So how do you play The Skull Merchant?
Do you camp gens with it? Do you use it in chase (forcing Survivors to run away)? Do you use it to denie an area of the map or something like main building?
i saw a video of a dude saying he loved playing the "camp out a 3gen and extending the game" playstyle. his exact words
i dont understand how people can find that fun, placing drones over a gen and chasing survivors off and slowing killing them. its boring so so boring
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The best way of describing her power is "Jack of all trades, master of none" So while you can use her power in any of the ways you described, she wont do it very well
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She isn't a jack of anything either. She has no mobility and her lethality is basically nonexistent. She is a gen-camping one-trick pony.
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I will be using a controller
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She's a jack of that -o pose 😉
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Keep your eyes on
Willie played her SO well during the PTB and on Tuesday its gonna be the best place to learn I think.
But I also saw PaulieEsther played her alot, maybe you can gleen some ideas from his gameplay?
Good luck.
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Can we not go on the premises that a few people who can play weak killers well does not make them good by any means.
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If we archknowledge that playing a strong killer is a poor way does not make them bad by any mean? Then sure.
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not sure how you can't understand the strategy of the killer by reading the ability 🤷🏻♂️
its an information killer. you toss a drone down somewhere and come back to it when it disappears and look for scratch marks or you throw one down and hide in it until a survivor makes the silly mistake to deactive it.
not a chase killer. more of a camper. but either way it's possible to chase. but you wont get anything for chasing.
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OnePumpWillie is already single handedly preventing Sadako from getting any buffs so that could be bad news for the Skull Merchant getting any reasonable buffs.
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Wait? I thought Sadako was the next killer getting changes besides twins?
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Is she? I haven't heard a word about it so I assumed we were in the same boat with condemned playstyle bumping up Sadako's kill rates enough to not get her changes.
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lmao and why would that be?
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It's a joke rather than a serious comment. I'm sure OnePumpWillie isn't the reason why Sadako isn't getting meaningful buffs but it's fun to insinuate he is.
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nothing was said about sadako getting anything
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I coulda sworn I saw a comment from Peanits that he stated Sadako is next in line for changes
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I saw some people play against her and it seems like her drones are really easy to avoid. Just avoid the rotating walls and turn it off. They know where you are but the drone is gone and now they have to make it to you. So unless it's going to keep you from working on a generator (and you can hide behind the generator if they placed their drone poorly) leave it until they're in chase then destroy it. And at that point just run right up to it it takes 20 seconds for it to mark you as vulnerable once you're detected.
So put them on gens and hope for the best?
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3-gen strat. Win by boring the Survivors to death like The Knight. The next 3 months are gonna be miserable.
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Me when I cant play the game and make assumptions because other people told me so
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I mean she has a pretty good arrange of play styles. The biggest 'disincentive' to me for her power is the fact it can encourage tunneling those with clawtraps but beyond that she's definitely not as bad or 3 gen reliant as people say she is and with the buffs coming her way shes going to be even better if not by slightly
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What does she do better than any other Killer?
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Me when I can't think objectively and realise Skull Merchant is utter dogshit
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Information and flexibility.
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The drones are quite literally camping machines. Prepare to miss Knight 3 gens.
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Step 1. Don't buy her at all.
Step 2. Play any other killer and do every single thing she can do far better than she can do it because unlike her they actually have something in their kit.
Step 3 congratulations you are now (possibly) having fun.
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Doctor and Legion have better information than her by miles.
I'd say her info is better than Wesker or Nemesis and more on the level of Plague.
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I disagree. Neither of them can detect survivors outside their TR. Doc's also has a decently long CD on his shock.
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Her detection outside of her TR is incredibly situational.
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I found it to be useful. Being able to drop a drone on a corner gen and knowing I won't need to go back there until it gets broken is pretty nice.
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Well the first step to playing her would be to wait untill she releases
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I am thinking objectively which is why I understand her strengths aren't just 3 gens and don't blindly follow mainstream youtubers with clickbait videos day 1 of her release and actually played her for days straight to understand her better. If everyone wasn't so reactionary and actually spent time learning the ins and outs of her kit and realizing things like Lock On shouldn't be played with but should be secondary to her power then you'd learn a lot more about not only her, but the game overall.
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For one micromanaging. She's a killer with good capabilities to keep survivors occupied and keep them focused on things that aren't just pumping gens while also able to use her power to be more engaging in chases. She's a better chase killer than 90% of M1 killers due to the fact she has most of the time constant information reads on a survivor. She's a better control killer than clown since she can block off big areas in advance and select which areas she chooses to lock off indefinitely and if a survivor chooses to open an area up they take a risk of having a chase where they're never NOT seen. In loops where other killers struggle she excels and in loops where other killers excel, shes a bit weaker at which is a fair trade off imo.
I'll admit she isn't strong or some god tier killer, she's solid Mid C tier with potential to be high C maybe even bottom B which isn't a good spot for a killer to be, but for people to be claiming her as the worst killer in the game and even send death threats or harass people for enjoying her lately as this entire community has been doing is pathetic. The only huge flaw I have with her powers design is that it does incentivize tunneling people with claw traps.
But let me give an example where her chase is better. Compare her to someone like ghostface who relies on mindgames and playing around with his stealth in chase to win. She is granted his same kit of having her stealth enahnced in chase with no red stain, while also having extreme constant reads on the survivor. As SM, you play closer to a more engaged hag essentially, keeping survivors in a locked down area while realizing who you can put active pressure on and who you need to leave behind. With the PTB buffs, I think she will move up a few spots in power level.
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The answer really is "it depends" because of her wide arrangement of add-ons. If you wanna 3 gen you have shotgun speakers and adi valente comic or brown noise generator with basically anything.
If you want to chase you have geographical readout, strobes, prototype rotor, loose screw, advanced movement prediction, ultrasonic trap speaker to give you miscellaneous advantages in chase.
Baskekit she leans more into the area control and camping playstyle but the chase add-ons are very transformative if you build around them so it's kind of up to you what add-ons you like best and find a playstyle based on that.
Definitely not the type of killer you can throw anything on, you really have to think about your build and have a goal in mind. Some people don't like add-on reliant killers but I think it gives them a lot of replayability value since you can play completely differently based on what you feel like.
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You set a 3 gen with her drones, get rid of pallets in the area and then proceed to get free hits while never engaging in any chases. Repeat until the server closes after 40 minutes or survivors give up out of pure boredom. Hope you enjoy it.