ChatGPT Makes A Killer For DBD

I got bored and decided to try out ChatGPT. And I was messing around and had it generate a Killer and some perks for the Killer in DBD. Also because Im dealing with a power outage (got a generator running) and my internet connection is not stable enough to play DBD (there was a huge storm and tornado warning but it's over now), so Im trying to find things to pass time.
Keep in mind, this was just to mess around, and ChatGPT uses information that dates to 2021, so I had to cycle through a LOT of generated posts to find something that wasnt an existing perk, realistically, this is not practical at all for designing and making new Killers. Also ChatGPT really loved BBQ since it kept generating perks that had "you hook a Survivor and see all other Survivor's auras" over and over.
Overall, I just want to see the community's thoughts on this.
ChatGPT Says...
- The Plague Doctor
- Born into a family of doctors, Dr. Edward Blackwell was a brilliant physician, but his obsession with finding a cure for the deadliest of diseases led him to darker paths. His unorthodox experiments on living subjects eventually got him exiled from the medical community. Outcast and alone, he retreated to his laboratory and delved deeper into his research. The plague he unleashed on his victims was highly infectious and killed within days, leaving his victims' skin blackened and eyes bloodshot. After years of seclusion and experimentation, he emerged as The Plague Doctor, a ruthless killer with a twisted obsession to eradicate those he deemed diseased.
- The Plague Doctor wears a traditional long beaked mask, and his body is wrapped in tattered, plague-ridden robes. He carries a large syringe filled with an unknown liquid.
- Plague Infusion - The Plague Doctor can infect survivors with his plague by attacking them with his syringe. Infected survivors will experience hallucinations that obscure their vision and impair their ability to repair generators or interact with objects. Infected survivors can cure themselves by using a vaccine that can be found around the map, but it takes time to administer and leaves the survivor vulnerable.
- Cleansing Surge - The Survivor's blood is like a drug to you, fueling your need to cleanse the unhealthy. Each time you damage a Survivor, you gain a token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5. For each token, your movement speed is increased by 2%, this effect goes away upon hooking a Survivor.
- Strength In Purity - Your willpower to cleanse the unhealthy is unmatched. When a survivor attempts to sabotage a hook or breaks free from your grasp, you receive a notification and gain a 10% speed boost for 5 seconds. Additionally, when you pick up a survivor, the movement speed reduction while carrying a Survivor is completely removed, and you instead move at your Killer's base movement speed.
- Daunting Presence - Survivors within the Terror Radius of the Killer are afflicted with the Hindered status effect based on the amount of Survivors with your Terror Radius, which slows their movement speed by 1/1.5/2% per Survivor in your Terror Radius. This effect stacks with other effects.
The power is an interesting concept, but it just seems like plague and doctor together (plague doctor lol)
the perks are also interesting. They would either be super OP or super trash
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Honestly, I didnt even notice it being a combination of Plague and Doctor... to make a Plague Doctor. That is funny as hell.
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Not really.
I had the AI redo the perks 72+ times (multiply that by 3, and you get 216 perks I had to read through) because most perks were already existing in current DBD, but also AI only uses existing mechanics, it does a horrible job at trying to introduce or make new types of mechanics and perks.
Humans, of course, can easily make perks and Killers without needing to go through this process, not only that but we understand the nuances to designing new mechanics for the game whereas an AI doesnt, humans know what is and isnt possible with the engine the game is in and the limitations that exist where as an AI doesnt.
You could argue "well the technology is not as advance and ChatGPT is not meant for stuff like this", but humans will produce more interesting things in less time with less effort than sorting through the results an AI generates; humans understand the nuances that AI will never understand.
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One of my pet peeves is the same as with Nemesis.
Why are vaccines used to cure? Vaccines are used for prevention. Also, plague vaccines are barely ever used, and only exist in a select few countries where there's a higher risk of plague, but they also seemingly aren't very potent. Plague is just treated with antibiotics these days.
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Why did my post send twice, Im just gonna edit this since seeing two of the same post is pointless.
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That is a fair point.
Also it would be fair to point out that antibiotics should be used sparingly to begin with since mutations that build resistance to antibiotics can occur.
It also bothers me when people fail to make the distinction between a virus/plague and the disease, since the diseases are the direct result of the initial virus infection, and while diseases can have the property of viruses (since they are heavily tied together), they are vastly different considering they are measuring the point of infection and it's effects on the body (e.g. viruses are when the first viral matter enters the body and leaves the body into a new host, while diseases are used to classify it's current state in a host and long term effects).
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Probably what Blight should have been.
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Antibiotics kind of have to be used for plague. It is highly lethal amd caused by Y. Pestis, a species of bacteria.
But yeah, I'm also annoyed by the distinction between diseases and pathogens not being made. People went through a pandemic and never learned that COVID-19 is a disease, not a virus, which is actually called SARS-CoV-2.
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Blight is fine the way he is.
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Double Doctor, Double Plague.
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From a gameplay perspective sure but lorewise pustula serum just being supernatural liquid crack was kind of disappointing.