Survivor Opinion | 3 Gen never bothered me. You know what bothers me...

The number of pallets has been lowered in games starting in 1.9.0.

The number of anti-loop killers.

and then this:

People sure do a lot of talking about how the game was made easier for survivors, but no one even notes hook closeness.

If I'm able to sabotage a hook, it should punish the killer because that means the whole time I've been sabotaging, a gen wasn't getting done. It's supposed to be back and forth.

Let's just not call the survivors the only cry babies :)

Punish both survivors and killers for being bested, not just one or the other.

The offering doesn't even help in some maps.


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    Long gone are the days where it was actually possible to wiggle off without outside help, where a killer mistake in pathing was easily punished. And honestly, it's for the best; the old hook spacing only worked because Survivors hadn't adopted bodyblocking yet. There are definitely rare spawns when hooks are just way too close to each other now, but they are indeed rare.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 322

    That just means that the survivors were good runners, which should be rewarded. Not punished.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 322

    This only makes sense for SWFs. This completely negates the possibility of running solo queue, because HARDLY will a solo queuer take a hit for someone or bodyblock.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited March 2023

    Your reward for running well is to buy time for your teammates to do gens and heal up while the killer's occupied. It's a direct transaction - the benefit you get is proportional to your skill and game knowledge versus the killer's skill and game knowledge, give or take the map and how your teammates have used its resources. It's one of the fairest and most dynamic parts of the game. "I ran well so the killer shouldn't be able to hook me when they finally down me" makes no sense, especially when the killer being unable to hook you on its own is a result of either terrible hook gen, dead zones, or survivors deliberately running to unhookable spots (usually with perks, though Midwich sometimes spawns them.)

    It sounds like you have unrealistic expectations for what's fair for survivors to achieve. If having one guy nearby was reliably enough to stop a hook, killers would end up four-man slugging just to be able to play.