So... Is everyone enjoying the NEW MATCHMAKING?

As a rank 18 killer myself who has been playing against full teams of rank 2 for the past 6 consecutive games, I must say I find it really enjoyable to be put in circumstances under which I could never possibly win.
I did learn a few things though - I understand why people think camping is absolutely acceptable, and so is tunneling - because there is no possible way of winning.
How does everyone else feel about this? Enjoying the game? (Picture of course, for reference).
What's up with those two?
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Broken af right now. Played 2 matches tonight. I am rank 3 survivor right now and solo. Got paired with a rank 19 killer first game and some 12, 13 rank survivors. Next game got a rank 12 killer with rank 2, 3, 5 survivors.0
This is how new players will nope right out of this game. Sad
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Rank 1 survivor in 4 man SWF. We have had at least 2 rank 20 killers so far in the last I want to say 10 games. We NEVER get rank 20 killers unless someone we are playing with is rank 15 or something, but we are all red rank.
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Best thing they could do is do away with ranks all together.0
Lobbies actually connected fast tonight.
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I have been having extremely slow lobbies with lots of red pings that I have to dodge because they are 300 or 400 plus.0
I think whatever they are doing they are trying to see how pings match for the upcoming servers. But now good pings are weaker killers. Seems to have stopped the last couple matches though. Ranks were similar for killer and survivors.