks

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Really depends for me.

    Usually stuff like STBFL I need on killers like Nemesis or basically killers who use secondary attacks mainly but most of the time it just goes by their over power.

    If I play Pinhead I need Horder,Oni I need Sloppy butcher though for killers like Wesker or Knight I usually go with Lethal and at least another aura perk just so Lethal can give some value.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    You don’t actually see the box aura but you can determine where it is by your spawn and the survivor spawns

  • Member Posts: 341

    I use Shadowborn on killers like trapper and knight because their weapons are massive and take up 1/5 of the screen. Bamboozle on more m1 oriented killers is good too because you never know when RNJesus is going to grant survivors a god window.

  • Member Posts: 81

    You're going all wrong about it! Just camp/tunnel!

    There, you're guaranteed at least two killers per match.

    You're welcome.

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