A small idea for the next community event


Community events are my all time favorite, I'm always looking up to them, but the current one is hard to even notice because of one thing.


During current event I played ONE match when there wasn't a map offering. Like what's with people and map offerings now? They VOTED for those maps, what's the point?

Usually my relationship with map offerings is "whatever", doesn't matter which side I play on, if I see someone offering like RPD, my guess is "they're probably doing the stupid achievement, let's get it over with". There are maps I love and hate, and community event choices of maps hit like 1-2 of my favorites, and the rest are meh/whatever, but nonetheless I'm excited to see my liked maps more often, cuz usually I never see them.

My suggestion is

Can we PLEEEEASE killswitch map offerings next community event?

The maps voted in the event are chosen by majority, so for the event time being, no one should cry that map offerings are off (except sweaty/bully/comp squads or map specific meme build killers like mirror myers or skillcheck doctor).

I want to play with friends without being forced to see Coldwind offering for the 6th time in a row. I'm tired of seeing RPD/Borgo/Garden offerings, followed by killer dodging (i don't blame them, people who play those offerings hate fun).

I could play in full swf but i don't have that many friends, and it still doesn't give guarantee that we can enjoy the event map rotation.
