I Feel Like Everyone Forgot About This.

Dream Pallet (DP) Freddy, in my opinion, is the weakest Killer in the game since their power is entirely countered by having half-decent memory, or being awake like Dream Snare (DSn... not using DS to avoid confusion with Decisive Strike) Freddy.
But with Any Mean Necessary having it's cooldown removed, what is stopping a player from just dropping every pallet to get rid of DPs and resetting all the normal pallets? The answer is painfully obvious but nothing is stopping them. You can effectively remove DP Freddy's entire power with a single perk.
Please rework Freddy again, or buff them, do something.
While you could do that it would be big waste of time.
Reseting normal pallet takes 4 seconds and gives info to the killer that you are there. Same goes for fake pallets, they also give away info (unless you play the brown add-on).
I don't think this perk change does much extra againts this type of Freddy.
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I mean if you know someone is in chase or the Killer is carrying someone, nothing is stopping you from checking a nearby pallet or two. Id imagine in coordinated teams it could completely hard counter DP Freddy, since I think the perk will be ran anyways because you can reset pallets from "hold W" gameplay.
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Well Freddys biggest problem is, that he is still Freddy. Post-Nerf-Freddy since 4.3.0 i think. Over 2 years and the devs havent done anything besides more nerfs (this time together with their "Perk-Overhaul", which triggered every perk he had to rely on, f.e. Ruin, Pop, Tinkerer, Corrupt).
The ONLY thing, what keeps him relatively good in terms of kill-rates over all mmr is his Generator-Teleport. But to be honest he is nothing more than a Noobstamper, D-Tier for sure.
His Dream-Pallets are Meme, but still a fun part of his kit.
As a P100-Freddy-Main I have played hundreds of hours on Freddy alone, I would guess over 500.
So what can we do with Freddy to make him at least B-Tier (thats all I ask for, I dont need an A-Tier-Freddy with Forever-Freddy or something like that).
1.) Dream Snares AND Dream Pallets BASEKIT
Give him his Dream Pallets AND the Dream Snares Basekit TOGETHER. He can swap them by tapping CTRL (like Clown swappes his Bottles). He has like Clown a shared Token-System for both Abilities (no thats not OP, imagine Doctor has Fake-Pallets without doing anything by bringing an addon ON TOP of his Shock Therapy). I would give him 8 Tokens in total, but he can only use 5 Tokens for one of the two abilities (same number as current Snares, less number than current Pallet). With new Addons, you could change this number in favour of Dream Pallets for example.
2.) Addon-Pass
I think we all agree that Freddy has by far the worst addons in the game. Pyramid-Head has Addon-Issues too, but at least some of them are ok.
Freddy has his Red Paint Brush and the Teleport-Cooldowns Nancys Masterpiece / Sketch.
Every other addon do NOT suit his Basekit, instead its a relict of OG-Freddy. He has no Skillcheck-based Playstyle (Dresses) and Hemmorhage (Z-Block and Cat-Block) is a Status-Effect which does not suit him at all. He is no Legion or Plague or any other faster killer to hit multiple survivors (Hit and Run like Sadako).
Ideas: Faster Dream Projection (Freddy comes faster out of the gen), more Tokens for Snares/Pallets, other Status-Effects by triggering Snares like Mangled, faster Snare-Placement-Speed back to 4,6m/s like Pre-Nerf-Freddy - instead you could give him a Downside like longer Teleport-Cooldown or less Snare-Tokens etc.
3.) His own Theme / At least 1 Cosmetic
This is more or less a QoL-Change like a lot of other characters received in the past months, latest Nurse. His own Menu-Music and Chase-Music. A Cosmetic, even if its just him with a Red/Green-Shirt instead of Red/Black. Just something.
4.) You could think about removing the Sleep-Immunity from Alarm-Clocks. You could think about a new Status-Effect called "Deep Sleep", which triggers if you are too long in the Dreamworld (similar to Weskers Virus). If u enter Deep Sleep, you get Hindered or get some other Debuff like slower Healing-Speed etc. to force survivors to actually interact with the Alarm-Clocks. You could add the new Minigame from the Drones of the Skull Merchant to the Boxes to spice them up a bit for survivors.
Your thoughts?
Oh final statement: He loses his ability as more the game proceeds. How?
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Dream pallet freddy is proof that the devs would be ok if there was a killer whose entire power revolves around those "remember the fruit location before we flip the card over" games that kids play. If you remember where the fruit is, you don't get m1'd.
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Honestly just rework pallet Freddy, it's boring for both sides anyway.