Game Afoot and Dark devotion - Synergy lost from PTB

guardianpalenque Member Posts: 7
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

So, with the addition of Game Afoot to change obsessions on basic attacks, on the PTB it had a fun synergy with dark devotion- getting a hit on the most chased made them the obsession and gave you the dark devotion activation in the same swing.

However, with the change to Rancor to prevent being able to expose folks with no warning in endgame, the delayed effect of Game Afoot's obsession change removed this synergy entirely. You get the hit, they speed away and become the obsession, and you never get the undetectable until the second hit, requiring you to slug to get any value out of it.

While the Rancor change was an arguably justified change, IMO it shouldn't negatively effect other perks like this- I'm sure there's some way to prevent the Rancor instadown chain without breaking Dark devotion and other niche perk synergies.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,173

    Just use Nemesis in the build... it may sound dumb, but hear me out.

    Game Afoot is only as effective as your ability to swap the Obsession. Even though the perk itself does swap the Obsession, you need to actually hit them to get the 5% Haste effect. Using Nemesis swaps the Obsession upon being Pallet Stunned which perfectly fits the need for Game Afoot since you are going to be chasing Survivors and breaking Pallets anyways, it just always ensures the 5% Haste.

  • guardianpalenque
    guardianpalenque Member Posts: 7

    While true, I was mostly excited about the dark devotion-game afoot synergy for hit and run pseudo-stealth builds, rather than pure nemesis builds- and the PTB change collaterally kneecapped the synergy.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    They probably did it this way just to make it consistent at least (and the Rancor synergy was too strong). On the PTB it actually wasn’t even consistent. It worked with Rancor and Remember Me, allowing their effects to work on the hit that changed the obsession, but behaved the opposite way for STBFL; you would gain a stack (for a hit on a non-obsession) and then they became the obsession, which was not how it worked with the other aforementioned perks.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    Not the end of the world because I hate feeling like I have to drop chase to get Dark Devotion value. Just sucks to think of fun perk builds outside META and watch as "they" thought about your ideas and stepped on them like a beloved butterfly. Killers have to run Slowdown and be hated and that's freaking that!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    I really wish the perk was not an obsession perk. I said that in ptb. it would be better if it was perk was simple like following:

    Grants 5% haste effect for 8/9/10 seconds after damaging a generator or breaking a pallet.

    I would be more incline to run the perk. The change obsession aspect of the perk through basic attacks could be an entirely new perk in my opinion. perhaps the perk could small side effect that you can see obsession aura in small radius like 8 meters. Obsession mechanic is fascinating mechanic that is intriguing but I feel like its implementation of various perks generally leads the perk to be more of a horrendous drawback then anything positive.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Honestly I'm surprised they even let this perk get to live at all, ESPECIALLY knowing it can be used with rancor. Basically makes any killer tombstone Myers at endgame