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Killer main trying survivor.

moondos Member Posts: 13

Got about 700+ hours on killer and recently thought I should probably give survivor a go, here's what I have discovered.

  • It is SO much less stressful to play.
  • Interactions with other survivors has made me laugh heaps.
  • Doing your job as a survivor is easy and almost relaxing.
  • Looping killers is not difficult. Wasting 40-60 seconds of the killer's time is a little too easy.

Overall I think I've had more enjoyment playing survivor. Probably because I'm not having to tryhard and control 4 other players, just the one.

Nothing really beats the rush of beating a 4v1 but survivor is actually pretty fun.

Any other Killer mains find this to be true for them?


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946

    I have had a similar experience. My escape rate is pretty low, mostly because I couldn't care less if I get out myself. So I'll be the person to try and get the unhook in end game against a camping Bubba with NOED. However, to me playing survivor is pretty relaxing. I don't need to worry about something happening on the other side of the map and make decisions to leave a perfectly fine area because my time is limited.

    Windows of Opportunity helps me greatly in chase and Bond + Open Handed is enough for me to always know where I need to be. With the new HUD I can easily know when to break a potential 3 gen and when I need to go for an unhook. It's pretty nice. On top of that most of the time my team mates are somewhat competent and bring strong items.

    Playing survivor isn't easy but it's definitely less stressful and less frustrating than playing killer sometimes.

    Still, I like playing killer more. There are some killers that require a large amount of mechanical skill and that's what I enjoy the most.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,366

    For me it's the exact other way around. - I assume because I play killer a lot less than survivor by now.

    So, coming from playing killer a lot you do have quite a lot of game sense already and do know the maps and all kinds of things about the game as a 20-hour-or-so survivor that 20-hour-or-so-lobbies that only have those 20 hours total don't have. Play survivor for 700 hours, on a regular basis, and then see if you still have the same opinion.

    From what I can tell is that you eventually reach a point as killer where you see a bunch of BNP and you can tell survivors are either just d*ing around to have fun or go for max gen efficiency. Very little inbetween. - And you reach a point as surv where you can flip a coin whether the killer goes for tunneling/camping or full gen delay. Reaching that point as either killer or surv is not particularly fun.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,993

    If it's your first time playing survivor then you would be on a lower MMR bracket, so the killers probably feel a bit easier to compete with. But yeah, I'm a survivor main for a reason lol I enjoy killer every now and then but I definitely have to be in the mood as my brain requires a lot more constant engagement. I wouldn't say stressful, as I don't care if I win or lose, but i just need to be more switched on. As survivor, I'm much more switched off.

  • moondos
    moondos Member Posts: 13

    I think the biggest relief in playing survivor is that there are so much more survivor sided maps. It's weird to be relieved when I see cow shed / garden of joy / rpd and like 90% of the maps in the game.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited March 2023

    I've always found it to be the opposite. While killer can indeed be the more stressful role I tend to (maybe for that exact reason) play it far less seriously than I do Survivor. I probably have the most fun when I slap in my Stupid Freddy Build (Dark Devotion, Distressing, Infectious Fright, Monitor and Abuse) and get Infectious Fright to work or when I make plays with my oddball Stealth builds like managing a gen grab as the Doctor of all killers.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    Pretty much. Survivor is a way more relaxing experience. I do survivor when I wanna chill or I’m eating food. Ironically that’s also what can cause it to get boring though, little too chill. Also ironic but these are essentially the hardest matches you’ll get too as the higher mmr you go the easier it gets as your biggest downfall as survivor is your teammates which is more significant than the killer getting better. It’s basically the opposite of playing killer.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,361
    edited March 2023

    It's less stressful because you can just blame your teammates whenever you lose. It's all on you when you play killer since you're the entire team. All of the mistakes are yours and it's your fault when you lose. There are no excuses so you can't preserve your ego as well as you can when you're playing survivor. I have double the win rate on killer as I do on survivor (80% vs 40%) and I still find survivor less stressful. I go into most survivor games expecting to lose because of solo queue so there aren't really any expectations.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I have played both sides roughly equally for a while but when I started playing the game it was mostly as killer. Completely agree that playing survivor is far more relaxing. However, all it takes it a streak of bad solo q games with terrible teammates who go down immediately or refuse to touch gens to drive me back to killer

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited March 2023

    on the other side of the coin , it also comes with some problems.

    -your fun depends if people is capable enought to repair and not die withing 2 seconds of chase.

    -your teammates really want to escape? or they just want to bully the killer and die in the process?

    -if they arent average you will most likely are gonna have to babysis every of them or go for saves non-stop

    -if u want to escape for a challenge , it really becomes luck depending if the killer wants to hardcore kill you and your teammates might not be doing something productive instead they can be healing and hiding in corners untill they die.

    -if you get facecamped by a bubba , you are forced to be called "scumbag" if you decide to ######### or you waste 10 minutes of seeing everyone just leaving without you or dying trying to save you.

    both sides have some problems , unlike killer everything depends on you , if u want to tryhard you are just gonna be on a stressfull state of mind all the time.

    but if u dont care about survivor escaping just play chill but not dumb either , if you have to tunnel them do it , but dont be that guy that just wants to win with everysingle silly strat to do soo.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    Survivor for me is only fun when teammates don't go down 10 seconds into chase.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    Killer is more stressful usually but easier for me as I don't have to rely on my teammates and it's all about my skill and how well I do. I 3-4K most my games if I want (I have habit letting last 2 go sometimes) and bad games I usually still get 2K just with less hooks.

    On survivor I can't control the match like on killer I have to hope my teammates are at least half competent. Just my last game dregde tunneled me almost 10 minutes before he got me out and my teammates only managed to do 3 gens... 4th they just popped after my death most of the game only one survivor did gens...on killer I would never lose a game where I completely own the survivors. That game left me frustated not because I died not because I got tunneled but because how bad my teammates were.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    I did the same thing and started playing survivor about 1.5 months ago. I found that in the early days, it was basically stress free and easy as a solo. But once I got up to the high mmr bracket (whatever that is), it generally sucks most games unless you have teammates that stick to gens relentlessly - and don't 3 gen. The amount of tunneling/camping with 3/4 slowdowns is ridiculous. COB, Overcharge, DMS, PR, Deadlock, Jolt + No Way Out + NOED etc, leads to the majority of games having 1 person tunneled out at 5 gens and the game falls apart from there and/or a 3 gen situation that takes 15-30 minutes to break.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Survivor is really fun, sit on a gen, listen to music. Seeing the dumb stuff other survivors do. If you are with friends its even better as you try to coordinate your play or just try dumb stuff.

    It has frustration, but overall i find it way easier to do play survivor for longer periods of time rather than killer

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    How long have you played survivor? Right now things are still fresh and interesting for you. There are plenty of frustrations to playing survivor for you to discover.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Not really sure why you think sitting on a gen is fun? I sit on a gen because I have to progress the game, it's not fun holding a button and occasionally hitting another button lol

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yeah thats pretty much every killer mains experience, when they try survivor. Next thing you´ll notice is, that your teammates are a bigger threat than killers. Thats why many start to play with friends.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I don't think doing gen itself is fun. But i feel that because survivors have always their objectives and priorities always changing with match (do gen, take chase, mind game, heal, saving, taking protection hits, hexes...), i find it that with survivor you can have almost a narrative for each trial (calm moments doing gens, fun moments, tense moments, heartbeatting moments).

    Idk, i guess all those moments combined make for me playing survivor more fun, i never know how things will go.

    Idk, this imo. Hope that cleared things for you

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    That's interesting, I never thought about it like that but you are right. And the variety is definitely what makes it fun because the worst matches are always either when I'm being tunneled/camped the whole time or when I'm doing nothing but gens the whole time. A good match has some chases, some gen repairs, some stealth and some saves.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 469

    As a solo. Teammates disconnecting, killing themselves on hook, running away when I need a heal or generally not being efficient with their time is annoying.

    Yeah killer is more stressful but with enough experience not nearly as much as it once was. Once I iri 1 I kind of chill or play with a new killer so I'm not expecting to win all the time tbh.

    I sometimes play with an anti heal build to not worry so much about gens as it's a bit less demanding. It doesn't always work and I got moaned at for it but some people will moan if they lose regardless how.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    It has been my experience too, although I've started to play survivor about 300 to 400 hours in (I've past 3k)

    Survivor is more relaxing because most of the time, you do "nothing". There is barely anything to keep track of.

    I've found some killers more difficult to handle than others (for me Nurse is on the easy side and stealth are an issue but as killer I'm mostly Nurse so I know how she works)

    During my last match I was amazed at the amount of information available : it's better than when I play with my friends. Granted, my current team is very good, my good teams having given up on the game : one around Billy's nerf, the other with the boons (they were also playing both roles and got fed up).

    I can only imagine what a good team can do with that. Thankfully I'm not playing at the moment. I'm waiting for them to balance this a bit. Having to tunnel isn't fun.

    Hopefully it will not take too much time : the population has dropped about 35% since June, they are bound to react.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    That's just one reason to not be a side main...

    Continue to play both sides (whatever your preference is)

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 840

    I have 1000+ hours as solo queue survivor and it’s much more relaxing and less stressful than killer. I might not escape a bunch (maybe 50% of my games or so) but even when I lose I don’t feel like ######### the same way playing killer makes me feel.

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    If you stress, you're giving the game too much importance and it's on you not the role you're playing.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Ah sealclubbing, the good old days.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    Survivor’s always been easier and less stressful. Only time it sucks is if you get bad teammates or a massive sweat lord of a killer.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    Both roles are stressful for entirely different reasons. You just happen to have a leg up than who you are matched with because you have previous experience on killer so you know general counters and tricks. People love to larp and say survivor is always easy but it's not, especially solo q.

    Although I think it's funny when people say "I listen to music or do whatever when playing survivor" but I mean, I do that on killer too >.>

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,043

    The spectre of bully squads is always there, but the reason surv is less stressful is simply down to it being 4v1.

    As a surv, you are going to have whole chunks of the match where there is no direct pressure being applied to you, but to your teammates. Downtime as surv is chill af.

    As killer, unless they survs are abject potatoes, you have to be in "go" mode the entire match. No downtime.

    Of course there are going to be matches as a surv where you are facing a cracked Nurse or Blight, but outside of those, there's a lot of chilling out in game.

    Yeah, my first 700-800 hours of DBD I was a killer main. Trying surv was a revelation (I could actually relax while playing), and I have played more surv than killer since that time.

    But bear in mind that for you, surv is as easy as it is ever going to be right now; you're starting from the bottom of surv MMR, but bringing all those hours of game sense developed as a killer with you. Eventually SBMM will lock you in (do the degree that DBD's MMR ever does, anyway), and it will get harder. But it will always be less stressful than killer.

    But regardless of the role, what really determines how much the game stresses you out is how you define winning, and how much importance you place on meeting your win condition.

    For me, I am generally not caught up with that as much as most, but I do have a competitive streak and it's easier to let go of that as a surv, because I know I can't control my teammates. As killer, I feel like because I can't diffuse blame to any teammates, the outcome of the match is more reflective of my skill than it is as surv.

    Now I don't think anything in DBD requires much skill, and most of the game depends on MMR, RNG, and map balance (ha!), but I am still human and ego sneaks in where it shouldn't.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 900

    It's in the nature of the 4v1 mechanic, there will never be a way of making killer relaxing without completely breaking the game. It will always be a stressfull role because you have to think as killer as one side and 4 survivors as the other. You can balance it somehow so that both sides can be equally able to win any match, sure, but killer will never be relaxing in a way most killer players demanding it to be (so that they can just dive into any chase without having to worry about the others or multitasking -> this will always be an essential part of playing killer, because it's basically a time management game, not a horror game)