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When is Iron Will gonna get buffed?



  • Member Posts: 828

    Being a David/ Feng enjoyer i miss old IW dearly but i think it had to go,,

  • Member Posts: 531

    I literally made a thread about it not too long, but Iron Will is still good and people who say otherwise have never given the perk a try and it shows. “It’s not good if it doesn’t make you completely silent.” “Just turn your headphones up to counter it.” Lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Ngl, I am actually quite happy that this is the case and the perk isn't any more popular

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited February 2023

    I think iron will is bugged for killer. I cannot hear any survivor sound even though the perk says it is 75%. it sounds like 100%.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    If they are crouching, then sound goes down even further. On already quiet survivors, for example Kate, Iron Will can seem almost like 100% when they're crouching.

  • Member Posts: 81

    buffed? HAHAHAHAHA

    you're funny.

    Just wait for the new survivor perks and all will be well! Who cares about some old crappy perk! We got a new chapter ahead of us! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Let's just forget about that Iron will perk! We'll just add them on to the list of all the crappy survivor perks we have! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    This is why ppl pick Ace or Ada, they're so much quiter by default. And with IW almost silent.

    Can't wait for that change.

  • Member Posts: 52

    After 3,150 hours in this game, destroying the Iron Will was the last step for me to end this game. On one hand I was quite sad, on the other? It gave me a chance to find new fun games that I'm glad for. :)

    In this game, it is quite important if you make a sound or not. There is nothing in between and I don't understand how "75% silence" can work at all? Let's see...the killer finds a survivor - the killer says "aaaah time to turn the volume up 75%" So Iron will be = absolutely useless.

    But Bhwr doesn't care about its "paying customers". Well, maybe they'll realize what they did wrong, but it'll probably be too late. According to Steamcharts, the peak players and average players in the game are dropping, most of the numbers are in the "red", so this game is slowly dying. And Bhwr has two options - fix what they broke or this game will be "dead by daylight".

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2023

    Yeah, that's pretty sad, nerfing perks because ppls play them and I rly don't get it. If Bhvr destroys one perk, ppls will be forced to change their playstyle (why do that when they already having fun playing with one)? And what will be the next step for Bhvr? Nerf another perks again "because they are played"? When will this end? When all perks be equal? I really don't get it. Their motto should be "Are you having fun? Dont worry, we will ruin your fun."

    You know there is some equation - If Bhvr nerf good perk = more losses for ppls = less fun = ppls quit = no money for Bhvr.

    So how "ruining fun for your paid customers" is it good for anyone???

    It's sad that the Bhvr nerf perks because of listening to some cryingnoob who dont know how to play the game (who will find another perk to cry about after the nerf) instead of listening to experienced, long time players.

    This game is already unplayable, but hey...David is gay now - that is most important. Right?

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Iron will was rightfully nerfed, it was way too strong, even i crutched on it, midwich door corners op

    But survivors shouldn't be able to fully remove one form of a killer's tracking permanently, that's just not balanced

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    It’s not a stamina mechanic it’s a static system. If you are not crouching you make max noise and if you are it’s about 50% less

    When running survivors have a seperate breathing sound which is much louder but this happens the instant you start running

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2023

    Oh but killer instict/aura reading perks (add ons) are not enough to find survivors ? Aura reading things are one of the biggest crutches killers have and how is that even balanced giving killers exact location of survivors? I hope they gut aura reading perks to no longer be stackable since they made it that endurance can no longer be stackable. Dont worry though before you say distortion I do run it which is sad as its my meta until maybe one day aura reading stuff gets gutted more.

    Post edited by lifeisstrange on
  • Member Posts: 3,108

    How is aura stacking and endurance stacking even comparable?

    One is info the other literally let survivors take like 5+ hits in a chase which was why it was gutted

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73
  • Member Posts: 266

    I agree with you but my only argument is that since the most common exhaustion perk people use is dead hard which is only useful when the killer knows exactly where you are anyway that would mean Iron will would almost always be active when needed for many players anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Iron Will shouldn’t have been nerfed. No one was even complaining about it. It was fairly common in builds, but not popular. Now it’s pretty much useless IMO.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Wrong. It was complaint about a lot, because it was VERY common pre-6.1, as many survivors loved to be basically undetectable once line of sight was broken. Taking one of the killers main means of detection away without any kind of setup or any kind balancing act was extremely powerful and frustrating to play against. Imagine if Blood Favor was not a hex perk, so it was always in effect once the killer smacked you and you could no longer use palettes. And one killer, Spirit, wasn't only effected in this way, the perk basically hardcountered her entire kit. Contrary to popular beliefe, not everything needs a counter, and sometimes you get lucky and your build is kinda the foil to your opponents one, but getting your power completely gutted by a very commen meta perk felt just aweful.

    IW is still very strong, as most survivors seem to have no idea how quiet -75% is, but at least it gives the killer a fighting chance and counters some of the most obnoxious "literally hiding under the killers nose" kinda plays, that shouldn´t work.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Can you guys reverse the nerf? It was fine before and was only changed because it had a high usage rate. It was highly used because the rest of the survivor perks are SO trash and terrible that they made iron will an appealing pick since it was a decent perk with no huge draw backs which it now has...remove the exhaustion part or make it 100% again and keep the exhaustion if it really needs a nerf but both were just overkill.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Iron will was my favorite perk and they just killed it, I can’t even pick my favorite characters like laurie anymore because they’re too loud. You can have DH, DS or any other meta perk just give us old iron will back. Stealth builds are useless without it too, they all relied on iron will.

    Each time you guys try to make the game more “balanced”, it loses more and more of its appeal. The matches turn into one big sweatfest and you lose more and more casual players.

    Was old hatch balanced? No, but finding a key in a chest and sneaking around the map to find the hatch with a random teammate following you are some of the best memories I have of this game. Same with tombstone myers, it keeps the game exciting. The moment you guys start treating this game like its a competitive game, it will die because the fun dies

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    And are you just gonna ignore that iw can’t be paired with sprint burst cause you are always exhausted we don’t want complete silence we just want a perk that works lol and no it makes Spirit so much harder to deal with and her directional audio is broken

  • Member Posts: 300

    Because there aura reading perks do not require much skill to be activate them, heck even some survivor actions causes the killer to see their aura which mean the survivor is doing the killers work lol. Common crutch being no where to hide where all it takes is a gen kick to get instant info with no cool down which ofc takes no skill at all. Oh there is still nurses calling one of the most irritating perks even though it was nerfed abit. For some reason imo distortion and shadow step is hardly meta and that causes nurses to be so powerful, the amount of times I get back a down so quickly as killer because all I have to do is twirl around and see some person trying to health in the corner only to be sucked upon. Even bite the bullet is fail vs nurses since even if your silent unless your running distortion or in shadow step killer know where you are with nurses.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Aura perks aren't problematic like endurance stacking was

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Oh. I had just posted about how long it had been since the devs mentioned adjusting Survivor volumes, and now I see this thread. It highlights the main problem imo, on why the IW situaion has understandably left a bad taste in people's mouths. "Yes, we realize this perk we're nerfing was also popular for correcting a glaring flaw in our character design. But don't worry, we'll look into fixing that. A year from now. Maybe. Have fun 'til then!"

    Your best bet, OP, might be the worst case scenario for the rest of us: BHVR decides to do another round of forced meta rotation, and they allow Iron Will to be 'in the rotation" for that round.

  • Member Posts: 300

    They always lie anyways first it was about adjusting char sounds of pain for all chars to make up iron will nerf =lie, next was addressing slugging with unbreakable base and was even tested in ptb 7+months= didnt get it and slugging is still so freaking annoying and disgusting, am so tired of these greedy killers slugging for 4k , if I play killer i dont care about the last survivor getting hatch, am fine with my 3 and frankly its fun to play a game of who finds the hatch first imo. Finally for boil over nerf = we are looking into how to make the wiggling more efficient= we have nerfed great wiggle skill check to no longer give a extra second off wiggling. Hey may as well delete the wiggle system cause even today I tried boil over and its so called wiggle fix for this new chaper Killer still walks to hook fine no problem. So yeah 3 false survivor promises.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Yeah I find playing my p100 Claire to be ridiculous because how loud she is. The killers find me on her all the time due to her sounds yet when I play Ada they can't find me.

    Either make the sounds all universally the same or put iron will back. It's just dumb how loud certain ones are.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Man people really liked that perk. Either it helped you stealth(the most boring gameplay for a killer to play against) or it helped you hold w from a mind game at a tile. I get it, I am a bill main. Characters can be loud and annoying, but you guys are being blinded to the fact the perk was op and unhealthy.

    DBD players just don't get it. Perks don't have to be all powerful for ever, killers don't have to be all powerful forever. The player base will benefit from frequent meta shake-ups. If all meta perks got the IW treatment and more perks were buffed up more then this game wouldn't be dead for me right now. DH and Pain res got a slap on the wrist, when if other perks could take their place they could have been gutted.

    I mean I get that dbd is the most competitive game most dbd players have every played, but things being rotated in and out of metas over years is a good thing that improves the longevity of the game. If you really want old IW + DH or either of them you simply want more power back even though they were hard over tuned. Most people don't really enjoy the same thing every game. Survivor side is at least a mix up of killers, but killer is just going against the same perks every single game on repeat. Most players aren't really that good so it just feels like your going against perks not even players at that point. In fact that's exactly how I felt in the months leading up to 6.1.0. Imagine if you had to go against legion every single game, how long until you got bored of it?

    I really thought the next meta shakeup after 6.1.0 would be in October or November since they mentioned frequent updates, how disappointed I am to find out it's a yearly occurrence.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited March 2023

    Iron Will got nerfed for a reason (imo 75% isn't even that bad). But OTR is the new Iron Will anyway.

    What they should do is make Ace and Ada louder, instead of making all other survivors quiter.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Honestly that was the change i was hoping for as well: 100% quiet at the cost of being permanently exhausted

    After the nerf I actually reconsidered how strong it actually was considering the absence of downside (except being injured), however this double nerf made it basically useless

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Yeah. This would also bring in more variety. I dont think that the pickrate of Iron Will would increase by much when it would reduce grunts of pain by 100% at the cost of being perma-exhausted, because I guess more people will use an Exhaustion-Perk over Iron Will. But some wont and so there would be a bit more variety.

    I also consider this a fair trade for the Killer. If a Survivor is silent once injured, you know that they dont have any Exhaustion-Perk, so no fear of DH or anything. And if they are not silent, you can track them and know that they will most likely have an Exhaustion-Perk.

    And when it comes to the Double-Nerf, IMO the 75% reduction is the bigger nerf. Because while it still is quite a lot of noise-reduction, it is not a complete noise-reduction, which means that if the Killer is using a Headset (which most, at least on PC, will do), it is pointless to use.

    In the end, it is up to BHVR if they want the Perk to be played or not. If it would make perma-exhausted for no grunts of pain, it would at least be worth consider running it with the downside to be locked out of the strongest Survivor-Perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Cant wait when all survivors will be as loud as Jeff and Jane

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    We were not addressing slugging with Unbreakable as basekit - this was a specific test on a PTB regarding the Finisher Mori, we stated very clearly at the time that this was not coming into the live game any time soon, if at all and that it was purely as a very early test. If you feel sluggling is a problem, then please make a thread giving your suggestions on how this situation can be resolved.

    Wiggling, survivors are meant to wiggle off very rarely and with the help of their team - you are not supposed to be able to wiggle off regularly on your own unless the killer has really messed up, so this is by design.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    You definitely have to find a sweet spot. I have my volume at 70% and a lot of times in chase you need higher volume in order to hear certain survivors and footsteps.

    Then other actions like kicking pallets or kicking generators or when the chase music kicks in for certain killers, it will start to deafen you and you have to turn down the volume.

    It sucks that audio is not uniform, and sometimes you need to turn it up to hear footsteps and survivors and then it’ll blow out your eardrums when you go and do an action like kick a pallet.

    I feel as though audio just needs a complete overhaul because it has been a mess for a long time. Things like silent slugs, survivors like Ada/Renato/Thalita being super quiet while Jane/Meg/Ash are uber loud, audio occlusion when it comes to generators in certain spots or footsteps behind walls being silent, and once it was so bad to the point where my entire game was dead silent and I heard no audio at all so I had to restart.

    Pls fix audio.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Ok but since 6.1 and up killer meta is the same. 90% Use nothing but full gen kick perks to this day and time. I see vast different builds in survivors but rarely killer. Though ow I say for a poor huntress had an all full aura build and I run distortion xd. Still though ye no killer variety. I just hope people dont groan about bite the bullet or parental, So fun to lose killer and start self healing with 0 sounds which in some way made it more op than iron will.

    I remember a spirit trying to phase back to an unhook i did and i was healing them with bullet and she phased past us lol.

    Anyways I already listed the 20+ ways people could find old iron will survivors, so what was the issue on those 20 things that can be used to find survivors. Killers like doc made iron will lol. I rather face a team using iron will over boons or proof thy self.

  • Member Posts: 592

    I will be okay with them making ada and all the other super quiet survivors louder, if they make claire, yui, leo, and etc quieter because as it stands now, claire is unplayable. She gets hit once and you can hear her on the other side of the map it is absurd she hasn't been fixed yet when she is a legendary skin.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I already said old IW was just at worst a 50/50 hold w to the next tile. The perk was ran as much as it was for a reason. Also killers have like 3 builds. One gen kick build, one slow down via pain res/dms for mobility killer and then heavy aura reading. Everything else is a meme except for a dedicated devour hope build that is risky. Out of those 4 builds how many killers can run something that's not the gen kick build and hope to succeed vs decent survivors? I despise the gen kick build but I understand why people run it.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Add an interval to the whining. There's no need for injuries to result in perpetual crying using the same three-second clip. Crying and whining should occur at set intervals.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Not for me. I sometimes can't use my headset, so began using Bloodhound which provides amazing tracking. People are often shocked that you find them hiding in a bush - totally silent with old IW - and don't expect it.

  • Member Posts: 300

    as P 100 leon main i still find it so stupid that claire/leon/jill is not even loud like that in their OWN GAMES even if they are in danger, the most they do is a big heavy breath, so for them to be this way its really stupid. Chris seem to be a moderate of not too loud or quiet, yet strangely ada/rebecca/sheva/carlos=is quiet lol

  • Member Posts: 300

    Thank you for pointing out 1 of the 20+ ways that people had a way to find old iron will survivors, I can tell you sound like a very fun and solid killer main and know how to track people with 0 problems unlike the other 99% who complaint about old iron will (Specially boring ez win no skill spirit mains)

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