Is anyone else just not really enjoying the game right now?

I say this as someone who's been with the game since 2017, but right now feels like the point in time when I've been the most frustrated with the game. It would be one thing if it were just me being frustrated playing survivor or killer, but it just feels like playing both sides is frustrating in their own way now.
Whether it be survivors disconnecting at the beginning of the match whenever something mildly inconvenient happens or killers just tunneling and proxy camping to secure easy wins whenever I play survivor. Or survivors just breezing through generators, playing in survive with friends, and running whatever meta when I play killer.
I love playing both sides equally, usually, I'd just switch to the other side whenever I'm not having too much fun with one, but as of now, I'm not having too much fun with either. It's been rough before, but the current meta and playstyles make every other match as survivor and killer feel so painful and cumbersome to get through to the point that playing feels more like a chore than an actual game.
I'm sure this forum gets a post like this every other day, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone shares these feelings. I've been looking at all the recent nerfs and reworks and it just seems like they've only really pushed people to play in more toxic and unpleasant ways.
yea, i uninstalled a bit after the knight chapter but i do plan to come back at the mid chapter. People seem to be playing extremely boring for the pass month or so and due it to the game is just no longer fun. Just overwhelmingly safe and optimal play for both sides recently. Hopefully people will stop optimizing the fun out of the matches during the mid chapter
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Im getting there due to gen rushing and Dead Hard...
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I'll come back when we get another movie license... :/ Licenses are the only reason I got into this game. The game play and mechanics themselves I never cared for, but seeing something I am familiar with get a place in gaming history usually does it for me.
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Considering I spent my last 3 matches yesterday slugged for the 4k and my only 3 matches today also slugged for the 4k, yeah, I'm kinda not having fun right now.
Losing is one thing, but being forced to stay in a lost game bleeding to death so the killer can go hunt another player genuinely angers me.
People keep asking why players disconnect, but it's really no wonder people disconnect as often in this game when the optimal strategy is supressing the enemy so they can't do anything.
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Yeah, I've been kinda getting burnt out from this game, especially with all the tunneling, slugging, gen rushing, and bully squads I've been getting. Both sides have became stale and boring, and every match is a sweatfest. I've been taking a break for a few days. Probably gonna wait until the new chapter come out to play again.
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i always brign Unbrekable for this very reason so i dont deal with that bullshit on top of that a fairly strong Medkit i never remove any of those 2 of my build..
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Sorry if it was me but I needed my +2 pips and you need 4K to get those.
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Meh, its alright i guess.
Like the game feels ok, but you have to endure all the pains in both roles. Just feels bad that we haven't gotten a fun killer since Wesker and i was hoping for that. I was hoping that this new killer would be fun after knight, but it wasn't. So i guess the worst i can say is that the game is stale because there are no fun new things to experiment, being killer or survivor
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It's the amount of sweat that's coming our on both sides. I left for about a month and recently came back and played a few games and the 1 or 2 that I won as killer(I'm so rusty) I still felt like I didn't have much fun. Even if a killer has a 100% win rate doesn't mean they had a fun time getting those win. What if a survivor had 100% escape rate but every game they played a face camping bubba. I think alot of people see the end result and assume that that side must be having fun because they are winning but getting to that win wasn't fun.
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After the meta shake up I was pretty excited for the future of the game.
Since the lack of any meaningful changes since then, multiple lackluster killers, and still a huge lack in QoL I've lost most of my interest in this game.
Still no search function for perks.
Most perks are genuinely useless or unfun.
Bloodweb STILL has no quick buy option. I still have to wait half a second to buy the damn node.
Newest killer shows complete lack of understanding of the game. So bad that it's universally panned for its power, lore, and appearance.
Lots of killers are pretty garbage against survivors that actually know how to play the game.
Gen regression meta is still the norm after 6 years.
Still lots of tunneling and camping.
Matches vary wildly to the point I just feel bad for the killer or survivors.
SWF is still king if you want to win.
Meta shift is seemingly a one time thing, didn't actually produce a meta shift, and many perks are left in the dust.
All in all it's a game that's stagnated. BHvR is seemingly at a loss on what to do other than a new killer/survivor every 3 months.
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Blight can't carry this game hard enough to make up for the lack of skill on both sides and the """"""""""""""""FAST""""""""""""""""" meta shackups^TM(POG they nerfed thanat, buffed basekit bt to a reasonable level and then stopped updating the game balance wise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I thought the next meta shake-up after 6.1.0 was going to be October at the latest, how could any dev team consider it reasonable to call frequent updates every 7 months????? I know it's bhvr and I know quite a bit of their history on this stuff but this is almost unforgivable. Let's say they dedicated 2 people to work on the next balance update and then lets also assume they waited 2 months after the thenat nerf update for valid data, how could 2 people take 7 months to update 4 killers and 30 perks working 8 hours a day?
They released wesker peaking my hopes for this game and then release two garbage killer gameplay design even though I was super hype for knight based on the trailer just like artist.
I try and genuinely improve at survivor, but killers become carried by a build for a disgusting amount of time.
My current feelings towards playing dbd right now is exactly the same as the months leading up to 6.1.0. Nothing changes, low skill players playing in very predictable ways getting carried by full meta loadouts.
I am personally offended that I consider myself a top 65% survivor and a top 95% killer despite my clear rust at the game.
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Game has felt the same to me since wesker chapter. And that's because it is. They haven't made any balance changes, no one cares for the new content in forged in fog and i think the same thing will happen with this upcoming chapter. Eruption is getting nerfed but that's it.
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I split my time between both sides now
90% of my games are miserable
I was chasing someone tonight and noticed the Rebecca was dying in hook. I walked back and as she died two survivors and I just stared at her dying. Five gens left. We just farmed at that point
im watching survivors throw/dc/die on hook/ hide for hatch every single match. Doesn’t matter if I’m killer or survivor.
I had ONE real game all night and after twenty matches of throwers I just had no relfelexs or timing. Team kicked my ass. I wasn’t mad at them but after ten killer games or people throwing or giving up and giving me an easy win I was just too rusty and rage quit. Felt bad, I shouldn’t have. But literally twenty games -ten each side- I had two survivor and one killer match that no one threw the match.
idk what’s going on the past few weeks but I can only say
1) this is my favorite game. I love it
2) I have never been this unhappy In a game
3) I can’t even care about game balance anymore. The community is choosing to act absolutely batshit for some reason and there’s not anything I can do about it.
well, except play as toxically and hardcore as I can from now on. I love giving hatch as killer but I guess that’s out now when whoever gets it probably sandbagged their team-twice tonight someone tried to get me killed while they had left behind and a key. Plus twice yesterday.
No more taking a chase for my teammates or healing them off hook when they just leave me to die and run out the gates. Huntress had four hooks when last gen popped. Hooked me, two randoms immediately opened gate on opposite side of map, waited for the killer, and started teabagging the killer. I unhooked them both and healed them once each. My duo died so the randoms killed me.
in the past week I can’t say other than one excellent wraith yesterday a killer has killed me but my teammates certainly have
I can’t say I’ve won any killer matches. But I sure have had easy wins from survivors giving up or sandbagging their teams.
idk if everyone is angry at the meta or balance, maybe this game just attracts trashy toxic people. But I’m exhausted of logging on my favorite game just to log off unhappy. My best friends all quit so now I’m just playing with people I met on here and have to split my time with evil dead so I can play with my irl friends and that’s become the same issue
my buddy said it’s got to just be asym games or horror games something about them make people just terrible to each other idk
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I'm not having any fun right now. I'm using this double XP week to grind and try to finish the rift asap, once I'm done I'm taking a break until the next rift comes out.
Only kills and escapes matter so that's all players focus on now. Alot of killers camp/tunnel/slug while bringing slowdown/regression perks and in response survivors need to do what they can to rush gens in hopes of maybe escaping that match with 39% escape rate working against them - it's vicious circle of misery. Instead of actually addressing the issues players are constantly saying make the game not fun the devs add perks or new killers to make the issues worse on both sides. Overall it's just not a fun time for many on both sides.
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there is no incentive to keep playing. Everygame is sweaty and boring. There is just no reason to play a game where I gain nothing.
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Yeah... pretty much every game is just a sweatfest.
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Well, if I wanted to play chill either the killer will tunnel me or the survivors will gen-rush the entire map and the match will be finishing under 3 min. It is the people that created this situation and enjoying to create it. It is the system of the game that forces people to play like this. They need to add something new, something that will change the pace because nowadays whoever I talked to that has been playing the game, most of them did not enjoy it whether for a win or lose. For the killer, it turned out to be let's protect the last 3 gen and tunnel one person's entire match. For the survivor side, it is a gen-rush simulator that is holding M1.
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I've been having a less enjoyable time with the game recently. I switched to survivor, back to killer, back to survivor, back to killer again and nothing changed. My matches were mostly me being tunneled as a survivor or me getting stomped as a (non-tunneling) killer.
That was until yesterday when I switched to playing Oni. I've never really liked playing him before but for some reason now I find it incredibly fun to run around the map and have some less sweaty matches because I actually play a killer strong enough to not get screwed immediately.
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Yup. Every match lately is filled with sweaties on both sides and not fun. Yesterday I think I fought over 7 Knights who all used midwitch map and kept slugging and trying to find me, so thirsty for the 4k.
I kept raising the slugged person and they'd go die again, anyway, every match I got the hatch but the matches were so long and boring.
It feels nothing like when I was playing before in August. I was having a blast.
Now my matches are filled with bs stuff like, me, having a 20ms ping but dying six feet or more after vaulting. Or vaulting fully, then magically being teleoorted before the vault to get grabbed by Wesker arm thing.
Also my DH is always timed properly yet I end up dead instantly with exhausted status.
NONE of this happened to me before the update. Sigh, such a shame because before the game seemed fine. I posted in the bugs forum and report it each time but it's still not fixed. Is behavior an indie company? Sorry I'm still semi new.
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Enjoying it as much as I ever have. Which is a lot, DBD is my favorite game. These topics pop up every week or so with people talking about how now is DBD's lowest and more unfun point, tunneling camping blah blah blah regardless of how the game actually is. Literally every patch.
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Survivor has been generally very unfun with the way most killers play. Only thing that makes it bearable is playing with friends and suffering with them.
Killer has been the easiest it’s ever been. It’s been quite boring most of the time just winning 80% of matches.
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I got bored of the game awhile back. And stopped playing so much. Then came back and instead of focusing on killer so much I started playing survivor more.
It helped as, it is a completely different game. When I started getting bored of that I decided to learn a new killer. Nemesis is fun.
Then back to survivor, trying to learn to be better with flashlights, something I hardly ever used since I started as a killer main and hated them.
When it seemed like every killer was running light born I decided to do something I have been putting off. I started playing nurse.
Still not good but getting better.
Moral of the story, whenever I get bored or frustrated I choose something I have never done before and focus on that. It helps to keep things interesting.
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No, I stopped playing during the winter event. Played a bunch of games after the "solo buffs" came out to see how OP solo queue is now. In 13 games, only twice the gates were powered and no game had less than two kills. And it was all boring camping, slugging and tunnelling. Stopped instantly and haven't played a single match since.
Almost all the streamers I used to watch have quit DbD, at least temporarily. And the worrying thing is that it's not that they're just tired of playing too much DbD (that'd be normal), they all say they it's just not fun anymore and they neither want to sit there and complain about the game, nor pretend to have fun when they don't.
And when I check out someone playing, the game starts, it's Nurse, someone disconnects, Nurse slugs for 4k at 5 gens, I go watch something else because that's not even no fun to play, it's also no fun to watch.
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I'm playing less and less every day. At first, I thought I was getting bored because I'm a solo survivor. So, I decided to join others and play with people online. But, I'm realizing the game isn't as fun as I thought it would be. Too many camping/tunneling killers, too many toxic players, I refuse to play killer since I find it boring and there are way too many toxic survivors, so there's that.
So I'm definitely playing less and really don't care about the game as much as I did when I first started.
I will be playing the new upcoming chapter but I doubt that will change anything with how the meta/camping/tunneling is currently. It just gets old and boring too quickly.