Ahh the salt
The community: we don’t want an anti-loop killer!
devs: ok
the community: we don’t want a gen defense killer!
devs: …
Seriously, what do you guys want as a killer? It seems the community is never satisfied.
I'm not defending the devs, and I can also agree that her 3 gen strat is pretty strong, but you have to see the hypocrisy here.
maybe a killer that is fun to play would be a good start. Tbh though its pretty obvious that they need to stop focusing on new killers and focus on new ways to play the game instead. The same gen format has gotten really old and stale and there's only so many ways you can make unique killers around the gen defense mode.
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I agree. In fact I believe that a lot of the older killers need reworks and some of the new ones. Maybe add a new status effect to make the current killers different from each other
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People want something that is interactive. Wesker and Blight have powers that work at loops but the survivors can actually do something about it. Knight and skull merchant force you to leave the loop unless your injured the skull merchant is just m1. The issue with so many killers in this game is that one side typically has hold on the reigns of the chase but never both. Killers that allow both parties to have interactive and skillful chases at the same time are going to be the most popular by default.
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It's only hypocrisy if you assume it's the same people complaining. I'm sure some of them are, but the community's not a monolith. You'll find many people who think one's fine but the other is the Worst Thing Ever, and plenty more who just don't care.
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More killers who actually have chase potential but the counter play isn’t just to hold W.
So killers like Wesker, Oni, Demo, Ghostface or Blight without busted add ons.
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The game is fine.
Balancing via weight of complaints on the forum is not okay.
But at its heart this isn't a bad game.
As for killers, I like them all, I wish they all had the same capabilities, but I'm starting to accept that, that might not be fair or fun for everyone.
Some Blight with OP add-ons will do
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The squeaky wheels gets the grease. People who don't like what's going on are going to be the one's complaining.
As @Laluzi said, it's only hypocrisy if you presume it's the same people. The community is not a monolith and the loudest voices at anyone time are not representative of what is good/bad. It's why discussion boards like this are great for talking out pros and cons of the game, but not a good place to look for overall feelings.
I don't mind the concept of strategic killers that play by staking out a portion of the map, but there needs to be some change in the mechanics that prevents games from extending into the 20+ minute mark.
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Players want a new mechanic. The drone minigame was a good start.
7 years of doing gens will annoy anyone.
last ACTUAL new mechanic was totems.
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Personally I'm fine with killers being different and having different play styles. As a killer main who plays every killer I enjoy playing different killer of ranging strengths. I honestly don't want every killer to be a blight or Wesker bc then they all would be the same and play the same. I mean I love Wesker but he gets boring to play after a while and his chase power is so similar to blight. I don't know I don't think we need to hold the devs to one type of killer or play style. If ppl don't like playing SM then they don't have to play her and if survivors don't like playing against her they can always DC. Seriously survivor will DC for any little thing anymore anyway. Even when I play Wesker (a killer ppl think is super fun to go against) I get multiple DCs.
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We have 31 killers now. I want them all to feel smooth, responsive and satisfying to play. I care more about that than a new killer, unless the new killer actually brings something interesting to the game.
There are a lot of outdated powers out there, some only need number tweaks to feel better to use.
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We don’t want antiloop in the sense of artist, knight, or now SM. It’s boring. As @Sava18 said, we want interactive killers like blight, wesker, oni, etc.
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I prefer the killers with macro gameplay. IE built in game slow down and map mobility type stuff. It allows survivors to have all those fun chases they like but it also gives the killer enough time to have them without costing him the entire game.
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i think that sums it down pretty good.
survs want fun chases and i get that most killers want that too but sinsce its not 1v1 the killer cant give the time for a fun run around the rock game.
the problem is just how the game is played at its core. survs need to do gens wich isnt fun at all the fun comes from interacting with the killer but only one can do this at a time. the other three sit around fixing gens. if you make gens take long enough so the killer can spend time for a fun fair chase three out of four survs will just look at a slogging slow bar filling up and i cant really come up with a good idea how to change that.
when i encounter a good looper i leave him the second i see he is good to find a better target because i cant spend the time for him. feels bad for me cause i need to leave my prey and look for another one and it feels bad for the surv that got up for a fun chase just to be left alone after one round around the loop
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New killer: The Entity
Start the match as a random killer. Hop into a locker to change which killer you're playing as, disarming any traps, portals, powers you had setup prior.
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That legit sounds pretty fun. Miserable, probably impossible to implement, but fun.
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What does a fun Killer play like to you?
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Chainsaw Nurse when?
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Exactly the point. I'm also going to add to this point rq to make it more accurate..
Community: We want fun, interactive killers with a decent ability and isn't horrible to play.
Devs: Releases Pinhead, Wesker, Blight, and ig Twins in a sense?
Community: Uses exactly those same killers for gen defense protocol/proxy camp simulator.
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Skull merchant is anti-loop though, it's just not good.
If you put your power at a loop, if the survivor stays they get exposed.
Same philosophy as Artist, same philosophy as Knight. (put power at loop for damage)