dbd hot take

my hot take is that survivor speed is too fast. its not faster than killer though ofc but killers only being 15% faster? in my opinion this is what makes hold w so strong. killers are basically barley faster than survivors. (110% killers are worse)
I mean, with all the "hold W" perk around these days, I'd say that survivor are objectively faster.
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I mean a lot of tiles become unloopable if the survivors are slower (imagine if the killer had a perminent play with your food stack, or survivors had full Mastermind infection) so people would be encouraged to not use loops and hold w or pre drop pallets instead. Making survivors slower doesn't discourage holding W as much as it does looping so people would still do it as the perfered option.
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The games loops are designed around 100% vs 115% speeds. Changing that would be catastrophic, you would need to change so much in order to account for a change like that. Basically you will need to make another game
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Anything slower than 100% would make looping pretty unviable which would basically make holding w the on,y option. Just look at what wesker’s slowdown and bloodlust t1 can do at some loops for example
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I don’t agree that survivors are too fast, but I think it’s very reasonable to say that the age of the 110% killer should be over (with some obvious exceptions). Unless of course maps are standardised in size. Crossing huge maps as a 110 killer is painful and contributes to the three Gen strategy people like to moan about.
Also sometimes it seems like survivors are looping things so tightly that half their body disappears into the structure. I’ve definitely seen on Ormond survivors stepping on top of rocks as well.
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The difference in map traversal between 110% vs 115% is like 2 or 3 sec. And that's if we're talking going from one end of Azarov to the other.
It's in looping that there's a stark contrast.
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There is practically zero difference between 110 and 115 killers when it comes to map traversal
For a distance of 200 m a trapper would cross it in ~43.5 seconds and a huntress in ~45.5 seconds
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it doesnt discourage it but it makes it less strong. and im not saying lower the speed extremely. just to 95 or 90
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true. however in my case I am comparing survivor to killer speed
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Remove running from survivors
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trickster almost unplayable in my opinion because he's 110% but survivors definitely shouldn't be slower.
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why stop there. remove all survivors legs! put them in wheelchairs and make all the loops have ramps. still can spin in 360 too
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What makes holding W strong are huge maps. You can't hold W for too long on Coal Tower, but you can in Mother's Dwelling. If anything, making survivors slower would just kill the concept of looping and make them hold W even more.