I have to ask: What do you want me to do?

I just played a few matches as Nemesis. I used no perks and addons because I really want to learn how to play this killer to the absolute best. Whenever I try to learn a new killer I will play as nice as possible. I don't camp, I don't tunnel, I don't slug for longer than 10 seconds. I understand that playing like this will cost me a majority of matches and I'm fine with that.
What I don't understand is why every single team I go against has at least 1 jerk that will either dc, tell me to end myself or teabag me in the exit gate with his entire squad before telling me how bad of a killer I am. Don't get me wrong, I've somewhat gotten used to this kind of stuff and I don't care about that too much. However, I've tried to find a way to make everyone happy in the game while still having fun myself. That didn't work out.
So tell me: What do you want me to do? What does it take for survivors to not be awful?
Edit: My choice of words isn't ideal. I made it sound like it's every survivor, when it's not. There are definitely nice people also on both sides. Please note, I did not intent to make this an 'us-vs-them' discussion in any way.
Not much you can do besides return the favor. Not all survivors act like that but those who do are the reason some killer mains (me included in most cases) hate survivors. They act entitled and as if they are gods gift on earth. Just remember that they are actually next to nothing, like most toxic people.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Some people are just a-holes unfortunately, and will BM you regardless of what you do or don't do.
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...and I don't care about that too much.
Stick to that. Ignore the rest.
You will always encounter stupid players. There is nothing you can do. Just think of the players that will be really happy and thankful that you played nice. They surely exist.
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If you play nice = enjoy tbag at exit gates and "ezi baby killer" in end game chat
If you don't play nice = get tbagged, you are toxic and enjoy "trash so baaaad" killer in end game chat
That's just how this game works. No metter how nice or "evil" you play, you are still bad, you will get tbagged and trashtalked anyway. Only difference is that if you don't play nice, you might get tbagged / flamed bit more offten.
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Very accurate.
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Every player wants something different, but unfortunately there's only one queue and matchmaking can't differentiate between player preferences. Some survivors want hardcore sweaty matches, some want chill matches, some want something in between. Some killers want sweaty matches, some want casual matches, and some want to meme. But we're all put in the same queue and somehow none of the players who prefer the same types of matches end up in the same lobby.
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Not exactly. I don't expect anyone to limit themselves in the way I do. Everyone should play the game how they see fit, of course. Going out of your way to be a jerk however is not really 'playing the game'. It's just that: being a jerk. And technically they are obligated to follow the rules of this game. There is a report section for cases like these specifically, so the devs don't consider this as just 'playing the game' as well.
I don't really see the point of actively trying to be a dick when the game is already over. Or disconnecting for that matter. I get being salty or whatever but the things I saw today were pretty extreme.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
You are missing the plot tho.
Going out of your way to be a jerk however is not really 'playing the game'. It's just that: being a jerk.
😂 Do you recognize that thats a legitimate way to engage with the game? Your characterization of said actions are subjective one sided opinion and not recognized by the game as a category?
Regardless of that, there are plenty of people who play nice who get tbagged trolled and made fun of by killers and survivors, yet they still continue to play nice and dont say a word about it ? Your explanation and prefacing that "i play with out addons" "i play with out perks" " i play nice" is really just a roundabout way of saying "i expect them to do the same" you can say it as many times as you want that you are not doing so, but your actions are clearly implying the opposite. There are both killers and survivors who get bad mannered forever and say not a word....because whether the people they play against are nice or dicks don't change how they play,and they say nothing about it cause thats what they want to do and they feel no emotion or frustration either way.
what i gave you... is a real solution. Because clearly it bothers you enough to post about it(its good keep posting,engagement is good) Just try to play normally, you dont even have to go out of your way to be extra dick about it, but you are gonna win more and feel less frustration. You cant affect what your opponents responses are but you can change the framing of your own view so that it doesn't bother you.
it can be that its mild projection, but the ONLY time i care about tbaging at the gate is when i clearly went easy on them because i noticed someone being fairly new .
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
There's nothing you can do. I've come across people like this in real life, let alone the amount of them that congregate in online gaming communities. ######### people walk among us every day. It's not the way you played, or didn't play. In fact, it likely wasn't personal in the slightest. They're just terrible people and being terrible is what they're good at.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
That's your first mistake, being nice. If it ain't a toxic SWF you're running into, it'll be an actual cheater warping across the map, blocking all hooks, being unhittable, etc. Treat survivors like how they treat you, because they deserve it.
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Being toxic to toxic people isn't a solution, you're just lowering yourself to their level imo.
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Ahahaha! Straight-flash of cards 😀
We have "us vs. them", we have "only cheaters and toxic swf", "playing nice"... Why do you even play the game where you drown in constant hatred and resentement?
To all angry kids that make DbD a snake-den:
In my whole killer experience, I had like 5-10 toxic idiots. And hundreds of very nice endgame chats, many were added to Steam friendlist. Once girl said "I love you". Another time, girl "blessed my soul". I was making screenshots, but after like 50 nice chats I just stopped.
Maybe it is something with you, not the people around? Because I don't understand this "nice". "Nice" means not making my top priority to ruin someones gameplay? What difference from cheater is that?
Omg, some survivor dropped pallet on me, or used "Head on"! Now I will punish everyone because of my childish anger. And they will return the favor, and I will punish another ones even more, and cycle of hatred will grow more and more. Pathetic...
Latest match:
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It's not everybody. Unfortunately though you will get BMing little trolls who act like that when they get the better of you in a game (or just think they did)
Best just to ignore them. I rarely bother to see survivors off at the exit gate if I'm definitely not going to get a down. I usually just wander about bashing door and any renaining pallets for a few extra BP.
Being on xbox I can't see endgame chat but by all accounts it isn't pleasant. If i see other xbox players I usually gg and get ggs back, often have nice conversations. It helps I also tend to release survs a lot. Usually the last 1 or 2 once I've double hooked them. I don't really like going for 4ks unless I have a challenge to do. If more killers did that more often, survs would probably be less toxic as a whole.
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How is harassment in end game chat 'a legitimate way to engage with the game'? Telling people to end themselves and wishing their families the most unspeakable things goes too far. In any set up. Writing whole essays about how bad you are in a video game does too as it isn't part of said video game. This is not acceptable behaviour.
The teabagging part was still in the game, so I guess you could say it's somewhat subjective how you take it but that's about it. The game was over anyway, teabagging in the exit game was douchey at best. That part I can overlook. But some players seem to have real problems getting this upset in a video game, when they won. Not just that, I don't even know what I did to upset them so terribly.
I can deal with this stuff for the most part. Yeah, I get annoyed and I'm not happy about these occurencese. But there are people that have a harder time dealing with this. Imagine having a bad day, playing the game for an hour and seeing death threats and worse. Eventually these things do affect a person's mental health.
I am of the opinion that this game should be fun above all else. But I take it these people had a horrible time in the match, because why else would they hang around and act so atrocious? That's why I asked: What do they want me to do?
There needs to be some way to stop this vicious cycle of getting treated like this until you snap and decide to return the favor to players, that have absolutely nothing to do with this. Because eventually they'll end up just as resentful. We shouldn't hate each other's guts over a video game.
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There needs to be some way to stop this vicious cycle of getting treated like this until you snap and decide to return the favor to players, that have absolutely nothing to do with this. Because eventually they'll end up just as resentful. We shouldn't hate each other's guts over a video game.
you are 100% right, and what what ought to be i can fully agree with you. And overall you are right and even the idea of everyone contributing a little bit to the positivity would go a long way.
That being said. 😂 What i offered to you is a legitimate way , a pragmatic way of not feeling the frustration when people go out of their way to be toxic. if you hit them back with "big mad" "ez" when they are just fuming its really a fun experience. Because you don't take what they say seriously, you take away all of the sting from the conversation. Its exactly as you said right? its a game but the feelings are real, so when you take a light approach jab back at them you will find that its easier for you to deal with. It also usually de-escalates the situation.
as i said before, it might be projection on my part. But its really annoying to deal with people when you went easy on them and tried to accommodate for their fun, and in return they just act super toxic in chat or in game. What they do is lame, and venting out about stuff like that is a good thing. You should atleast give it a try, see if it works for you. And you don't have to go nuclear you can be more tame about it more passive.
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If you want to learn a killer at base I suggest using the bots. They're not perfect by any means but you get a feel for the power and learn it's strengths and limitations.
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Unhittable? I know survivor movements can cause whiffs. I've come across a few that seem unhittable though.
Is that a hack too they do seem a tad fast when moving up close and seem to know what I'm gonna do before I do.
I suppose they could simply be immune and all the movement is a cover to make it seem like a miss.
I play both sides more than I used to and nothing makes me toxic or bothers me apart from cheating.
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My recommendation would be to turn off or minimize post game chat. I simply don't care to communicate with players after a game is over. And I genuinely don't care what other players do in the game itself other than survivors sabotaging their own team. I find that frustrating as a killer or survivor. Survivors DC'ing or killing self on hook are scumbags. But it isn't worth trying to talk to them about their bad behavior. It's not like you'll get them to change. But yeah, just play the game however is fun for you. That is the entire point of a video game in the first place.
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"You are the issue. You play nice and expect that people will do the same to you"
Good philosophy, wrong way to use it.
It is one thing to smile and wave at people and getting upset they don't smile and wave back
It's another entirely to smile and wave to people and getting upset when they spit in your face
You shouldn't hold people to your own standerds, that's true. But it shouldn't be a hard ask to hold them to the standerd they have evolved from dung flinging apes
"IF there would be even one case of someone getting "banned" from the report function for being a "dick" that would be a travesty."
You seriously believe people don't get banned for telling other people to off themself? If it was only tbagging you might have has a semblence of a point but sadly that's not how it is.
Your "solution" is also the worst piece of advice i have ever heard
Saying you should be a jerk prematurely just so you can have a sense of poetic justice when people are a jerk back is like saying you should throw every egg you'll ever own to a wall so you don't have to get upset if you get a rotten egg.
You'll just live a sad omelletless life
If everybody followed that advice then the whole world would be people being jerks for no reason.
That's the kind of reasoning i would expect from a comical overly evil villain from a animated movie, not from an actual person
this is not nice to say but this is what you need to hear.
You and others with your mindset are the issue
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I play killer and survivor and if someone bms i simply do not care. I play fair or try to at least. Maybe 9/10 games i get someone who tbags. but for that 1 game where the players are new i play nice. It may make their day. Return the favor if it really bothers you that much, slug, bleedout, tunnel, camp, tell them they smell like beef and cheese in post game chat. Do whatever. You paid for the game.
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Well, if people are breaking ToS by threatening or insulting you in endgame chat you can and should report them. Beyond that, there isn’t much you can do about people behaving in ways you dislike (teabagging, saying you’re a bad killer or whatever, etc)—similar to how survivors can’t really do anything about killers camping & tunneling & then saying GG ez or whatever in endgame. 🤷♀️
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I'll pretend I'm on such toxic player and answer your question as such.
I want you to suffer and feel bad so my toxic behavior is validated.
Feel like humoring me? No?
Ok, back to my regular persona, don't bother trying to figure out what these kind of people want. It's nothing you will want to do.
Instead, continue doing what you are already doing and let people who are not deranged toxic persons enjoy the pleasure of playing with you.
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I want you to close post game chat and tab out once EGC starts. I'd end the game prematurely too if I could but killer has no surrender option, even if the game is over. I'd like to see that added. Like once EGC starts you could give up.
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I traumatised a toxic swf as double feather clown on dead dawg
They did the absolute flat brain move to go in the deathtrap room
They did not like being pelted by bottles very quickly
If i see them again, they're getting more pain, which is what you should inflict on the toxic survs when you see them again
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Let them completely unload their emotional baggage at you at the end of the game.
Then respond with "nothing personnel, kid".
Then say "*unzips katana*".
Then leave the lobby.
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-"What does it take for survivors to not be awful?"
I can't help you with this.
If you want to learn how to play Nemesis - I can teach you. Send me a private message and I will friend you in game.
A list of good things to know:
- You are basically powerless in T1 so stop being in t1 asap. Whip two different people once and you will get to T2. Apparently most survivors have no idea this is how Nemesis works. If everyone is hiding early game you can just walk around the map and whip your zombies to advance your infection meter.
- Nemesis plays better with STBFL. Punching twice is better than whipping three times. Nemesis/Demo/Pig are the only three killers that can guarantee keeping 8 stacks of STBFL. It blows my mind Otz uses STBFL on trapper but does not with Nemesis.
- Nemesis is stronger after one player dies. The zombies pressure better when there are three instead of four players. If you want to win turn every match into a 3v3 or a 3 v2 game.
- Discordance is a great info perk for Nemesis as it also helps direct his zombies to players trying to rush generators. I often use this as my only information perk because Zombies give plenty of information.
- It takes time to learn but you can whip over some things and not others. You must learn how to "drag" the whip to get easier hits. Top tier Nemesis play is getting hits around undropped pallets that make people say : WHAT!?
- If you will get nothing and the survivor can't get to a good place from a whip - then whip. Otherwise a punch is generally better than a whip unless nearly everyone is already infected. If you could get a whip over a pallet you can usually break the pallet instead by purposefully not whipping the survivor. And of course if you are using STBFL you will get a stack for doing so.
- There are no amazing Nemesis addons. Zombie walking speed is probably "best in slot" but that's like saying I would rather kiss a cow's knee rather than Jellyfish nematocysts.
- If you think someone is going to fake a vault and dodge while you have your whip out you can just let go and punch while you body block the window.
- I whip my zombies all the time when I want them to be somewhere else if I am covering a certain area with no plans to leave (like making sure someone hits stage two before I move some distance from the hook).
- Whipping someone gives them a different speed boost when compared to a normal hit. Most people are not used to the speed difference and do not use it well. Take advantage of this fact.
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Some people suck
Also the survivor community has blown chunks recently
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While this isn't completely immune to toxicity, i find it helps alot.
- Make it your goal to hook every survivor twice and not kill them.
- The exception to this is you should kill your obsession (because roleplay is fun!)
- Then, max out your bloodpoints in the other 3 categories.
- Then let the rest of the survivors escape
This accomplishes a few things:
- Your MMR will go down, because you only killed 1 survivor, but not by a lot, but over time your games will become more chill as you get matched with lower mmr players.
- The survivors for the most part will be relatively happy, because you let them escape
- Even the obsession usually has a good time because the survivors still "won"
- You get pretty high bloodpoints, around 60% of sacrifice, and you max out the other 3 categories, giving you about as many as if you won the game killing them all.
- The survivors get a ton of bloodpoints, so they feel even better.
- Lower MMR survivors tend to be less toxic.
All in all it becomes a win/win situation. If you want to get rank 1, you can throw a "step 0" in there, and at the start of the month, you tryhard until you get rank 1, then start doing this, since you can't rank down you don't have to worry, and since you have been tanking your mmr, your games should be easier to win, making it easier/faster to get rank 1.
However, even doing this, you still get the occasional toxic player who just can't stand that you even existed in the match.
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What do they want you to do? Be miserable while they have their fun doing it. Just imagine their discord chats while they blind and stun you. Play accordingly.
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“ I've tried to find a way to make everyone happy” stop right there. This is a terrible mindset to have, even IRL.
This is how I play as killer:
Step 1: choose QoL perks (maybe 1 gen regress) that make my experience enjoyable, knowing I’ll win/lose anyway depending on the survivors
Step 2: don’t look at the offerings screen so as not to get anxiety from seeing a map offering
Step 3: don’t expect to win
Step 4: stick to my playstyle (which is: have fun trying to hook whoever I find, proxy camp if needed, maybe slug for the 4K if already have a 2k, but never camp or tunnel unless it can’t be helped)
Step 5: try not to get triggered by teabagging or other obnoxious survivor stuff
Step 5B: if survivors are a toxic squad from the start then dish it right back (tunnel, slug, etc)
Step 6: after match, take a couple minute break to enjoy the win, or if a loss to let the emotions subside.
Step 7: repeat
My job is not to make sure anyone is having fun but me, with the exception of immediately tunneling someone out of the game which I know from playing survivor isn’t fun, so that’s the only “survivor fun” thing I abide to. But that’s not so much letting them have their fun but more of a sportsmanship thing.