Practically no killer content since Wesker. Thanks BHVR.

The Knight is a snooze to play and the skull merchant may as well not exist. When are your plans for actual substantive content?
not liking a killer doesnt mean you arent getting content. we got 2 killers, 6 perks, 4 maps (two new, two remade) just cause it isnt good or you dont like it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist
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You know some people like knight and merchant right? Fair enough you you don’t but to say there’s been no content is just stupid
Not every killer has to be a wesker or blight clone
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Skull Merchant is now my main killer. I have loads of fun playing her. Just because you dislike it doesn't mean others do. There are over 30 killers to play right now. Feel free to pick one of them.
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Not every killer has to have no chase power or map mobility. BHVR keeps releasing killers that incentivize the worst aspects of the game such as tunneling and camping a 3 gen.
I am genuinely convinced that people say they like Skull Merchant are trolling. There's a reason the matchmaking incentive is still 100% killer despite a new chapter dropping...
Oh and also all of the perks they've released besides 2 are complete garbage. They also completely gutted several other perks along with the patch.
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Blasphemy, The knight actually does some work but you have to get used to playing him without just short throwing guards at every loop, which really isn’t effective. Also unfortunately you mostly need Map of the realm, but it’s either brown or yellow so you won’t ever lack one, and his other add ons aren’t all that impactful anyway.
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I like playing as The Knight and while I've only played as Skull Lady twice (since I'm on console so no PTB for me), I have enjoyed her so far.
You not liking the content being released doesn't mean content isn't being released...
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It's not killer design that incentivizes tunneling. It's the fact that killing a survivor early slows down progress way more than spreading hooks.
Skull Merchant could have nurse level of chase power and you'll still see tunneling, because it's simply the best way to win with how dbd is currently designed.
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I find the Skull Merchant kinda fun to play.
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Alternatively, just because you enjoy a very bad, awful killer doesn’t mean she doesn’t need changing. This game relies on its entire playerbase continuing to play, not just people who enjoy bad killers. The fact that I can effectively never play SM with a desire to win because my MMR is too high for her to win more than one in 6 games is utter junk. People call trapper weak, but my 4K rate with him compared to SM? lol are you kidding, single worst killer in the game, made worse by the fact we actually knew she would be even before the PTB on description alone.
Also she is definitely the reason scream perks for nerfed. 20 meters drone vs. 19 meter scream. What are the odds, right?
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I havent seen 1 yt video on her from the guys I watch. usually they all have videos out.
Otz, dowsey, zubat, scott ( except one talking about her ) even JRM.
I hope the anniversary is a big one.
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Well I can assure you I’m not trolling. Skull merchant is the most fun killer to play since pinhead for me
Not everyone is going to like every killer and that’s fine. I absolutely despise hag but I wouldn’t remove her just because I hate her
And yes the perks suck but is that a surprise? About 80% of new perks suck because the top 5 perks are just so much better
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Please elaborate why. They only thing they have going for them is their tracker which is pretty cool. Outside of that they're a snoozefest.
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I like set up killers. Setting up drones before hand and activating them to corral survivors into dead zones is fun. Her Add-ons are cool and she can run a variety of perks due to her being an M1 killer
Having constant info means I’m always in a chase which is where I get the most fun from. I hate stealth survivors since it’s just boring trying to find them and she removes that
Plus her weapon and audio design is cool (Though I wish she was more cybernetic)
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I want to add that a killer design has nothing to do with incentivizing tunneling. Every killer no matter if they are a nurse, blight, or sakuro can and will tunnel since it's the easiest and most cases the best way to win a lot of time. In fact, if you look at Wesker you could say he incentivizes tunneling based on your wording bc his power allows him to tunnel really easily. An infected survivor keeps 1/2 to 3/4s (I dont remember how much) of their infection after being unhooked. A Wesker can easily chase and wait out the little time it takes for the infection to get full again to down the unhook survivor. So you cant say SM and knight incentivize tunneling since all killers no matter their power can tunnel with ease.
As for camping 3 gens I think that more of the problem is with the current meta. 3 genning has always been a thing in dbd it just got worst thanks to kicking gen perks. She's good at it, yeah but to put all the blame on her or the knight's design is dumb. At end of the day this chapter isn't for you or the others who hate it. Not every killer going to be a home run. At this point, it's best to move on and wait for the next chapter in hopes it is more for you. SM will have her players even if it's a small number of players but I don't think no amount of complainants is going to force them to give her a complete rework right after a release. It could happen a year from now but for now, SM is here to stay like her or not.
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wait 3 months, play Alien chapter, Profit.
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How do u play her? Whats your build? Which strategy do u use? I try to not abandon her, but atm i can only see 3-gen-drone-camping. Id like to see more.
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I use to think that both Knight and Skull Merchant were bad at first too. But then later on both of them got buff. I hate to admit it but the buffs did make Knight better and Skull Merchant.
I should of not judged something so quickly. Well anyway my point is don’t judge a book by its cover. Since you may find you actually enjoy something about it. So yeah they’re both still a little bit bland but they’re also okay. I mean they could be better but worst too. So I will also say it’s okay to like and dislike different things. Everyone just has different tastes and that’s fine.
Forgot to add, I also agree that not every new Killer has to be Wesker, Blight, ect. Even though I like both of them but it’s also okay to have different and unique opinions too.
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Let's not bring up bp percentage as if that's a major thing to discuss. It's region based, not a 1 for 1 comparison of the people left in this game. If that's the case then the fact survivors had the incentive way more than killer would be concerning
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Well i really like Knight, its ok if people dont like all killers.
Not all killers are for everyone.
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Knight definitely felt like a learning curve. Now, post-buff. Really enjoying him.
He doesn't feel super strong but he does feel like a lot of fun. Often 3k but every so often its like.. yeah I lost cause he's not a top tier killer with mobility. Still unique and fun. Different kinds of plays.
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Matchmaking incentive is based on YOUR MMR to try and get more players in your range so it doesn't have to take from higher and lower ranges. So, just because Killer is +100 for you, doesn't mean it's +100 for me. In fact, just tonight as survivor i was getting +100 on survivor. I don't know or care what my MMR is, but... all I can say is that my MMR is apparently not in range of yours.
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Thus far I've only had survivors escape one game playing her and it was the first one I played. Sorry you don't have fun with her, but you don't get to just say you get to ruin mine because you dislike one of the 30+ killers. There are very few I enjoy playing regularly. Go back to Blight/Nurse.
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I can usually corner about a quarter of the smaller maps. I'm running Lightborn, Corrupt Intervention, Jolt, and Deadlock. Her brown addon, Ultrasonic Trap Speaker is disgusting. Anyone that disarms a drone, you know exactly where they are at all times, and all you have to do is make them vault the pallet themselves and it's usually a free hit as that addon breaks the pallet. Chases are rarely long enough to need to worry about someone finishing a gen inside the drone area and they redeploy nearly instantly. Only game I haven't 4k'd so far was the first one when I was trying to use her Game Afoot perk in a build.
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While I am certainly disappointed in the quality of the content we've received, saying that there hasn't been any is simply incorrect
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I'm having fun playing against her.
So, thanks for keeping on with that.
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Yeah no sorry, I'm having a blast with Skull Merchant.
It's a shame so many people use her for 3 genning when she's really fun to play normally.
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How does one "play her normally"?
I thought her 3-gen style WAS her normal gameplay
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No killer content since Wesker? Such a tragedy
Survivors have no new content for years except 3 undercooked non-exciting perks every chapter
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Talking about stuff like spacing your drones in a way you create a highway of undetectable. Zoning the survivors you chase into other survivors you know the location of so you can harrass multiple people at once. Dipping in and out of her undetectable status to catch people ofguard also can be pretty fun.
She's also really good at slugging for pressure. Being able to keep tabs on a slug while you chase another survivor and know when a third one is coming to pick the slug up is pretty good pressure for a m1 killer. And i know that slugging isn't exactly high on the survivors enjoyment list too but it beats 45 minute games
Sadly all those things require decision making and it's just not as easy as just putting up a 3 gen and wait untill the survivors bore themself to dead
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I’ve still yet to play against skull merchant. Kind of funny nobody is playing her in my MMR range.
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Really old DbD vets will remember, but she's basically OG Freddy. The concept and execution are very similar. And she works if you play her as OG Freddy. I find myself doing a lot of the same things I used to do with him and it works.
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In your opinion. I like playing Knight and Skull Merchant.
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Yeah i noticed the resemblance too.
Which is probably one of the reasons i'm enjoying her so much cause i used to main OG Freddy
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I think the issue is that you can do all of that WHILE performing the 3-gen strategy.
I don't see a way to encourage that style of play whilst also not making her stronger in a 3-gen
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Sadly visa versa i don't really see a way to nerf her 3 genning without handicapping her other playstyles
I think the whole 3 gen needs to be tackled from the base game as a whole and not from individual killers. Or else it's just going to be a recuring problem everytime a killer has a defensive play
Gen spawns so there isn't always a very easy 3 gen setup, gen perks need to go back to the Pop design where you have to earn it. CoB for example should only activate for one gen after hitting a survivor
Trick is going to be making such changes that punish heavy 3 genning without punishing people who take advantage of survivors who put themself in that situation
I wonder what they will do, does not look like there is a easy solution