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Fun games?

There are no lack of threads complaining about the game so I wanted to do something different. This is a game I had last night that was just plain fun.

Survivor on RPD, not sure which wing. Against a wraith. I really only play solo. Wraith downed a Kate and hooked close to me. I unhooked and he came back. Kate took the bt hit and we both ran. Wraith tunneled Kate. When I saw what was happening I did my best to block for her but I was already behind. He hooked her again and came after me. I tried leading him away from hook but he didn't go far. He went back towards hook and I followed.

Micheala got the unhook and started running behind the Kate. I blocked him in a narrow spot and he was forced to hit me and proceeded to continue after Kate. I said screw it and continued to get in his way. He finally downed me but left me. Micheala got me up and healed me. We popped a Gen and Kate went down across the map.

3 gens left, 3 v1. There was a Feng who popped another Gen. She was good in chase at least. Finally we were 3 genned. I started on the upper floor Gen in the main room. He would start coming to chase me off and I would run down the stairs and vault a window and he would leave. So I immediately went back to the Gen. He couldn't commit since Feng and Michaela were grouped up on another gen.

We repeated the process about 7 times before I finally popped it. He managed one hit when I left too hate. Ran towards the closest gate. Healed from the boon. Michaela got the gate open as I got there and wraith downed her. I ran towards exit and he hit me but didn't force me out. He went back to get Michaela and I followed. Not sure what I was planning other than to maybe block him for a sec and hopefully let Michaela wiggle. Then I saw it. Michaela was under a pallet.

He picked up, and I dropped the pallet. We get out. Somehow he gets Feng.

I send a gg and an apology for all the body blocking. Yes he was tunneling, but I was still being annoying. He wrote back, 'damn you ace lol'

We ended on a high note. All in all in was a fun game. Maybe not for wraith or Kate but I enjoyed it.

What are your most fun games?

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  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited March 2023

    I fun games sometimes. On a good night I get one to three of the following:

    • Painting the floor with the blood of bullies (in for being nuisances with the gens as an afterthought).
    • Fertilizing the ground with cocky groups who forgot a killer can be dangerous (they have a plan, I plan not to follow it).
    • Going against a playful group of survivors (in essence not playing the gens).

    These are the reason I still launch the game sometimes.

    edit: desciptions


    I play Nurse, basic skin, no exposition perks. I'm quite decent with her (29k+ blink attacks) but I start clumsily (on purpose). It's that map with the kind of huge cauldron in a building (the name escapes me at the moment : hard day). I test each survivor (as any Nurse would) but I don't really attack. That group took this as a cue to play aggressively and I let them be nasty to this poor poor Nurse ... until they are all around me, BMing like the monkeys they are.

    And then I do a walk hit and a short blink which finally hits. They aren't afraid yet so they even start to heal. I walk hit the healer (who tried to dodge with a 360) and proceed playing normally, chasing and slugging them all. Apparently I suck at Nurse and I was lucky. xD

    Bullies 2

    Deathslinger, nice classy skin, I basic build (the kind recommended by a good player). I'm not good with it but I'm still a 3k hours player so I manage. It was just after its nerf. It's one of the Autoheaven and I go against a group that's just there to click the flashlights, synchronize head-ons, ... you know the style. I kept my cool and always played unexpectedly. I didn't took the baits (quite the opposite, most of the time). I didn't hook, at first (waste of time, they were saboing). I've slugged, hit, harpooned everytime when they were expecting something else. Four dead at the end. It was kind of stressful but so satisfying. No salt in the lobby though, so that's a point for them.

    Bullies 3


    Well, with Dredge, Doctor, ... it's always the same story, always a bit tense, and it always feels good in the end.

    I can't recall a bully group that survived these past two years. They all behave similarly so even with a killer I'm not good with it ends badly for them.


    Huntress, Venice mask, blue skin. I'm OK with her. Ormond offering. I find the four survivors on the corner of the map with the raised hut. They push the gens. I hit one and he leaves, the others stay around the gen, hiding with all the crap that's around. Whenever I move a bit away, they jump back, or simply tap it. They are not afraid, not one bit. Chases, hits, body-blocking ... they clearly thought they were safe. Newsflash for them : they weren't. I down the protector, hit another, down the first hit, kick the gen again with one already being healed ... but as for bullies (which they weren't) it's a game that favors the killer. One step at a time I hurt, down, down again, until none is left standing. Four slugs, four deaths.


    Myers, P1 all game (what's the name of that build? Burger-King?). I play for jump-scares and grabs. The survivors panic but end up pointing to me when they detect me. I play it "Ghostface", only showing a bit of my head from the corner of a wall, then hiding fully, then popping again, ... sometimes managing to get them from the other side. In the end chat one told me her friend screamed so much her ears were ringing xD.

    But outside of these gems, it's weak survivors, gens-before-friends-rushing survivors, awful map offerings and cheaters. (Which is why I only launch the game sometimes.)

    Post edited by drsoontm on
  • Member Posts: 2,280

    There's a lot of stores to share so we'll share one round the fire~

    So months ago we're at badham as oni with our usual build (forced penance, pop, thano, sloppy) against a ttv and what we assume is their squad from the name and items. While 2 of them drop like flies, the others are good, the ttv in particular was actually great as they didn't run loops mindless like the other one and played bold smart.

    So 5 gens go by with non dead and few hooks with someone currently on 1. EVERY survivor is determined to get that 4 escape so instead of running out when we arrive at that powered door everyone runs back IN. Keep in mind, the hooked one is as far from the doors as possible with both on effectively the same side. We in our infinite insanity open that door, turn red and say game on.

    Q the most intense game of whack a mole as every survivor tries to keep everyone else up as quickly as we hit them down from broken slugs to flashlight blinds and staying at pallets. Eventually the timer claimed 2 survivors, one was the ttv being a hero while the other was the one rescued. In a rare happy ending everyone even enjoyed themselves and had fun due to those last minutes.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I always enjoy playing with or going against endgame builds. Because survivors always get confident and underestimate the killer and then when noed pops and you see the gates get blocked the killer suddenly gets a bunch of control.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I remember a game (about a year ago) when I was playing Huntress against a very chill SWF. They were pretty good but overall the game was very back and forth. That was until I got lucky and came close enough to grab Feng. I froze for about 5 seconds with my hand outstretched to reach for her. She saw that, nodded, and then slow vaulted back to level the playing grounds again. I couldn't kill her after that but it was one of those special moments I'll never forget.

    Another match that I absolutely loved was against 4 survivors that had the names of Susie, Frank, Julie and Joey (all Legion members). They began chasing me instead. I was terrified.

    A Doctor match I had against 4 different versions of Bunny Fengs just a few months ago. We were on Mother's Dwelling and I had a bit of trouble keeping up with the survivors' efficiency. They were pretty good in chase too but Zanshin Tactics really helped me out. When all gens were done I chased one Feng and she ran me back to main building.... Where they had prepared a surprise for me. 3 of them were on the table in the center and the other Feng jumped down to join them. As did I. We kept fooling around for a bit, farming some blood points and them I let them escape via slug race. Unfortunately one of them had to be disqualified for cheating (Tenacity). These guys were very wholesome in chat as well.

    Probably my favorite match of all time was as Billy on Grimm Pantry. I tried to do the Spacebilly spot on main building and after a few tries I got the hang of it. I managed to jump so high that the survivors couldn't see me and luckily landed right next to a gen they were working on. Several times. They were scared of the flying chainsaw lunatic and I had a lot of fun flying around and landing right next to them (totally planned btw, definitely not lucky at all). In the end I managed to leave the map and waited for them outside of the exit gates. They gave me a lightshow with their flashlights as thanks and we exchanged some nice word in end game chat.

    My favorite survivor game was against a Spirit. She didn't pay attention in the lobby and didn't realise that there was something off about the Jame Sunderland in her game. Until she found me. I greeted her as the great Jeryl by spinning with my flashlight and nodding at her. She followed me the whole game, completely mesmerized by the beauty right before her eyes. Needless to say I got rancore moried. 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I had a game like 2 years ago...

    I played observer Wraith...

    Well The Survivor did 4 Gens then I got a Party invite from one of them...

    "What are you doing?"... "I'm just observing you guys"... "Oh so how good are you?"... "IDK I think I'm pretty good"... "OK then how about you chase me?"... "OK fair enough"

    Then the chase lasted about 15 seconds (give or take... my memory is -Bad Word-)

    They all left and I was complimented... felt good

  • Member Posts: 81

    Wait, you're not having FUN with dbd AND you don't find tunneling/camping fun???? SHOCKING!

    This game is getting boring as hell. It's the same crap every other match with killers. Some, I can't blame, cause of toxic survivors, rushing generators due to perks, same old perks survivors be running... what other choice is there for killers? BLAH.

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