what do you expect form the possible jason blum and james wan dbd movie?

So excited for this announcement since i love horror movies but how can we make it the most accurate videogame adaptation ever?
I want a big budget movie where the killer is body blocked to the hook with a sabotage. Then the killer is looped around the shack with a pallet drop chained into flashlight blinds and survivors dab harding into the killer at the exit gates and then crouching aggresively and nodding while the killer just looks at them.
That or a face camping trapper while a claudette self mends and urban evades in the bush.
I will laugh so hard if they do a part where someone teabags at the exit gate lol.
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Trapper walking back and forth collecting traps and setting them up at killer shack, one survivor constantly disarming the traps when Trapper goes to collect a new one, one survivor locker hopping in the basement, one survivor urban evading from bush to bush, one survivor instantly quitting because they stepped in a trap.
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i just excited for the possibly of blumhouse ips for chapters
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I'd imagine it's going to come down to the actors they use... cause let's face it theirs quite the difference
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Thought of that too.
I hope the movie doesn´t suck completely.
With very few exeptions (SH1 was mostly good and i like the Sonics) video game movies are pretty bad. Hollywood just doesn´t get it and always tries "their" thing.
I think you could make some really fun and scary movies out of DbD if they hire someone with a bit of knowledge.
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i wouldnt mind like 3 seperate stories on characters before the fog then at the end a trial like thing idk
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Ya BH is working on the FNAF movie as well. It's all coming together now.
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i honestly hope they do an anthology series of films like the dark picture anthology games. have the observer choose a lore book and that way each killer gets their own movie
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If it's not campy horror like scary movie then it won't work. I feel like most people who play the game would laugh through a seriously attempted DBD horror movie. Unless they do it, the killer gets stomped by flashlights and pallets, and all 4 people survive the movie. But what kind of horror movie is it where no one dies ever?
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In seriousness, Quick backstory on all 4 og survivors and then they all get pulled into the fog vs Trapper. Ofc Meg has to die first keeping in theme with the old cinematics.
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If the movie is actually about DbD rather than in name only, there are about three decent possibilities:
- A prologue about how this all started.
- A single trial, where the survivors die one by one, then at the end they wake up at the campfire and we see that they're stuck doing these trials over and over again forever.
- We follow the pre-fog lore of a killer (or they do an anthology film with multiple killers).
If this movie goes through and gets made, I expect something less like Silent Hill and more like House of the Dead. I don't feel any sort of desire for a DbD movie; I'm fine with watching Cube (1997) or The Cabin in the Woods again.
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I'm not really hopeful.
I'd take a "so bad it's good" like the later Halloween movies
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I agree with this.
For me it just depends how much control BHVR actually has over it. The movie’s more than likely going to be constant “fan” service if they have a lot of control, but if they have less and Blumhouse can get more creative with the idea, then I think it could turn out to be good.
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What these guys said. Unless by some miracle it’s actually good, I’m passing on it.
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I will watch it anyways.