Survivor Side is too strong and tunneling is the only solution.

Jace233 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

It seems like this game has become more frustrating over time with all the heavy nerfs and changes that incentivize boring gameplay. I will list everything wrong with DBD and my proposed solution, in order of importance.

1) The map design is frankly awful and probably the worst thing about DBD overall. Some of them all but guarantee a killer win while most are full of god pallets/loops that cannot be anything other than a pallet breaking simulator from the killers POV. It seems the original maps are the most balanced, and the newer ones are straight up terrible.

The solution is to remove long-hall/elevated areas with CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT that just take too long for the killer to apprehend a survivor. Like RPD, the 2 story area in grave of glenvale main building, ormund 2nd floor of main building, garden of joy window vaults (remove all of them from the houses or make them connect far closer to an exit from the house), etc.

Unfortunately the one map that did multiple floors very well was the old Demogorgon map, because you had no line of sight to where the killer was coming from, or if he was coming at all before he catches up to you. DBD devs, you really have to remove line of sight if you make difficult to access areas, otherwise its just a scooby doo chasing simulator.

2) Generator and healing speeds - You cannot keep making perks that boost these speeds, because they are already too fast as is.

Prove thyself is like a reverse hex-pentimento with no other condition except you are next to someone. It needs a massive nerf because it is frankly busted whether you believe it or not. It should grant a 5% (down from 15%) speed boost to each person.

Boon COH and medkits need to be changed entirely. Both medkits and COH should no longer allow self-healing in any form. They should only increase the speed of healing others, while COH can grant the 50% speed boost and broadcast your aura to every other survivor so they can come and heal you.

Commodius toolbox should be toned down a bit in its long-term efficiency. Just by the numbers change along with prove thyself will help quite a bit.

3) Killer Nerfs/Killer Design - This is maybe not the worst decision you have made regarding DBD balance, but it IS the most unfun one, and really made the game overall lame and miserable to play. You keep doing nerfs to killers/addons that completely limit creative expression in the killer roster. Deathslinger can't insta-fire, Hillbilly cant use saw to mindgame, etc.

And pretty much every new killer you have designed since Artist has zero skill ceiling whatsoever. She is probably your best designed killer by far, because she has an even balance of counterplay and skillful plays. The matches against or as her, are pretty much always fair. The new killers you design are so incredibly lame and rely entirely on survivor ignorance to capitalize on anything. Even Wesker, as fun as he is, is so badly designed that when good survivors refuse to get hit by his easily dodgeable M2, they have the game all but won.

And lets not even talk about the Knight or the new killer coming up. You just keep designing killers that have zero power in and of themselves; too reliant on survivors being birdbrains. You really need to refer to the Artist in designing killer powers, because you did really nail it with her.

All of this is the reason that turning the match into a 3v1 early on is the only way for a killer to win against a good team if he isnt the right killer pick. Address these issues and the game will improve itself as tunneling is just symptomatic of imbalanced design.


  • EmpireCity830
    EmpireCity830 Member Posts: 118

    Wesker is a strong killer. Probably the best released by BHVR this year. If you think he is weak you either haven't played him to his full potential or you haven't seen him be played at full potential.

    I do agree with the 3 points overall that you made. Map design is awful, gens are too fast b/c of perks as well as spread of generators. Survivor items need a fat nerf yesterday. The weaker killers need to be buffed in some way. They just can't keep up with speeds.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Most of the problems are due to poor map designs. There are plenty of pallets that you can not mind game the survivors and some of the maps have that kind of pallets a lot. Other than that, I believe some of the add-ons must be removed from the survivor side, especially the BNP which is the biggest problem if you ask me.

  • Jace233
    Jace233 Member Posts: 20

    The power is just not very good in and of itself. He compares most well with The Cannibal i'd say.

    Same charge time, cooldown, recov time, and very similar distances gained. But Cannibals power is way better because he can turn, shred pallets, and insta-down. He really needs a small buff in being able to do more unique things with it IMO.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    killers are in a very good spot outside a few outdated ones and of course the awful map design still most killers can do well most of the time if you're decent at the game.

  • healsoflove718
    healsoflove718 Member Posts: 81

    You can buff killers and make maps killer-sided, and they will still tunnel/camp. It's something within the game that can't be stopped unless the developers do something about it.

    If you buff one side, you have to buff the other.

    I say get rid of all gen rushing perks, and get rid of all regression perks.

    I'm a survivor main, and even I think some killers need not a buff but a rework. I think they (developers) need to change the mechanics of how killers should be. You have many weak killers with OP add-ons. That makes NO SENSE to me whatever-so-ever. I don't even play killer b/c I find it boring as hell and because of the toxicity within the game. I'm totally okay with losing, got no problems with that.

    You think survivor healing is too fast? Our heals have been nerfed over time, look at self-care for example, even healing each other without a med-kit or perks, it's been nerfed over the years, it takes longer now. It takes so long that killers go back to the unhooked survivor to tunnel them out. That's how close hooks are to each other and how close generators are as well (in some maps, not all).

    This game is getting boring as hell, it's the same CRAP in every match. Getting tunneled out, camped on first hooked, killers going back to tunnel someone out (can't even heal anyone anymore in solo queues). Survivors not doing generators even with a new HUD buff we got, survivors letting people stay unhooked for being afraid of killers camping the hook. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Give me a break. Both sides need a rework. EVERYTHING needs a rework. It's a mess.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    That’s when you play just one side, I play both sides and I can say both are awful

    You need a team if you want to play survivor because SoloQ randoms are just awful, is like playing against 4 killers

    As a killer, I can say you will only lose if you face a SWF, they’re not even common so saying you lose every match as a killer is a lie lol

    So many people claims that tunneling is the only way, I say no, tunnelers will tunnel even if they’re winning. Tunneling is actually a problem as genrush, I tried to invite some friends to play and they quit because they can’t even play thanks to the tunneler, so if you want the gen speed to be fixed, then prepare to tunneling mechanics to be fixed too