What do you think of Dead Hard?

TinyGayGuitar Member Posts: 9

This poll is anonymous, so don't be afraid to answer honestly.

What do you think of Dead Hard? 85 votes

Dead Hard is a balanced perk in it's current state
30% 26 votes
Dead Hard is over tuned and should be nerfed while keeping its core concept.
12% 11 votes
Dead Hard is overpowered, but ultimately rewards skillful gameplay and is therefore fine
10% 9 votes
Dead Hard does not belong in Dead by Daylight and should be reworked
45% 39 votes


  • TinyGayGuitar
    TinyGayGuitar Member Posts: 9

    Regardless of my stance on dead hard, I agree that transparency is very important and would love to see the usage rates of the perk sometime in the near future.

  • Quietus
    Quietus Member Posts: 27

    Dead Hard isn't even on my list of Surivor Perks that are a problem. It's a reactionary ability, ie. it can be messed up by the player.

    I'm more concerned with the amount of meth the survivors seem to be taking, cos Ursain Bolt ain't catching people with 2 or 3 speed perks.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    the sole issue DH has atm is against some killers it actually has no counterplay, against 90% of the killers it's fine and in a good spot.

  • Brandon48
    Brandon48 Member Posts: 136

    All valid points above. I don’t want to imagine a Nurse trial without dh in the back pocket though.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    As a Ghostface main, I'm on hiatus from DbD primarily because of DH. Catching seasoned players with nothing but your skill at Em-Wun-Fu is already stupid-difficult without DH in the mix. I'm down to play a difficult match, but I'm not down for beating a player at the only thing I can beat them at (mindgaming) just to have them nullify any caliber of mindgame that I've pitched in exchange for a half second of timing.

    With the amount of precision required to accurately judge distances and execute a successful mind game when you have literally nothing but M1, and when the majority of the time, you can only actually hit a seasoned looper at the very tip of a long lunge right before the pallet drop, that half a second of invincibility off DH is more than enough to insure that you get nothing even though you won at the core aspect of the looping game...And nothing is easier to DH than a lunge from max range.

    Dead Hard pretty much governs this game, it is ever-present and it absolutely sucks. Until it's some other way, I'm not sure why anybody would want to waste their energy performing good M1 killer plays against good players just for it to not matter.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    It's not an unfair perk but massively overused, so much that it has gotten incredibly tiring to face. The worst thing about it is that it even counters the insta down abilitys especially the chainsaws which should never be a thing. You shouldn't be able to tank the chainsaws unless its BT, MoM or OtR.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    How so? It requires pure skill to time it once the killer knows that you have it and it is even counterable at pallets since they can't throw it while being locked in an animation. It's also very net dependant and the window of 0.5 seconds is pretty short so you need to be more precise with it. The only issue is the fact that it can negate insta down poewrs which is not a good thing. But other than that it's one of the most balanced exhaustion perks in the game especially in comparison to Lithe and SB which needs far less skill to pull off with a greater result.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    As I already wrote in another topic: Perk can't be "fine", "good", "balanced" if I HAVE TO play from it in every chase with every survivor, even if it is not in the match at all. I wish looping will have sense one beautiful day in this game. I'm so bored from this perk it's unreal.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    The idea of having a third health stage literally every chase just by pressing a button is so ######### stupid. It should work like a DS - once per game when pressed successfully. And it's still going to be a pretty strong perk, like DS still is.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 895

    It's not balanced, but it's not too OP. Only tryhards use it tho

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Honestly, everytimes I login these days I see "Killer 100% bonus BP"

    Then I sigh, click play, and proceed to get gen rushed by a bunch of people that takes like 4 hits to down (DH from hook for free, hit them once for real, then manual DH then FINALLY down)

    Meanwhile: gen count 1

    Proceed to get t-bagged at gate not one, but twice because they retreat through pallet city to open both gates before leaving...

    Yeah... the game will be dead by daylight.

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 167

    It just needs to be changed so it doesn't work within 2m of a pallet to force a lose-lose situation for the killer. 2m should be a small enough distance not to affect other aspects of the chase.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    It’s so hilarious seeing people say Dead Hard “doesn’t belong in DBD” and yet they’re the same ones who will overuse OP killer perks.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    It should be once per trial, or deleted, i personally prefer the second option

    Maybe then people would use something different for once

  • IrlClownMain
    IrlClownMain Member Posts: 21

    it's certainly better, but not my favorite perk to face. I mean it does reward skillful play as well as reading your opponent, but it also feels like a complete guessing game sometimes.